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May 22 - Sunday
8:00 - 12:00
Millimeter-wave R&D; for 5G: Systems, Phased arrays, and Handset Transceivers
Kamran Entesari, Didier Belot, Huei Wang, Pierre Busson, Telesphor Kamgaing, Alberto Valdes Garcia
Organizer organization:
Texas A&M; Univ., CEA-LETI, National Taiwan Univ., STMicroelectronics, Intel Corp., IBM Research
Rapidly growing demand for broadband cellular data traffic is driving fifth generation (5G) standardization towards deployment by 2020. The anticipated key to enabling gigabit-per-second 5G speeds is mm-wave operation. Millimeter-wave bands offer 50 times the bandwidth available in existing RF bands but pose numerous technical challenges to the low-cost deployment of millimeter-wave solutions. U.S. regulators recently issued a notice of inquiry for provision of mobile services above 24 GHz. Additionally, reliable coverage over the typical 200 meter cell radius in non-line-of-sight dense urban conditions, and practical antenna array solutions for user equipment (UE) were both demonstrated at 28 GHz. High-volume implementation of the UE radio is also envisioned as multiple-element phased-array transceiver in silicon technologies. However, a great deal of discussion still surrounds how 5G standards and as a result their corresponding wireless accessories will evolve.
This workshop is focused on gathering a combination of academic and industry experts in mm-wave circuits and systems and antennas to discuss integrated circuit, system and antenna solutions to potential mm-wave front-ends for 5G standards. This workshop will present state-of-the-art research results in this area and ultimately help participants identify the enabling radio technologies for 5G cellular communications.
Presentations in this session
Large-Scale Silicon Phased Arrays for 5G Communication Systems
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego;
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego
This talk will present the detailed design and construction of large-scale phased arrays for 60 GHz 5G communications and their use in point-to-point re-configurable networks doing Gbps communications over large distances. To our knowledge, these are the largest phased array developed to date (256 elements) and work will be shown on 512 and 1024 element arrays. Different constellations up to 64QAM will be shown to be transmitted using these phased arrays and with low EVM.
5G - Towards 10s of Radios and 10s of Gb/s
Aleksandar Tasic, Qualcomm, Inc.;
Aleksandar Tasic, Qualcomm, Inc.
Receiver architectures and circuits for the 5G technologies will be reviewed in this presentation. Two possible architectural directions towards 5G are considered.
From the SNR point of view, we can think of the sensitivity radio (or the long-distance radio) as the one extreme, and the maximum throughput radio (or the short-distance radio) as another extreme.
From the technology point of view, we can think of the co-working cellular radio (or the 3G/4G/4G+ radio) as the one extreme, and the co-working connectivity-cellular radio (4G+/WLAN radio) as the another extreme.
All these cellular and connectivity technologies ‘speak’ different standardization languages, but from the RF IC design point of view there are many similarities that could be used to build a universal radio working across all the SNRs, distances, throughputs, and technologies from the very same circuits. In this presentation, the receiver architectures and circuits meeting this common goal of ‘all-in-1’ radio will be put up for a consideration.
An imaginary local very-high throughput personal network (radio-belt) is introduced as a vehicle to build a 5G system with a 10Gb/s data rate. Design trade-offs between different modulation schemes, bandwidths, bands, and MIMO and beamforming signal-processing techniques are discussed throughout the presentation and their impact on the 5G circuit and architecture design outlined.
Novel mmWave Communication Systems: From Highly-Digital Arrays to MIMO and Full-Duplex
Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia Univ.;
Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia Univ.
The 2000s saw the maturation of millimeter-wave silicon systems-on-chip (SoC) for short-range indoor high-data-rate applications. However, over the past few years, we have seen a growing interest in exploiting millimeter-wave spectrum for cellular mobile communications to satisfy the exponential increasing capacity demanded from next-generation (xG) communication networks. What technologies will such applications demand that have not already been demonstrated in silicon?
This talk will explore various directions that will be critical for cellular mobile communications - large-scale phased arrays, digital-intensive high-power transmitters as well as some emerging communication paradigms such as full-duplex and MIMO. We will discuss both system aspects as well as RFIC prototypes that exploit novel cross-layer co-design techniques to achieve state-of-the-art performance.
CMOS MM-wave Transceivers Towards 5G Cellular
Ken-ichi Okada, Tokyo Institute of Technology;
Ken-ichi Okada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
In this presentation, a CMOS millimeter-wave transceiver will be introduced for a 5G cellular communication. To realize 64QAM in a millimeter-wave transceiver, the requirements of RF front-end will be discussed especially about SNDR, image calibration, and phase noise with digitally-assisted calibration techniques.
Research Advances in Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits for 5G Applications
Wei Hong, Southeast Univ.;
Wei Hong, Southeast Univ.
In China, besides some candidate frequency bands bellow 15 GHz, the millimeter wave frequency bands of 30 GHz, 45 GHz and 80 GHz have also been considered as the candidate frequency bands for 5G wireless communications. In this talk, the research advances in 45GHz bands, including standardization, IC design and demo systems are reviewed.
Efficient and Scalable Millimeter-Wave Beamforming Architecture Using 0.13 µm SiGe BiCMOS ICs
Cagri Ulusoy, IHP Microelectronics;
Cagri Ulusoy, IHP Microelectronics
In this presentation, an efficient beamforming solution operating at 60 GHz enabled by a multi-chip implementation in SiGe BiCMOS technology will be described. The proposed solution is highly compact, and can be expanded in a modular fashion, making it suitable for backhaul communication as well as 5G access and industrial communication scenarios. The architecture makes use of multiple beamforming ICs, consisting of amplifiers and vector modulators, and a separate IQ modem chip which includes up and down converters controlled by an integrated PLL. The architecture can flexibly be adapted to different applications scenarios, as performance parameters can be adjusted through the number of beamforming ICs and panel size. As a final result, a very compact system solution is introduced including the frontend, as well as baseband components and supply generation.
Introduction and Usage of 5G Wireless Systems
Jan-Erik Thillberg, Ericsson;
Jan-Erik Thillberg, Ericsson
New functionality, higher frequencies and new use cases in 5G Wireless Systems are driving research to solve new challenges. This session will give an overview of 5G in general and new Radio Access technology in particular. Roadmap to commercial service including expected spectrum, standardization milestones, important demo events and targets for commercial introduction will be presented. Usage and examples of applications will also be covered. New features and functionality will be presented. Ericsson 5G test bed development and results of performed trials will be shown.
Millimeter wave access points and backhauling for 5G heterogeneous networks
Cedric Dehos, CEA-LETI;
Cedric Dehos, CEA-LETI
The exponential increase of mobile data traffic, driven by smartphone and tablets, requires disrupting approaches in the definition of the future 5G network. The trend is to reduce the network cell size and offload a great part of this traffic to small cell access points, optically or wirelessly linked together and backhauled to the core network. In this scope the huge frequency bands available at millimeter wave should be good candidates for opportunistic high data rate data transfer.
The latest breakthrough in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies are paving the way for the development of mmW devices at low cost for 5G small cells. Within this talk, an heterogeneous network infrastructure is proposed based on the superimposing of millimeter wave access point and backhaul to the former cellular infrastructure. A focus will be made on the tricky access point architecture and design, through the framework of the H2020 MiWaveS project.
Calibration and correction techniques for CMOS radios
Mohyee Mikhemar, Danielle Griffith
Organizer organization:
Broadcom Corp., Texas Instruments, Inc.
The state of the art CMOS radios make use of wide range of calibrations and correction techniques to meet their stringent performance and cost requirements. It is therefore critical for the RF CMOS designer to understand the potential and the limitations of the most common calibration and correction techniques. In most cases, these techniques can be used to compensate for device imperfections and random mismatches, which otherwise would require an over design in the Analog/RF domain. For example, the standard digital I/Q correction in receivers frees the designer from the burden of oversizing the analog/RF devices to reduce the effect of random mismatch. In the workshop, the most-common calibration and correction techniques for receivers, transmitters, PLLs, and Power amplifier will be presented.
Presentations in this session
Calibration Techniques for Reference Oscillators used in IoT
Danielle Griffith, Texas Instruments, Inc.;
Danielle Griffith, Texas Instruments, Inc.
The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) market requires radios that operate with very low average power consumption to support battery life measured in years, or even battery-free operation. At the same time, both low cost and small form factor designs are required to enable large market growth rates and a wide variety of applications. Oscillator calibration is a powerful technique that allows these goals to be met.
The radio in an IoT wireless node is typically aggressively duty-cycled to reduce average power consumption, waking only occasionally to send or receive data packets. To synchronize these data packets, a sleep timer is needed, which can be implemented as a low frequency crystal or integrated oscillator. The total system power is then limited by the sleep timer power and frequency stability. Calibration techniques to improve the frequency stability of a low frequency crystal oscillator are described, as well as techniques that allow the low frequency crystal oscillator to be replaced with an integrated oscillator to reduce the solution size. System level calculations will be shown to explain the design tradeoffs involved between energy required for calibration and energy used by the sleep timer itself.
The radio synthesizer requires a reference clock which is implemented with a crystal oscillator. In duty cycled systems with short data packet lengths, the crystal oscillator startup time can be a dominant contributor to average power consumption. The startup time can be reduced by injecting another tone from an integrated oscillator into the crystal. Calibration of the integrated oscillator is required for this technique to be effective. Also, the calibration that is performed to optimize frequency, amplitude, and phase noise of the crystal oscillator will be presented.
Practical correction and cancellation techniques in CMOS receivers and transmitters
Masoud Kahrizi, Broadcom Corp.;
Masoud Kahrizi, Broadcom Corp.
With the rapid development of wireless communication networks, it is expected that more complex CMOS radios supporting multi-band and multi-mode in 4G mobile systems will appear in the market. In addition, mmWave radio developments for mobile and backhaul applications are also accelerating. The expansion of circuit topologies and architectures that can be easily reconfigured while providing a near optimal trade-off between area, power, and performance trade is a key challenge. On the other side, the ongoing shrink in CMOS technology enables increased functionality in even smaller silicon area. However technology effects, including process and temperature variation, put stringent challenges on the design and have significant impact on the production yield.
The objective of this talk is to describe calibration techniques utilized in complex radio for 4G, and then extend to 5G radios. First we discuss the benefit and challenges of designing a multi-band, multi-mode radio. Then, we identify the key parameters and impairments which impose significant design overhead such as area, power, and performance. Next, we review different calibration techniques used to digitally assist the analog and RF blocks to meet the performance with minimum power and area penalty. Among them are: radio frequency response, receiver gain, DC offset, IQ gain and phase imbalance in receiver and transmitter, 2nd order inter-mod., output power, filter corner frequency. In the end, techniques extendable to carrier aggregated radio and 5G systems will be reviewed.
Calibration of CMOS mm-Wave Circuits using Self-Healing
Steven Bowers, Univ. of Virginia;
Steven Bowers, Univ. of Virginia
Sub-micron CMOS circuits experience increasing variability between devices and chips as the minimum feature size scales ever lower, necessitating advanced calibration techniques to correct for errors in process variation and temperature (PVT), especially early in a process node’s life cycle. mm-Wave circuits including power amplifiers (PAs) can be especially susceptible to these variations as they are critically dependent on the parameters of the active devices and metal stack. Self-healing is a method that can be used for this calibration by incorporating a digitally assisted feedback loop as a method for correcting for these sources of performance degradation as well as additional challenges posed by load impedance mismatch, transistor aging and modeling inaccuracies. This presentation will explore methods for implementing self-healing loops for calibration of mm-wave integrated circuits that can accurately sense the performance metrics of interest, and takes advantage of the vast computational power of advanced CMOS to correct any performance degradation using control knobs that create a sufficiently large actuation space.
Digitally Assisted Calibration and Correction of CMOS RF PLLs
Thomas Mayer, Intel Corp.;
Thomas Mayer, Intel Corp.
The possibilities of modern CMOS process technology lead to more extensive use of digital assistance for RF circuits. PLLs and especially digital PLLs are well suited for digital assistance as many crucial circuit parameters can be optimized greatly by means of calibration and digital correction mechanisms. This presentation will show techniques for digital assistance in oscillator band search, nonlinearity calibration and correction of modulation errors in phase modulated RF PLLs
8:00 - 17:00
How mm-wave systems reshape the future of telecom and sensing applications
Vito Giannini, Harish Krishnaswamy
Organizer organization:
Texas Instruments, Inc., Columbia Univ.
Due to high technology costs and limited integration capabilities, mm-wave systems have been mostly restricted to high-end markets. Today, however, we are witnessing a tipping point where both power consumption and cost can be lowered sufficiently to deploy economically viable solutions on a far larger scale. This workshop aims at showing the latest breakthroughs in millimeter-wave systems for mass-market applications. Thanks to these developments, the full potential of such mm-wave systems will become ever more apparent. The telecom industry will rely on mm-wave backhaul for transitioning to the so called 5G. The automotive industry is developing 77/79 GHz radar systems to boost road safety for all users. But millimeter-wave sensors are also applied in industrial, medical and home automation applications. Even consumer electronics will benefit from millimeter-wave technology to enable high-accuracy motion sensing.
Presentations in this session
Ubiquitous sensing with mm-Wave CMOS radars
Davide Guermandi, IMEC;
Davide Guermandi, IMEC
In the last 70 years radars evolved from large structures displaced along the southern coasts of England to relatively compact systems that are found today in high and middle range cars. The advancement in CMOS technology allowing operation at mm-Wave frequencies such as 77, 79 GHz or even higher, will further reduce cost and size of these devices in the coming years.
Thanks to the capability of accurately measure distance and speed of objects regardless of the ambient light and conditions, mm-wave CMOS radar technology will be a key player in improving road safety and collision avoidance. At the same time low cost and compact mm-wave CMOS radars will be extensively used in industrial environment and robotics, surveillance system, drones, and the smart homes of tomorrow where appliances will actively interact with users.
Highly Integrated mm-Wave Radar Transceiver Arrays
Brian Ginsburg, Texas Instruments, Inc.;
Brian Ginsburg, Texas Instruments, Inc.
The wide bandwidths, short wavelength, and diverse material interactions of mm-wave signals offer rich potential for sensing and imaging applications. These applications benefit from arrays of transceivers with high levels of synchronization, small form factor, low power dissipation, and efficient low frequency and RF interfaces. The challenges extend from the gain-limited front-end all the way through the signal processing backend. This talk will explore challenges and some solutions addressing the RF signal path, design methodology, antenna, baseband, timing control, and power management, specifically focusing on a 160GHz pulsed radar transceiver array demonstrator integrated in 65 nm CMOS.
Project Soli: mmWave radar for ubiquitous gesture sensing
Jaime Lien, Google, Inc.;
Jaime Lien, Google, Inc.
Google’s Project Soli is bringing millimeter-wave radars to everyday use as an inexpensive, robust and rich technology for fine human gesture sensing. Radio frequency waves have several attractive properties for tracking human interaction: the sensors do not depend on lighting, noise or atmospheric conditions; are extremely fast and highly precise; and can work through materials, which allows them to be easily embedded into devices and environments.
The novel sensing techniques we developed have enabled us to shrink the physical sensor, including circuitry and antennas, to a single chip, while robustly tracking and recognizing complex, fluid finger gestures at very close range with sub-millimeter accuracy. By capturing the sensitivity and precision of human hand movements in everyday user interfaces, scalable millimeter-wave technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.
Towards autonomic mmWave systems
Alberto Valdes-Garcia, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center;
Alberto Valdes-Garcia, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
In order to make the vision of ubiquitous mmWave systems for sensing and communications a reality, their test must become cost-effective and their calibration efficient in various environment conditions. This is challenging due to the high frequencies involved, increasingly high levels of complexity/integration, close interaction between circuits and packaging/antennas, and the inherent variability of the advanced silicon technologies employed. This presentation will first discuss recently developed techniques for the on-chip test and calibration of key performance metrics such as NF and output power at mmWave frequencies. And end-to-end approach is taken for these methods, considering modeling, statistical simulation, and the design of on-chip sensors and supporting infrastructure. Measurements results from CMOS implementations and in the presence of PVT variations are presented. Finally, this talk will address how these techniques can be applied to packaged transceivers and how they can evolve to ultimately realize mmWave systems with fully autonomic performance calibration/adaptation.
Cost effective mmW system development leveraging silicon and digital manufacturing technologies
Frederic Gianesello, STMicroelectronics;
Frederic Gianesello, STMicroelectronics
The rapid growth of wireless data drives new design challenges for RF chipset and handheld/mobile device manufacturers along with carriers. The massive data traffic to be supported by wireless networks requires the development of cost effective high speed and low power wireless link (both from end user and network side).
To address this challenge, millimeter wave technologies (WiGig standard at 60 GHz, backhauling in E band …) have emerged as promising solutions in order to offer multi gigabit per second data rate at low power. Moreover, the possibility to integrate those wireless systems using silicon based technologies (either CMOS or BiCMOS) enables to offer cost effective solutions required by both consumer and industrial markets (we can have in mind here the cost constraint related to the deployment of 5G heterogonous network).
But millimeter wave technologies do not only require cost effective RF ICs achieved in advanced silicon technologies, high performances and low cost packaging and antenna technologies are also key issues. This talk will try to illustrate how industrial organic packaging technology and digital manufacturing (for example 3D printing) technologies can help to develop innovative and cost effective mmw packages and antennas (in the 60 GHz – 140 GHz band) in order to address new wireless businesses challenges.
Material and Channel Measurements at mmWave Frequencies
Andrzej Partyka, Qualcomm, Inc.;
Andrzej Partyka, Qualcomm, Inc.
Channels measurements at mmWave frequencies are of great interest today as the industry is focusing attention to very high frequencies in search for more bandwidth, data rates and capacity. High frequencies 10-100GHz have great promise, but measurements are needed to understand propagation in different settings including indoor and outdoor, offices, urban, micro-urban, residential, shopping malls, etc. Qualcomm Technologies has been at the forefront of these activities and contributed significantly to understanding some unique characteristics of propagation at these high frequencies. Qualcomm Technologies measurements usually includes reference measurements at a low band (
Large Phased Arrays for 5G Communication Systems
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego;
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego
The construction of large phased arrays, composed of 64-256 elements, with relatively low-cost is one of the main problems of 5G systems. In this talk, we will present our effort in this area and show 64-256 element phased arrays operating at 60 GHz. This is done using highly complex and integrated silicon (SiGe) chips, capable of phase shifting and frequency translation functions, and operation up to 100C. Measured patterns and communication links capable of 2 Gbps (802.11ad) over hundreds of meters will be shown.
Reconfigurable millimeter-wave transmit-array antennas for backhaul/fronthaul applications in 5G mobile networks
Laurent Dussopt, CEA-LETI;
Laurent Dussopt, CEA-LETI
Cost-effective solutions for millimeter-wave communication and radar systems are emerging nowadays and will impact many sectors, including automotive, industrial and telecom applications. In particular, they will be a key enabler in future mobile networks to boost their capacity through a dense deployment of (small-)cells exploiting millimeter-wave radios for access both backhaul and fronthaul.
This talk will focus on high-gain millimeter-wave transmit-array antennas developed in the perspective of current and future backhaul/fronthaul applications. In addition to competitive performances in terms of efficiency, bandwidth, weight and cost, transmit-array antennas offer very interesting opportunities in terms of reconfigurability, enabling innovative functionalities such as fine beam-steering for self-alignment or interference mitigation, or wide angle beam-steering or multi-beam synthesis for point-to-multi-point applications. The presentation will include several examples in Ka, V and E band with state-of-the-art experimental results both from advanced research prototypes and mature industrial prototypes.
Advanced ICs and Systems for Wireless Charging and Energy Harvesting
Patrick Riehl, Kenjiro Nishikawa, David Wentzloff, Jenshan Lin
Organizer organization:
MediaTek, Inc., Kagoshima University, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Florida
Research into wireless power transfer has intensified in the past decade, with a wide spectrum of applications being addressed. Wireless power research spans many orders of magnitude of power (uW to kW), range (mm to km) and frequency (kHz to GHz). Although the basic principles of amplification, impedance matching and rectification have been well understood since Tesla’s time, a variety of new techniques are presently being developed to enhance the performance of wireless power transfer systems. In this interactive workshop, some of the leading researchers in the field will discuss the latest advancements in the campaign to free us from power cords, focusing on practical IC implementations.
For consumers, the most exciting everyday application of wireless power today is mobile phone charging. A wide range of consumer devices such as tablets, laptops and wearables are expected to follow the same trend. We will hear from industry researchers pushing the boundaries of performance in mobile device charging using the Qi, PMA and A4WP specifications. Other speakers will focus in on challenging problems in the area of mobile device charging such as adaptive impedance tuning and EMI suppression.
A related line of research deals with the problem of transmitting relatively low levels of power over large distance, or to inaccessible locations such as implantable devices. Energy harvesting circuits capture low levels of RF radiation to power the remote sensor nodes that will make up the Internet of Things. Expert presenters will cover the latest advancements towards efficiently extracting power from RF signals, including innovative rectifier designs and wave-shaping techniques.
Presentations in this session
Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Power Transmitters
Patrick Riehl, MediaTek, Inc.;
Patrick Riehl, MediaTek, Inc.
Wireless power transmitters convert DC power to AC at a specific operation frequency, but this is only one of many functions required in a standards-compliant transmitter. Power-level modulation, dc and ac current sensing, and in-band signal decoding are also required features, to name a few. Most or all of these features can be integrated into an application-specific IC to reduce the cost and size of the transmitter electronics. We will discuss the key elements of wireless power transmitters and how they can be integrated, comparing and contrasting the implementations across various industry standards. We will further highlight some of the challenges faced by transmitter IC designers in an environment where multiple evolving standards are relevant.
Considerations in the design of a Multi-Protocol Wireless Charging Receiver
Glenn Crosby, NXP Semiconductors;
Glenn Crosby, NXP Semiconductors
Presentation will discuss the issues and design considerations for implementing a Qi/PMA/A4WP wireless charging receiver.
Topics include coils and matching networks, synchronous rectification difficulties, over-voltage protection, efficiency, and EMI considerations.
Efficient and Adaptive Inductive Power Transmission and Management
Mehdi Kiani, Pennsylvania State Univ.;
Mehdi Kiani, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Wireless power transmission (WPT) via inductive coupling has a wide variety of applications, such as implantable medical devices (IMDs) that substitute sensory or motor modalities lost to an injury or a disease, or collect information from the nervous system and send outside of the body for further processing. Among popular examples of this group of IMDs are the cochlear implants, visual prostheses, and invasive brain-computer interfaces (iBCI). The use of WPT is expected to see an explosive growth over the next decade as engineers try to cut the last cord for recharging the batteries of mobile electronics, small home appliances, and electric vehicles. In this talk, two novel techniques will be presented for efficient and adaptive inductive power transmission and management. The first technique, called Q-modulation, is an adaptive scheme that offers on-the-fly load matching against a wide range of loading (RL) and coupling distance variations in inductive links to maintain optimal power transmission efficiency (PTE) at all times. It is particularly suitable for applications where the loading and position of the coils can vary, rendering the predefined impedance matching circuits suboptimal. In Q-modulation, the zero-crossings of the induced current in the receiver (Rx) LC-tank are detected and a low-loss switch chops the Rx LC-tank for part of the power carrier cycle to form a high-Q LC-tank and store the maximum energy, which is then transferred to RL by opening the switch. By adjusting the switching duty cycle, the loaded-Q of the Rx LC-tank can be dynamically modulated to compensate for variations in RL. The second technique, called automatic resonance tuning (ART), can compensate for any capacitive parasitic of the Rx LC-tank introduced by the tissue in IMDs or the presence of a conductive object in charging applications. In ART, an array of switched capacitors are locally swept across the Rx LC-tank until the maximum voltage is achieved. This ensures that the LC-tank is tuned to the power carrier frequency. A combination of Q-modulation and ART ensures that the Rx LC-tank is tuned at the optimal frequency and loaded with the optimal RL during operation.
A Smart Wirelessly Powered HomeCage for Long-Term High Throughput Behavioral Experiments
Maysam Ghovanloo, Georgia Institute of Technology;
Maysam Ghovanloo, Georgia Institute of Technology
In this talk I will provide an overview of various technologies that are currently under development for wirelessly powering scientific instruments implanted or attached to small freely behaving animal subjects to collect a variety of electrophysiology parameter, apply stimuli, or deliver drugs for scientific research, medical device evaluation and testing of new medications. In many of these experiments, particularly those that are related to the animal behavior, it is important to create an enriched environment for the animal subjects in order to minimize bias. Therefore, eliminating tethers or bulky battery-powered devices that may otherwise be needed would be necessary.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Issues on Wireless Charging
Seungyoung Ahn, KAIST;
Seungyoung Ahn, KAIST
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is one of the most promising technologies with huge market impacts, and the commercialization progress of the mobile devices and electric vehicles using WPT technology are being accelerated.
However, when more and more WPT systems are developed, the concerns on the electromagnetic interference to other electronic devices or human bodies are consequently increasing, because the WPT system is designed to transfer high power rather than small communication signal. Therefore, the interests on the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues for WPT systems are also increasing in standardization and product development.
In this talk, the EMC issues for the magnetic resonant WPT system in kHz and MHz range is discussed. Although the researches on the EMC solutions for general electronic systems have been done for decades, more effective methods are necessary for this low-frequency high-power system applications. The recent advances in electromagnetic field reduction are introduced. The magnetic field shaping, active/passive/reactive shielding, and filtering techniques are investigated, as well as traditional electromagnetic interference reduction methods, for wireless charging of mobile devices.
High Efficient rectennas with high impedance antennas
Kenji Itoh, Kanazawa Institute of Technology;
Kenji Itoh, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
This presentation demonstrates the high efficient rectenna topologis with high impedance antennas and their implementations in 500MHz and 2.4GHz bands.
The 2.4GHz band recttenna is consisting of the bridge type rectifier that realizes full-wave-rectification without large sized filters.By employing the topology, further downsizing and integration can be achieved easily. High impedance operation with the folded dipole antenna with a 470O is employed to improve the rectification efficiency. 80% efficiency can be achieved. This value is the top-level performance with the commercial-based Si-SBD. Also the size of the 2.4GHz band rectifier is 4.5mm × 4.8mm that is the smallest implementation than the past works.
he 500MHz band low power rectenna is consisting of the Cockcroft-Walton type rectifier that can achieve the high output DC voltage with the low input power. To improve the rectification efficiency, the folded dipole antenna with a 1.6kO impedance is employed for achieving the high RF voltage fed to the rectifier. The developed rectenna achieves the output DC voltage of 0.41V and the rectification efficiency of 43.1% at -14.9dBm.
Adaptive Threshold-Voltage Compensated RF Energy Harvester
Kambiz Moez, Univ. of Alberta;
Zohaib Hameed, 3M;
Kambiz Moez, Zohaib Hameed, Univ. of Alberta, 3M
The vision of realizing the Internet of Things (IoT) pervasively connecting large number of sensors and devices requires development of novel solutions for supplying the energy required for the operation of these devices. RF energy harvesting is considered as a cost-effective solution for powering up low-power wireless sensors eliminating the need of on-board batteries. The major challenge of scavenging RF energy is the limited signal strength of the RF waves and the low efficiency of the harvesting circuit at low input power further limiting the amount of energy harvested. While many device and circuit techniques have been suggested to improve the efficiency of RF-to-DC power converters, the fundamental trade-off between low threshold voltage and high leakage current prevents these converters to achieve high power conversion efficiency. To further improve the efficiency of these converters, we propose an adaptive threshold-compensated RF-DC power converter that uses minimal additional circuitry to increase the threshold-voltage compensation of forward-biased transistors and decreases the compensation voltage of reverse-biased transistor thereby adaptively increasing the forward-current and reducing the reverse leakage current.
Theoretical Energy-Conversion Efficiency for Energy- Harvesting Circuits Under Power-Optimized Waveform Excitation
Christopher Valenta, Georgia Institute of Technology;
Christopher Valenta, Georgia Institute of Technology
Closed-form equations have been developed that calculate the maximum output power and energy-conversion efficiency for an energy-harvesting circuit under power-optimized waveform excitation. The theoretical model predicts how signals with high peak-to-average power ratios increase the output power available at low input powers and decrease the maximum energy-conversion efficiency at high input powers. The model shows agreement to within 0.7 dB with ideal simulated components. Additionally, the model provides a theoretical bound for a realized microwave energy-harvesting circuit prototyped at 5.8 GHz.
Millimeter-wave Power Harvesting: From CMOS Circuits to Diode Platforms
Ke Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal;
Simon Hemour, École Polytechnique de Montréal;
Pascal Burasa, École Polytechnique de Montréal;
Ke Wu, Simon Hemour, Pascal Burasa, École Polytechnique de Montréal
This presentation reviews and summarizes the state-of-the-art development in the wireless power harvesting at millimeter-wave frequencies. To begin with, CMOS techniques are shown in the design and development of self-powered active tags at 35 GHz and beyond for integrated millimeter-wave identification (MMID), tracking and positioning applications. A number of innovative architectures and circuit examples are discussed with simulated and measured results. Then, millimeter-wave harvesting techniques are further presented through the use of various diode techniques with the demonstration of practical examples up to 94 GHz. Future R&D; directions for millimeter-wave power harvesting are pointed out.
Microwave and mm-Wave Near-Field and Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer
Ali Niknejad, Univ. of California, Berkeley;
Ali Niknejad, Univ. of California, Berkeley
This walk will highlight design challenges in powering small chip scale devices with wireless power transfer. Two application drivers will be presented, including a wireless-powered pad-less single-chip radio is implemented in 65 nm CMOS for applications in Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless tagging of integrated circuit packages. This first example is a fully-self-sufficient mm-wave radio has no pads or external components (e.g., power supply), and the entire radio is a single chip with dimensions of 3.7 mm by 1.2 mm. To provide multi-access, and to mitigate interference, it uses two separate mm-wave bands for RX/TX and integrates both antennas to provide a measured communication range of 50 cm. The transmitter uses a modified Multipulse Pulse Position Modulation (MPPM) with 2 GHz of bandwidth on a 60 GHz carrier to communicate the data sequence as well as the local timing reference. The entire system operates with standby harvested power below 1.5 µW and achieves an aggregate data rate > 12 Mbps. The second example will highlight inductive power transfer to an extremely small 100µm by 100µm tag implemented in CMOS technology. Such a tag is small enough that it can be embedded into the package of other integrated circuits. Power transfer and communication using mm-waves in the near-field will be discussed to deliver 100µW of active power to the tag.
Frequency synthesizers of multi-band, multi-standard radios and Internet of Things (IoT)
Jaber Khoja, Stefano Pellerano, Danielle Griffith
Organizer organization:
Consultant, Intel Corp., Texas Instruments, Inc.
A frequency synthesizer capable of generating LO with a wide frequency range is essential for multi-band, multi-standard radios. For simultaneously working radios in multi-bands and carrier aggregations radios, multiple LOs and synthesizers are needed for them to co-exist in a single radio. This workshop will discuss topics like wide range VCO design, frequency planning for multiple LO supports, along with wide range and power efficient LO distribution.
The workshop will continue by introducing the fundamental concepts of oscillator synchronization, the theoretical models which allow us to predict phase noise and lock range of such circuits, and the applications of these concepts to multi-band and multi-standard SOC radios. The workshop will then move onto the practical issues arising from unwanted coupling between oscillators and, in general, among multiple on-chip frequency synthesizers. It would include discussion on the effect of strong coupling from power amplifiers on frequency pulling and frequency locking of frequency synthesizers in multi-bands and carrier aggregations radios. The most recent methods to counteract the negative effects of coupling will be reviewed.
The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) market requires radios that operate with very low average power consumption to enable battery life measured in years, or even battery-free operation. This workshop will introduce seven types of oscillators used in these IoT radios, explaining how the low power requirements influence the oscillator architecture, design, and performance targets. This would include an explanation of concepts such as duty-cycling to reduce power consumption, benefits of efficient sleep timers, and standard IoT applications.
Presentations in this session
How to Improve Frequency Synthesizers Efficiency Using Sub-Harmonic Injection Locking
Salvatore Levantino, Politecnico di Milano;
Salvatore Levantino, Politecnico di Milano
Typical frequency synthesizers based on phase-locked loops suffer from a tight trade-off between integrated phase noise and power dissipation. This compromise poses a severe limitation to the realization of ultra-low-power local oscillators for Internet-of-Things applications. To break this trade-off, several recent works leverage sub-harmonic injection locking to widen the phase-noise filtering bandwidth of a phase-locked loop, and reach lower phase noise at same power. In this talk, the two main architectures implementing this concept, such as the injection-locking-based phase-locked loop and the multiplying delay-locked loop, will be reviewed. A novel theoretical model based on the phase-domain response will allow us to compute phase noise and lock range of such circuits. Then, we will move to discuss the most recent advances in the design of CMOS multiplying delay-locked loops, and show how to achieve fractional-N resolution, and how to automatically calibrate the phase-detector offset that is source of large reference spurs.
Integrated Harmonic Oscillators
Pietro Andreani, Lund Univ.;
Pietro Andreani, Lund Univ.
The harmonic oscillator is a truly fundamental block in any radio, and its performance in terms of phase noise and frequency range often determines the quality of the whole radio transmit-ter/receiver. The goal of this talk is to clarify the phase-noise and tuning-range capabilities of a harmonic oscilla¬tor integrated in a silicon (and particularly CMOS) technology.
We will start by reviewing a rigorous, yet intuitive, time-variant theory of phase noise and its application to the most popular harmonic oscillator topologies, capturing the complex behavior of noise conversion into phase noise, primarily with respect to the impact of thermal noise sources. Thereafter, we will examine various approaches to achieve a very wide frequency tuning range, preferably in excess of one octave, focusing on CMOS designs. Abundant examples from the state-of-the-art will support the theoretical analysis.
A Low-Power Low-Complexity Multi-Standard Digital Receiver for Joint Clock Recovery and Carrier Frequency Offset Calibration
Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen Univ.;
Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen Univ.
IoT and CPS are describing a variety of wireless applications, which cannot be served by single radio standard as there are divergent requirements with regard to power consumption, data rate, range, security, robustness etc.. ZigBee, Bluetooth as well as IEEE 802.15.4 in different flavors are used today for short range wireless communication, where new standard serving specific needs like IEEE 802.11.ah and LoRa are emerging. Multi-standard multi-band radios will be required to enable flexible terminals, sensor nodes and gateway, which either can be integrated into networks of the mentioned standards or connect sensors of different standards as a gateway. The talk will review the system requirements of the different standards in order to define a multi-standard multi-band radio architecture suited for SoC integration. Results of multi-standard multi-band transceivers in 130nm CMOS will be presented.
Designing RF Frequency Synthesizers Robust to Interference
Robert Bogdan Staszewski, Univ. College Dublin;
Robert Bogdan Staszewski, Univ. College Dublin
Designing an RF frequency synthesizer that functions well in a larger radio IC or, nowadays, a multi-radio system on a single IC chip, is extremely challenging due to many possible aggressor and victim roles that the synthesizer can unwillingly engage in. In this talk, we examine various coupling paths through which an RF oscillator, being the most sensitive circuitry in the entire radio, can be disturbed. We then investigate possible system-level solutions, chiefly via frequency planning, such as fractional frequency division, that can put the oscillator out of reach to the aggressor’s harmonics. For systems unable to exploit the fractional dividers, we also offer time-domain solutions in which the aggressor phase would be aligned to minimize the interference. Finally, we offer circuit-level solution to minimize the oscillators sensitivity.
Understanding VCO pulling and its mitigation in wireless transceivers
Ahmad Mirzaei, Broadcom Corp.;
Ahmad Mirzaei, Broadcom Corp.
The VCO unwanted pulling has been historically a major issue in wireless systems and particularly in direct-conversion transmitters. Despite versatility, direct conversion transmitters suffer from the local oscillator disturbance by the PA through unwanted couplings. This often leads to a drastic degradation of EVM and emission mask. To alleviate this, time-consuming and often unpredictable optimization of floor plan, package, and PCB is required to maximize the isolation between the PA and the VCO. Moreover, in many modern radios it is common to have more than one VCO on chip to support various features such as FDD, carrier aggregation, or coexistence, further exacerbating the problem through multiple VCOs cross-coupling. To address these concerns a new calibration scheme is proposed that corrects any pulling effect regardless of its source or magnitude. The proposed calibration deals with the pulling issue through system level, rather than minimizing sources of pulling as is commonly done.
Oscillator design for IoT applications
Danielle Griffith, Texas Instruments, Inc.;
Danielle Griffith, Texas Instruments, Inc.
In 2015, there were 5 billion connected IoT devices, and this number will soon exceed the number of cellular handsets in use. The design targets posed by low power IoT standards with duty-cycled operation such as Bluetooth Low Energy and 802.15.4 are different from those posed by the cellular or WiFi market, requiring an intense focus on low peak and average power, fast start-up time, and minimum form factor. This talk will describe several solutions to the oscillator design challenges that have helped to enable today’s low power, small size, and low cost wireless sensors nodes including accurate yet low power synchronization clocks, fast startup for the RF synthesizer reference oscillator, and low power RF VCOs. At the end, attendees will have a solid overview of the oscillator circuit innovation needed to help drive the market growth to 25+ billion connected devices that is predicted within the next five years.
Fast-locking Techniques for Phase-locked Loops
Tsung-Hsien Lin, National Taiwan Univ.;
Tsung-Hsien Lin, National Taiwan Univ.
A phase-locked loop (PLL) based frequency synthesizer is adopted in various systems. In a PLL design, other than demanding good signal purity (i.e. low phase noise and low spurs), locking speed is also an important requirement. In circuits for IoT, energy consumption is a primary design consideration. By shorting the lock time, a fast-locking PLL reduces energy waste by minimizing the energy consumption during the settling process, which is a desired attribute for an IoT system.
A PLL requires a certain amount of time for the loop to settle and acquire phase/frequency lock. This settling time is determined by the loop characteristics and is inversely proportional to the loop bandwidth. To shorten the locking time of a PLL, the most straightforward solution is to widen its loop bandwidth. However, some aspects of noise and reference spur performance are comprised. In this talk, several techniques to shorten the locking times will be presented.
e-Health: Implantable Systems and Communications in the Human Body
Amin Arbabian, Francois Rivet
Organizer organization:
Stanford Univ., Univ. of Bordeaux
This workshop aims to provide an overview of various in-body electronic systems, from applications to devices, with an emphasis on new technologies and emerging applications. Experts will discuss topics related to medical applications of implantable systems, device technologies to enable safe and long-term use of these technologies, in-body communication schemes and related tradeoffs, energy harvesting in the body, sensing and stimulation mechanisms for closed-loop operation, and future directions in the field. Various technological and legal questions are raised and the role of electronics and communication capabilities are assessed.
Presentations in this session
Advanced Implantable Neuromodulation Systems
Kevin Kilgore, Case Western Reserve Univ.;
Kevin Kilgore, Case Western Reserve Univ.
Active implantable medical devices utilize systems of activating and sensing components to reverse the effects of disease and disability. Until recently, these systems typically involved a single primary implanted enclosure that incorporated all of the processing and sensor capabilities. However, it is frequently necessary to sense and control disparate regions of the body, necessitating novel concepts in the architecture of implantable systems. One system being developed, the Networked Neuroprosthetic (NNP) System, consists of a network of implantable modules that can be distributed throughout the body. The NNP System is capable of meeting the technical requirements of a wide variety of clinical applications involving activation, sensing, and closed-loop control. The first application of the NNP System is as a neuroprosthetic system providing electrical activation of paralyzed muscles in individuals with spinal cord injury. Future targeted applications include systems for control of motor function in stroke and systems to alleviate chronic pain. The modular implantable concept provides a platform upon which clinical applications can be developed for a multitude of neurological disorders.
Capsule Endoscope Ultrasound Imaging
Pierre Khuri-Yakub, Stanford Univ.;
Pierre Khuri-Yakub, Stanford Univ.
This talk will present the development of an ultrasound pill camera for imaging the digestive track. Simulation of b-mode imaging of the small intestine showed that a rotating sub-array of 16 elements in a 128 elements array, operating at 5 MHz, wrapped around a 1 cm pill, and with a fixed focus on transmit and receive with an F-number = 4, provides images with good diagnostic value. First, we will describe the design, fabrication, and integration of a flexible 128 elements capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer (CMUT) array on a flexible printed circuit board. Next, we will describe the development of an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and a wireless transmitter, responsible for the ultrasound imaging functions (beam forming on transmit and receive, time gain control, and analog to digital conversion) and beam formed image transmission. The predicted lifetime of the pill cam is eight hours at a frame rate of 4 b-mode images per second.
Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Animals with Retinal Degeneration
Daniel Palanker, Stanford Univ.;
Daniel Palanker, Stanford Univ.
Retinal degenerative diseases lead to blindness due to loss of the “image capturing” photoreceptors, while neurons in the “image-processing” inner retinal layers are relatively well preserved. Information can be reintroduced into the visual system using electrical stimulation of the surviving inner retinal neurons. Some electronic retinal prosthetic systems have been already tested in human patients and approved for clinical use, but they are limited by very low resolution and very difficult implantation procedures.
We developed a photovoltaic subretinal prosthesis which converts light into pulsed electric current, stimulating the nearby inner retinal neurons. Visual information is projected onto the retina by video goggles using pulsed near-infrared (~900nm) light. This design avoids the use of bulky electronics and wiring, thereby greatly reducing the surgical complexity. Optical activation of the photovoltaic pixels allows scaling the implants to thousands of electrodes, and multiple modules can be tiled under the retina to expand the visual field.
We found that similarly to normal vision, retinal response to prosthetic stimulation exhibits flicker fusion at high frequencies (>20 Hz), adaptation to static images, and non-linear summation of subunits in the receptive fields. Photovoltaic arrays with 70µm pixels restored visual acuity up to a single pixel width, which is only two times lower than natural acuity in these animals. If these results translate to human retina, such implants could restore visual acuity up to 20/250. With eye scanning and perceptual learning, human patients might even cross the 20/200 threshold of legal blindness. Ease of implantation and tiling of these wireless modules to cover a large visual field, combined with high resolution opens the door to highly functional restoration of sight.
Brain Stethoscope: A tool for listening to the tone of the human brain
Josef Parvizi, Stanford Univ.;
Josef Parvizi, Stanford Univ.
We have developed a novel wearable device, the Brain Stethoscope, for fast and accurate detection of brain rhythms by turning brain electrical activity into sound. The Brain Stethoscope is a self-contained, affordable, point-of-care device for detection of abnormal brain waves within seconds especially for those with no clinical signs. The device transforms EEG (electroencephalography; brain waves) signal in real-time to easily interpretable sounds. It consists of scalp electrodes, connected to a small circuit board containing an analog amplifier, analog-to-digital converter, a wireless transmitter, and a rechargeable battery. The digitized EEG signal is transmitted and stored in an encrypted format. The raw and unfiltered signal can then be transformed into a synthetic voice using a patented sonification algorithm. The device requires minimal training for set up and interpretation, and can be used by both healthcare professionals and non-expert caretakers. Our research has validated that sonified brain signals can be used to detect seizures with very high sensitivity and specificity (~90%). The Brain Stethoscope offers the advantages of simple, fast, easy, and real-time detection of seizures as an alternative to time consuming, labor intensive, and expensive conventional EEG recording. The Brain Stethoscope will help patients, caregivers, and health care providers improve epilepsy care while potentially saving millions of dollars in health care costs. The device can be used in any setting including hospitals, clinics, home, and is especially attractive to those with limited resources.
Optimizing devices and processing at the bio-electronic interface
Sylvie Renaud, Bordeaux Institute of Technology;
Sylvie Renaud, Bordeaux Institute of Technology
Electronic devices for implants face specific challenges related to the biomedical context. We present state-of-the art and advanced IC architectures addressing these challenges for biosignal recording, processing and control: low S/N and low-frequency signals, multiple sources, safety, adaptability, signature identification, electrodes matching, data compression, data transmission. Key issues related to neural and cardiac implants are presented. Recent advance on the electronic artificial pancreas are presente
Ultrasonically Powered mm-Sized Implantable Devices With Applications in Closed-Loop Neuromodulation
Amin Arbabian, Stanford Univ.;
Amin Arbabian, Stanford Univ.
Today’s commercial implantable medical devices (IMDs) such as the pacemaker, deep brain neurostimulators and peripheral nerve stimulators are bulky and invasive due to the use of batteries and wired interfaces. Wireless powering and extensive miniaturization of these implants is crucial for making them minimally invasive and eliminating discomfort and the risk of infection for patients. Providing high power levels to miniature implants located deep inside the body is a big technological challenge. In addition, a robust, bi-directional data communication link with the IMD is essential for most applications. Conventional techniques for wireless power transfer, such as inductive coupling and RF far-field power transfer, are inadequate for transferring high power levels to miniature, deep-tissue implants. We use ultrasound for power transfer since it has wavelengths comparable to the size of the implant, which enables focusing of the energy at the implant, leading to a higher link efficiency and lower heating in surrounding tissue as compared to RF powering techniques. It is also feasible to design piezoelectric receivers with a favorable impedance profile, to allow for more efficient power recovery, as compared to electrically small antennas. In this talk we will describe the design of a platform implant technology based on ultrasonic power delivery. An overview of recently designed systems together with measurement results will also be provided.
Intra-Body Communications - Radio-Frequency versus Ultrasonic
Yann Deval, Univ. of Bordeaux;
Yann Deval, Univ. of Bordeaux
Ultrasonics has been used in a number of biomedical and civil application ranging from medical ultrasound devices to beam deformation non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic pressure waves have been used naturally for thousands of years by animals for navigation and communication, with the prime examples being bats with ultrasonic navigation through air and dolphins with ultrasonic communication and navigation in water. This talk investigates on signal propagation within the human being by means of intra-body communications without radiofrequency waves but, instead, with lower (if not deeply lower) frequency waves. An exhaustive review of up-to-date propagation modes in water-like vectors is performed and experimental measurements allow the setting up of a comparison with conventional propagation. A practical demonstrator has been developed to characterize within a low frequency range the ultrasonic wave propagation.
Applications of Signal Propagation Through the Human Body
Daniel Lai, Victoria University;
Daniel Lai, Victoria University
An upcoming short range communication technology for body area networks is intrabody communications. In this technology a signal is either galvanically or capacitively coupled through the body to send data. This necessitates the signal to either use the human body as an electrical conductor (low frequencies) or as a support surface for surface plane wave propagation (higher frequencies). By studying the effects of electrical properties of tissue on signal propagation, we have proposed additional applications of signal coupling through the human body. Some of the applications to be explored include monitoring real time human body hydration, implant communications and using the human body as an antenna. We will present some modeling and empirical results from our current work as proof of concept.
Soft Bio-integrated Sensors
Roozbeh Ghaffari, MC10 Inc.;
Roozbeh Ghaffari, MC10 Inc.
Standard health monitoring devices have the potential to capture movement, activity and electrophysiological data from patients in the home setting. However, these devices contain conventional electronics, which consist of bulky and packaged components, which typically do not bend, stretch or conform to the curvilinear shapes of the human body. These limitations pose a serious challenge for patients with cardiac or movement disorders, which require continuous tracking of health symptoms to monitor compliance or efficacy of drug regimens. Devices that achieve intimate mechanical coupling with the body may thus help to prevent medical problems in high-risk neurological and cardiac diseases.
Here we describe new mechanical and electrical design strategies for wearable and implantable medical devices with physical properties that approach that of soft biological tissue. These ‘epidermal electronics’ have enabled emerging stretchable wearable systems that can monitor motion, physiology and electrophysiological activity in the hospital and home settings. The sensors (i.e. electrodes, temperature sensors, gyroscope and accelerometers) and associated circuitry (i.e. microcontroller, memory, voltage regulators, rechargeable battery, wireless communication modules) and spring-like interconnects are all contained as embedded components within an ultrathin, stretchable elastomeric substrate. Quantitative analyses of systems mechanics during cyclical exposure to stress illustrates the ability of the epidermal electronics to mechanically couple with soft tissues, in a way that is mechanically invisible to the user. These results highlight the soft and stretchable form factor achieved and multimodal sensing, which is ideally suited for monitoring physiological signals from different regions of the body in patients.
13:00 - 17:00
Highly Efficient 5G PA Design
Donald Lie, Nick Cheng
Organizer organization:
Texas Tech Univ., Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
5G cellular systems are expected to see significant deployment in 2020, promising up to 10 Gbps data rate for stationary users and enabling internet connection capacity for billons of devices for IoT applications (e.g., "connected city"). It is very challenging to meet the targeted 5G system specs such as less than 1 msec latency and greater than x1000 bandwidth per unit area, while still achieving the coveted big reduction in energy. Therefore, 5G wireless communication systems are likely to present a paradigm shift that includes very high carrier frequencies with 10+ Gbps bandwidths, extensive MIMO antennas usage, and very dense base station deployment and high device densities for IoT applications. 5G also needs to provide seamless transition and backward compatibility with LTE and WiFi to render universal high-rate coverage. To support all these unprecedented 5G device/system performance metrics, the power and cost efficiencies for the wireless device design will become even more critical.
Therefore, high-efficiency and linear broadband RF power amplifier (PA) design for the microwave and millimeter wave frequencies is obviously becoming more challenging as they evolve from 4G to 5G handset and IoT applications. In this workshop, industry and academic experts will examine various perspectives, such as system, circuits and transistor-level design techniques and considerations in regards to the development of microwave/mmWave, highly-efficient linear PA suitable for massive MIMO, small cells, predistortion, new modulation schemes, etc., to meet the challenges and address the issues related to 5G cellular communication and IoT systems.
Presentations in this session
5G What will it be?
Peter Gammel, Skyworks Solutions, Inc.;
Peter Gammel, Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
5G plans to provide multi-Gigabit data rates enabling, for example, two way 4K streaming video. With this high speed data requirement it is clear that bands with hundreds of megahertz of bandwidth will be required. That is what drives the frequency of operation into the mmWave bands. These added bands at high frequencies will have a dramatic impact on the mobile phone front end block diagram and the technology required to implement them. This presentation will overview the front end module architecture and the fundamental technologies required to achieve these new 5G designs.
CMOS Power Amplifiers for 5G
Peter Asbeck, Univ. of California at San Diego;
Peter Asbeck, Univ. of California at San Diego
With ft and fmax above 300 GHz, flexible metallization approaches and high integration levels, scaled CMOS technologies are poised to provide high performance and broad functionality for cm- and mm-wave 5G applications. To increase voltage handling and output power, FET stacking is becoming widely practiced, particularly using SOI technologies. This paper reviews recent single chip MOS PA results, including >250mW and peak PAE up to 29% at 28 GHz without power combining; 640mW at 45GHz, and 240mW at 94GHz using spatial power combining. Broadband modulation and predistortion results are presented. Directions needed for future development to meet prospective 5G requirements are also highlighted, including issues of high backoff efficiency and linearity.
RFFE and PA challenges with emerging 5G radios
Paul Draxler, Qualcomm, Inc.;
Paul Draxler, Qualcomm, Inc.
In recent years, the topic of 5G has led to wide open brainstorming. To start with, an overview of the current trends emerging 5G radios will be presented. These trends are pointing towards very real, concrete, challenging power amplifier and RF front-end design issues. Some features are more near term and others are further out. There are low power applications for the Internet of Things, and wide bandwidth, high throughput connected applications. The luxury of having 5x the bandwidth will be lost with wide modulation bandwidths, making many of the simplified handset DPD techniques less practical. These challenges, and others, will be explored in this presentation.
Design of Highly Efficient MMIC Power Amplifiers for 5G Communication
Kris Kong, QORVO, Inc.;
Kris Kong, QORVO, Inc.
This session will cover topics of the design of millimeter-wave MMIC power amplifiers (PA) for the application of 5G communications. The design methodology and techniques to develop highly-efficient MMIC PAs will be discussed. There are multiple options for process technologies, GaAs HEMT and GaN HEMT for the design of mmW MMIC PA. This presentation will discuss the trade-offs between the cost and the performance of different device technologies and design topologies. I will discuss design and results of millimeter-wave power amplifiers that Qorvo has developed up to the date. The main frequency band of discussed PAs is 28-31 GHz (Ka-band) and the level of output power covers from 25 dBm (316 mW) to 37 dBm (5W). For commercial markets of mmW MMIC PAs, the compact design of the power amplifiers becomes a critical factor due to the cost of MMIC PAs. The challenges for the compact design of mmW MMIC PAs will be discussed in conjuncture with significance of EM-simulations in the design. The advantage of a GaN PA in commercial millimeter-wave market, especially for base station, is discussed by comparing it to similar GaAs power amplifiers. This presentation will examine the blueprint of insertion of millimeter-wave MMIC power amplifiers into 5G applications.
Linear CMOS PA at mm-Wave Band for 5G Application
Bumman Kim, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology;
Bumman Kim, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology
The 5G system may need power amplifier operation at mm-wave band around 28GHz. To get a high performance at the high frequency, the power gain of a transistor should be high, requiring a small gate transistor. It can be pursued using compound semiconductor devices but the open foundry services do not provide an adequate device for the amplifier. Rather, CMOS transistor with a small gate is better suited for the amplifier. Therefore, we have pursued a CMOS linear power amplifier using 28 nm processes. The cascode linear PA with 2.2 V operation provides a power gain of 13dB. For the LTE signal with 7.5 dB PAPR, this amplifier delivers 15.3dBm linear output power with 28.4% PAE and -30dBc ACLRE-UTRA . It is expected that the performance will be further improved by Doherty amplifier operation based on the CMOS PA. The detailed design procedure will be described.
Circuit Techniques and System Architectures for Carrier Aggregation and Multi-band Radios
Eric Klumperink, Osama Shana'a
Organizer organization:
Univ. of Twente, MediaTek, Inc.
During the last decades there have been several spectrum auctions of different parts of the mobile communication spectrum, and as a result mobile network operators now own non-contiguous parts of the spectrum. This non-contiguous spectrum allocation coupled with the increasing need for higher data-rate per user has led to the need for concurrent multi-channel operation, also known as carrier aggregation. Technically, this is extremely challenging, for instance because there may be strong unwanted signals between the carrier aggregation spectrum segments. This leads to new requirements and causes problems, for instance with respect to nonlinearity, crosstalk and LO pulling. This workshop will discuss these requirements and will primarily focus on advancements in RFIC transceiver architectures and circuits that enable carrier aggregation. It will also address some related aspects like broadband front ends, blocker detection, linearization, interference cancellation, etc.
Presentations in this session
RF Systems Design Aspects of Multi-Mode Multi-band Radios supporting Carrier Aggregation for LTE and LTE-A Standards
Walid Ali-Ahmad, Qualcomm, Inc.;
Walid Ali-Ahmad, Qualcomm, Inc.
Over the past few years, there has been an explosion in the mobile data usage mostly due to the increasing number of tablets and smart phones in use. To support such demand, wider transmission bandwidths are needed, and hence, the technique of carrier aggregation (CA) has been introduced in 4G cellular systems. This enables scalable bandwidth expansion beyond the single LTE carrier by aggregating two or more LTE component carriers of similar or different baseband bandwidth, which can be chosen from the same 3GPP frequency band (intra-band) or different 3GPP frequency bands (inter-band). Furthermore, CA is supported by both FDD and TDD modes, and this offers the optimum flexibility in the way the spectrum is utilized and how the network scheduling is configured. This talk will discuss the resulting increased systems complexity due to CA in the radio RF front-end and transceiver architecture, and address key CA related RF design challenges.
LO Generation and Reception Circuits for Carrier Aggregation
Christopher Hull, Intel Labs;
Christopher Hull, Intel Labs
Carrier aggregation poses significant challenges for LO generation circuits. Due to the proliferation of bands worldwide for LTE, the LO generation circuit is called on to support generation of multiple frequencies with nearly arbitrary relationships to each other. Due to the inherent non-linear properties of LO generation circuitry, many higher order spurious products are generated. Special care in the system design is required to ensure that these spurious responses within the LO chain do not produce unacceptable spurious in either transmit or receive circuitry. Coupling mechanisms between the multiple frequency generation blocks need to be minimized with careful layout and supply regulation. Use of adaptive IF frequencies in the receiver can significantly improve the spurious response issues.
Design Challenges of Carrier Aggregation RF Receivers for LTE-Advanced
Abdelatif Bellaouar, GLOBALFOUNDRIES;
Abdelatif Bellaouar, GLOBALFOUNDRIES
This presentation describes an LNA and mixer receiver front-end architecture for LTE-A which can support multiple modes and multiple aggregated carriers. Several techniques to implement an intra-band and inter-band carrier aggregation (CA) receiver front-end will be reviewed. The case of non co-located intra-band on circuit implementation is also discussed as well as the impact of the different CA implementations on noise figure and power. A concept called hybrid-CA is proposed for better noise figure when implementing 2 and 3-CA. A new advanced node CMOS compact low-noise amplifier (LNA) that addresses the increasing number of LNAs for multi-band and several carrier aggregation combinations is analyzed. Moreover, the impact of LTE-U bands on receiver design for extended carrier aggregation is addressed.
Design Challenges of Carrier Aggregation Transceivers
Shahrzad Tadjpour, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.;
Shahrzad Tadjpour, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
With limited availability of contiguous spectrum and the demand for higher bandwidth, the phone Carriers are moving to carrier aggregation of 2 or 3 bands to fully use the available spectrum. The carriers could be in the same band (Non-Contiguous CA) or up to 3 different bands (Inter-band CA). To keep the platform cost down and simplify radio board design, it is desirable to minimize the extra front end components and move to single ended RF ports. This is complicating RFIC design; different coupling mechanisms from PA, TX port outputs and between VCOs limits the achievable sensitivity of the receiver. In this talk we discuss different design trade-offs and architecture choices to support Carrier Aggregation of up to 3 bands.
Design and Compensation of Concurrent, MIMO and Carrier-Aggregated Transmitters for Next-Generation Systems
Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, Univ. of Calgary;
Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, Univ. of Calgary
Recently, there has been great research activity directed towards developing next-generation and 5G wireless systems which aim to deliver speeds and capacities which are order of magnitudes higher than what is available today. Some of the key enabling technologies in 5G are Massive MIMO, carrier-aggregated communications, concurrent multi-band transmission along with the use of the mmWave spectrum. While these are attractive technologies, they bring many challenges in terms of the RF front ends used. Therefore, one of the major bottlenecks along the path towards to realizing green and sustainable 5G networks is the RF front ends and the many challenges they bring, such as nonlinearity, distortions, energy efficiency and compactness. In this presentation, the design and linearization of concurrent, carrier-aggregated, multi-band and MIMO transmitters is discussed, with an emphasis on linearization techniques and state-of-the-art digital pre-distortion techniques.
Frequency-Agile, Scalable Carrier Aggregation using Frequency-Translating Quadrature-Hybrid Receivers
Peter Kinget, Columbia Univ.;
Jianxun Zhu, Columbia Univ.;
Peter Kinget, Columbia Univ.
Conventional Inter-band carrier aggregation receivers use either multiple antennas or filter banks to split carriers from different frequency bands. Demands on the aggregation of more frequency bands and the large number of band combinations challenge the design of global roaming device. We present a frequency-agile, scalable concurrent receiver array that supports highly flexible inter-band carrier aggregation combinations. Frequency-translating quadrature hybrid (FTQH) techniques are used to realize massive independent concurrent receivers that share a single wideband antenna and present a wideband matched input impedance. Multiple chips can be further connected with a low loss RF daisy chain to increase the maximum number of supported carriers as needed. Each receiver has independently programmable gain, bandwidth, NF and power consumption depending on the RF environments and application context.
RF/Analog IC design challenges in advanced CMOS technology
Madhukar Reddy, Eric Fogleman
Organizer organization:
MaxLinear, Inc.
Huge demand for lowering power, area and cost of digital circuits in highly integrated SOCs has led to fast development of deep submicron technologies to 28nm and beyond. With these advances and high levels of integration, several new challenges have emerged for RF, Analog and Mixed circuit designers who now have to design circuits in the same technology node as determined by the digital circuit designers. This workshop is aimed at covering the areas related to process technology, device modeling, RF/Analog/Mixed signal circuit design challenges and CAD tools and methodologies in these new advanced nodes. This first talk in this workshop will go through the details of the new process technology development for achieving high volume, production quality deep submicron processes and also explain the various new challenges introduced in these technology nodes. The second talk will explain the various physical effects of both the active and passive devices in these nodes and describe how the device models are being advanced to capture these effects to help the circuit designers predict the performance in simulations. The third and fourth talks will describe the challenges as seen from circuit designers’ point of view and how they are being tackled. Despite the numerous challenges, these advanced nodes also offer some advantages which bring benefits to RF, Analog and Mixed signal circuits and new circuit topologies are being innovated to take advantage of these benefits. The final talk in this workshop will focus on CAD tools and methodologies being developed to ensure first silicon success in these nodes where mask and fabrication costs are prohibitively expensive. The workshop is aimed to provide a comprehensive view of technology to help both new and experienced circuit designers to adapt to the challenges in these advanced CMOS nodes.
Presentations in this session
Advances in Process Technology Performance in Nanoscale CMOS
Juan Cordovez, Global Foundries;
Juan Cordovez, Global Foundries
The thirst for superior SOC performance and cost has advanced the use of nanoscale CMOS technologies to solution complex analog-intensive designs. This workshop with describe several mainstream advances in CMOS, with focus on understanding performance tradeoffs, design techniques, design challenges, and the associated manufacturing complexity of these modern process solutions. Emphasis will be placed on three CMOS process derivatives including Planar High K Metal Gate, Fully Depleted SOI, and FinFet CMOS technologies at geometries at 28nm and below. Performance assessments will be shown across several design disciplines including digital block Power-Performance-Area, analog-design figures of merits, and end-to-end design reference flow complexity.
Device Modeling for RF/Analog Design in Advanced CMOS Technology
Kimihiko Imura, MaxLinear, Inc.;
Kimihiko Imura, MaxLinear, Inc.
Continuous scale down of CMOS technology makes several known issues in RF/analog circuit design further challenging. Large magnitude of local/random fluctuation as nature of small dimensions, strong influence from parasitic components to effective device performance, and significant layout dependent effects are well known examples. Further, recent drastic changes in MOSFET structure such as HKMG and multi-gate architecture (FinFET, FDSOI) induces new issues such as limitation of high frequency operation due to (ironically) large gate resistance and channel temp increase caused by self-heating. In addition, low supply voltage along with aging effects makes design sign-off window very narrow. Capturing these effects and limitations in design kits and environment is new exciting challenge for high performance, low power, and highly reliable RF/analog circuit design. In this talk we’ll review those issues from a viewpoint of process/device technology and discuss solutions with paying special attention to RF/analog design.
Challenges for RF/Analog Circuits in 28nm and beyond
Uli Klepser, Intel Corp.;
Uli Klepser, Intel Corp.
Digital RF architectures are best suited to benefit from the technology improvements of deep submicron technologies as 28nm and beyond. We will present measurements and simulation results of RF circuits in 14nm and 28nm technologies to demonstrate how the power consumption can be further reduced by future technology nodes. The circuits include RF receivers, RF transmitters, mixed signal blocks and synthesizers. The target applications are cellular standards as 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE). One key enabler for the significantly lower power consumption in 14nm is the lower supply voltage. The other measure is to increase the clock frequency of the mixed signal blocks to RF-like frequencies. Consequently, more analog complexity is transferred to more complex digital signal paths which benefit most from the advanced digital process technologies.
Challenges in Mixed Signal Circuit Design in 28nm and beyond
Yun-Shiang Shu, MediaTek, Inc.;
Yun-Shiang Shu, MediaTek, Inc.
The high-performance, low-power demand on application processors (APs) in mobile devices keeps driving the SoC providers to follow closely with the most advanced technology. While analog interface is still considered efficient for data communication between the RF and AP dies, ADC and DAC designs in advanced processes are inevitable. This talk will evaluate the technologies beyond 28nm from the mixed-signal circuit designers’ point of view. Several design examples will be provided to demonstrate the design strategies for taking the advantages in advanced processes as well as reducing the effort during process migration. The increasing requirements on the simulation and layout resources will also be addressed. This talk will be concluded with a glance of the upcoming challenges in 10nm FinFET process.
Advances in CAD Tools & Methodologies for First-Silicon Success in Advanced CMOS Nodes
Ravi Subramanian, Mentor Graphics Corp.;
Ravi Subramanian, Mentor Graphics Corp.
In this talk, we focus on the key challenges and solutions in verification of analog/RF/mixed-signal integrated circuits in advanced nanometer CMOS nodes – focusing on both the increasing circuit complexity as well as the increasing number of dimensions of verification. As designers push the limits of circuit techniques and process technologies, previous third- and second-order physical effects begin to appear as first-order effects which have a dramatic impact on the electrical performance – and thus design margins and yield. Included here are the effects of such items as device noise, parasitics, layout-dependent effects, electro-migration, variability and mis-match. In order to achieve competitive designs, it becomes critical to understand these effects properly and how they impact circuit performance. Moreover, new targets for these custom circuits, especially along the energy consumption patterns, bring new requirements and increase the risk of working first-silicon around the various types of active and standby power consumption. The increasing use of digital-techniques brings another dimension rapidly growing in complexity. Finally, objective-driven simulation strategies are required to accurately characterize circuits at many nodes, and statistical analysis and verification techniques become a key requirement in order to quantify the required design margins. We will review the key recent advances in verification technology and their successful application across a variety of analog/RF/mixed-signal projects in both planar and bulk advanced nodes - demonstrating how they can help to ensure first-silicon success.
Millimeter-wave electronics: from applications to manufacturing
Vittorio Camarchia, Didier Belot, Marco Pirola, Pierre Busson
Organizer organization:
Politecnico di Torino, CEA-LETI, STMicroelectronics
Presentations in this session
Introduction: opportunities for the millimiter-wave industry
Roberto Quaglia, Cardiff University;
Roberto Quaglia, Cardiff University
The use of millimetre wave frequencies for high data rate communication seems to be the answer to the increasing spectrum demand. Many different applications are demanding to take to the next level the millimetre wave electronics: for example, 5G is no more just a trendy term, the telecom industry is investing heavily on it; at the same time, WiGig is considered as the tomorrow’s WiFi.
This brief introductory talk will list the main applications, not limited to the communication market, where the major investments in the millimetre wave electronic industry are expected. Then, it will describe the main open issues that the researcher community is asked to focus on in the next years, in terms of technology, circuit and system solutions.
Capacity Increase: A System-Wide Challenge
Matteo Oldoni, SIAE Microelettronica;
Matteo Oldoni, SIAE Microelettronica
As the demand for higher data rates pushes wireless technologies to their limit, unprecedented challenges meet every aspect of modern transceivers design.
In the backhauling market, these range from RF MMIC technological improvements to digital modem revisions and even up to architecture-level upgrades: MIMO, Frequency Reuse, Full Duplex are instances of such hot themes.
A glance to current techniques and perspectives is discussed for the 5G world while focusing on potential outcome and requirements.
Monolithic Solutions for Digital Radio Link Transceivers
Maurizio Pagani, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.;
Maurizio Pagani, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Microwave Digital Radio Link systems have been continuously challenged by though product requirements like improving spectrum efficiency, increasing capacity and reducing the total cost of ownership. This continuous evolution in the market scenario has demanded through the past years a tremendous development of the transceiver technology, making possible the achievement of extremely high levels of reduction in power consumption, cost and form factor while improving electrical performance, yield, reliability at an increasing operating frequency. These trends will be described with a good level of details showing how additional emerging technologies can offer an effective way to further increase the achievable performance.
Mm-wave MMIC power amplifier with integrated linearizer.
Marcus Gavell, Gotmic AB;
Marcus Gavell, Gotmic AB
Today, almost all radio manufacturers have E-band (70/80 GHz) radios in their product portfolio and the competition of offering a radio with higher throughput; longer radio hops and to the better price is important to attract mobile operators. For the transmitter in such radio equipment, the most critical component is the power amplifier. Parameters such as output power and linearity are the two most important parameters for being able to use high modulation formats and output power for long distance communications.
Digital pre-distortion techniques are nowadays common practice to linearize amplifiers. Usually for microwave radios, this technique is implemented in the digital domain at the expense of increased bandwidth in the digital/analog converter (DAC). At mm-wave frequencies, when the signal channel bandwidth is much wider, the increased signal bandwidth used in the DAC will consume considerably higher power, making this technique inappropriate to use for enhancing the radio performance. Analog pre-distortion of power amplifiers on the other hand can be implemented at mm-wave frequencies with little or no added power consumption to enhance the linearity. We present the design, performance and challenges of a linearized PA at E-band.
Antenna-Module with Integrated Shaped Lens for WiGig Applications in Eyewear Devices
Cyril Luxey, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Cyril Luxey, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
MM-wave antennas are compact, with high gain and normally very high directivity. Increasing requency the mechanical manufacturing becomes critical, due to the small wavelenght. For specific applications ad-hoc solutions should be proposed, as shown in the present talk for Eyewear Devices
Low cost industrial mmW test, a wish or a reality
Cedric Mayor, Presto;
Cedric Mayor, Presto
It has been nearly 5 years since millimeter wave radio chips first exited the reseach lab environment to the world ready and looking for industrial market applications. Now considered as commercial products, these integrated circuits have not achieved yet the production momentum and cost downs seen in the Wifi driven sub 6 GHz chipset market. To illustrate, RFCMOS integration was instrumental in decreasing overall sub 6 Ghz chipset BOM costs, thus greatly contributing to the penetration of wireless modems into consumer mass markets. For millimeter wave radios, silicon integration alone may not be sufficient to overcome the cost barriers to mass market adoption. Indeed costs, quality requirements, infrastructure limitations, and equipment maturity are major inhibitors to the scaling of the millimeter wave radio chipset supply chain. This keynote will highlight the significant constraints, their impact and pitfalls they create, while presenting potential solutions that can be considered.
The Human Body and Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications
Philippe Leveque, University of Limonges;
Philippe Leveque, University of Limonges
The interaction mm-wave human body is an hot topic both at research level and from the population. Positive interactions (diagnostic, cancer discovery and elimination) or negative (it is dangerous for humans) arises daily. The presnt talk tries to clear a little the fog, giving some scientific evidences of the true interaction waves, humans.
May 23 - Monday
8:00 - 12:00
Advances in High-Power SSPA Technology for KW-Operation at Microwave Frequencies
Ruediger Quay, Kamal Samantha, Frank Sullivan
Organizer organization:
Fraunhofer Institute Applied Solid-State Physics, Milmega, Raytheon Company
Presentations in this session
Recent advances, technology comparison, and system requirements for kW-level pulsed RF power transistors
Dr. John Walker, Integra Technologies Inc.;
Dr. John Walker, Integra Technologies Inc.
The talk will first examine some systems where pulsed kW-level RF transistors are needed. The implications of the required pulse length, duty cycle and pulse shape on the linearity and thermal properties of the transistor will be discussed, and the necessity for gate or drain bias pulsing will be demonstrated. A technology comparison of Si bipolar, LDMOS and GaN transistors will be given and it will be shown that there is no clear winner. Finally, the state of the art in very high voltage GaN transistors that operate from a 150V drain supply voltage with 20W/mm power density will be given and their potential for multi-kW devices described.
High voltage LDMOS technologies for kW generation
Roger Williams, Ampleon;
Roger Williams, Ampleon
Over the past decade, LDMOS (laterally-diffused MOS) microwave power transistor technology has experienced remarkable gains in frequency range, power, and efficiency while simultaneously reducing cost. These advances, which result from the high-volume manufacturing and continuous improvement of LDMOS technology driven by base station requirements, have expanded the practical application of solid-state microwave technology into applications currently dominated by magnetrons. We discuss the architecture of SSPAs (solid-state power amplifiers) for 915MHz and 2.45MHz magnetron applications, and present the architecture and performance of 2kW, 915MHz and 1kW, 2.45GHz reference designs.
Advanced Broadband GaN Power Amplifiers with kW CW Power
Kamal Samantha, Milmega;
Kamal Samantha, Milmega
Many advanced applications, like Radar, EW and EMC require ever greater power over a broadband and within a compact size, yet with high repeatability, reliability and long life for a high load mismatch. These requirements impose many challenges including thermal instability and high inter-circuit electromagnetic (EM) coupling, significantly influencing the performance of a high power GaN PA and system.
This presentation will cover design and integration difficulties, and the advanced techniques for realizing GaN HEMT PAs with very high CW (P1dB) power (kW) over an ultra-wide bandwidth (multi-Octave to a decade). This will highlight the novel design methods to overcome inherent shortcomings of GaN devices, like memory-effect, soft compression, etc. Further, advanced integration/assembling technique for overcoming EM coupling, RF leakage, achieving a long life with high reflection, 100%, high modulation recovery, etc. will be discussed. Finally, the test results for the advanced GaN PAs delivering CW (P1dB) power > 1 kW over more than a decade bandwidth will be presented.
800W 3way DPA at 2.1GHz-2.2GHz (90MHz SBW) in T3PAC
Jin Shao, Infineon Technologies AG;
Jin Shao, Infineon Technologies AG
In this presentation, a three-way inverted Doherty power amplifier (DPA) using Infineon’s latest LDMOS (LD11) technology and T3PAC package is introduced. The LD11 provides great performance enhancement, and T3PAC has advantages of high performance and low cost. The combination of LD11, T3PAC and three-way inverted DPA provides a high performance, low cost and wide-band solution for the high power / high efficiency base-station applications.
A three-way DPA is fabricated and measured. In the working frequency bands, 2.11 to 2.2 GHz, the proposed three-way DPA provides 51.2% to 52.2% drain efficiency (DE) at 8 dB power back-off, 53.3% to 54.1% DE at P3, 15.3 to 15.7 dB gain, and 58.7 dBm to 58.8 dBm P3.
Linearization for kW plus Power Amplifiers
Katz Allen, Linearizer Technologies;
Katz Allen, Linearizer Technologies
The linearity of power amplifiers is becoming highly important because of the use of spectrally efficient modulations for communications application, the desire to use single big amplifiers for multifunctional applications, and the utilization of complex waveforms in radar and related purposes. This presentation will discuss techniques for the cancellation of distortion that are known as linearization and their use with very high power solid-state amplifiers. Linearization is even more effective for very high power applications because amplifier nonlinearity often increases with device/amplifier size, and the economic trades in applying linearization increase with amplify size. Different methods of linearization including digital approaches will be introduced and compared, and results presented for the linearization of very high power microwave amplifiers.
Methods and Limitations To Achieving Multi-Kw Power Levels Using Spatial Combining Techniques In Conjunction With GaN Semiconductor Technology
Scott Behan, QORVO, Inc.;
Scott Behan, QORVO, Inc.
Recent substantial advances in GaN products and technology coupled with low loss multi-element combining techniques now enable effective kilowatt level solid state amplifier alternatives to traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs). This workshop presentation examines some of the trade spaces in which designers must operate and offers some practical limitations on achievable power levels as they apply to different combining techniques. CW versus pulsed operation, thermal management options, performance versus bandwidth and frequency, and advantages of various combiner structures are examined.
Autonomous Vehicles
Andreas Stelzer, Juergen Hasch
Organizer organization:
Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz, Robert Bosch GmbH
Autonomous vehicles are being developed for a wide range of applications, from street cars, over unmanned aerial vehicles, to moving robots.
A lot of effort is put into artificial intelligence and autonomous control algorithms. However, decisions are strongly dependent on real time information coming from sensors and infrastructure data. RF-technology plays a vital role in helping to get autonomous vehicles a reality, by providing a means for sensing and communication, independent of weather and light conditions.
Robust and reliable sensing is a prerequisite to safely steer a vehicle in the right direction, by detecting the surrounding and recognizing obstacles. Communication is required to enable stable communication at an adequate data rate to ensure the autonomous vehicle receives all required information for navigation, and depending on the use case, for remote control.
The workshop addresses recent topics related to autonomous vehicles, covering the required street communication infrastructure, current developments and future trends in autonomous driving, as well as some of the implementation aspects. Furthermore, a sensing and communication implementation for an aerial application will be presented. Additional presentations will highlight a UAV based test-bed and a robot swarm control. Finally, the implementation of a radar sensor based on novel integrated CMOS RF chips as basis for future radar sensors is presented.
Presentations in this session
The actual status of ADAS systems as of now and how to make it happen to let autonomous driving become a reality
Holger Meinel, Holger Meinel Consultant;
Holger Meinel, Holger Meinel Consultant
Automotive radar and thus ADAS based on radar has been in development over decades – in1998 Mercedes-Benz went into series production for premium cars, becoming worldwide since then, in 2012 the ADAS democratization process, i.e. the employment in smaller – lower budget cars – has begun as well at Mercedes-Benz with the then - new - 2012 B-class.
Until mid 2015 Infineon had sold 10 million 77 GHz chipsets worldwide, Valeo and Hella have sold each more than 2 million 24 GHz BSD (Blind Spot Detection) units in 2015. New cars out of today’s production are equipped with a lot of different ADAS units - based on radar, lidar or cameras.
In 2012 the “Drive Me” project in Sweden was started by Volvo Cars to put 100 autonomously driven vehicles on the urban roads of Gothenburg until 2017, being endorsed by the Swedish Government and based on the available SARTRE results. The aim is to pinpoint the societal benefits of autonomous driving and position Sweden and Volvo Cars as leaders in the development of future mobility.
The scope to start with: 70 km/h max. – no on-coming traffic – certified roads (maps) will be discussed.
In 2015 the Yutong “iBus” - the intelligent urban bus - has shown its unique capabilities on urban streets. On August 29th 26 km were driven entirely autonomously, incl. stops for passenger getting out and in, respecting traffic lights and passing other vehicles on its way ….
The environmental conditions: 26 traffic lights passed, vmax: 68km/h, no on-coming traffic (2 lane roads) as well as the employed sensor technology will be discussed.
The actual status in this entire field, the pro’s and con’s of the different sensor types, as well as their availability (e.g. weather capability) will be discussed in general. The trends of future development directions towards autonomous driving will be evaluated.
Vision and Roadmap to Fully Autonomous Driving
Thomas Glaser, Bosch Research (United States);
Thomas Glaser, Bosch Research, United States
Radar sensing, system solutions and technology partitioning
Cicero Vaucher, NXP Semiconductors;
t.b.d. t.b.d., NXP Semiconductors;
Cicero Vaucher, NXP Semiconductors
RF and image processing technologies for automatic flying platforms
Volker Ziegler, Airbus Group;
Volker Ziegler, Airbus Group
Radar Sensor Platform for UAV
Andreas Stelzer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz;
Reinhard Feger, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz;
And Haderer, Inras GmbH;
Andreas Stelzer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz
Self-organizing 3D Wireless Local Positioning Networks for Robot Swarms
Yassen Dobrev, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Christoph Reustle, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Martin Vossiek, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Yassen Dobrev, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Due to their high flexibility and robustness, self-organizing robot swarms are a promising candidate for use in exploration tasks. In order to completely define the robot swarm local positioning network, 3 translational and 3 rotational degrees of freedom need to be determined for each robot. It will be shown, that the self organization of such a 3D network is an extremely challenging task due to the very high degree of freedom of the network constellation. We will present a solution that uses SIMO FMCW secondary radar units to measure the positions and orientations of the swarm members relative to each other in all dimensions. A depth-first search algorithm is employed for the self-organization of the network. Measurement results with a robot swarm of 5 robots will illustrate the challenges of the measuring task and the capability of the proposed approach.
8:00 - 17:00
Millimeter-wave power amplifier technology: Where are we and where are we headed?
James Schellenberg, Allen Katz
Organizer organization:
QuinStar Technology, Inc., The College of New Jersey/Linearizer Technology, Inc
At frequencies below 100 GHz, GaN technology continues to dominate power applications, with single-chip power levels of 20 W at Ka-band and 2 W at 100 GHz. Silicon continues to make advances in both power and frequency, particularly for high volume, commercial applications. Above 100 GHz, InP technology (both HEMT and HBT) dominate, and for high power (>100 W), thermionic devices (tubes) are still the technology of choice.
This workshop brings together, experts representing these millimeter-wave (mmW) power technologies to discuss where mmW power is today and where it is headed. Clearly, GaN dominates the power spectrum up to 100 GHz. Questions to be addressed: What are the limits of GaN in power and frequency? While InP has made great strides at higher mmW and THz frequencies, what are its power and frequency limits and will it compete with GaN? What is the status of Si power technology and will it dominate all high-volume commercial applications? What is the future role for thermionic devices at mmW?
Presentations in this session
Future Satellite Communications Opportunities at V & W Bands
Michael Chang, Aerospace Corporation;
Michael Chang, Aerospace Corporation
The United States military maintains satellite communications throughout the world to coordinate military action. As the military communications needs have grown over time, the capabilities of the military satellite communications (MILSATCOM) has grown to meet the needs. Commercial need for spectrum has also increased in the last decade and has encroached upon government spectral needs, including satellite communications. The present MILSATCOM systems and their respective capabilities are summarized with the anticipated capability gaps for future users. Future system concepts are presented that meet future capability needs within the limitation of affordability. One option of meeting these future capability needs is providing satellite communications at higher frequencies such as V-band (71 GHz – 76 GHz) and W-band (81 GHz to 86 GHz). The advantages and disadvantages of satellite communications at these spectral bands are presented along with needed component development.
Wideband GaN HEMT Power Amplifiers at K/Ka-Band and E-Band
James Komiak, BAE Systems, Inc.;
James Komiak, BAE Systems, Inc.
This presentation will begin with a description of how the Ka-Band device has evolved from the 0.18 um NFP GaN HEMT used below 20 GHz. It continues with a detailed description of a quadrature balanced 12 Watt Ka-Band GaN HEMT MMIC. This MMIC will be compared to a previous generation single-ended PHEMT MMIC highlighting the advantages of GaN. Residual Phase Noise measurements will be presented that are “as good or better than the reference amplifier”. A 4 Watt Ka-Band GaN HEMT MMIC for phased array applications and a 12 Watt 17-40 GHz K/Ka-Band NDPA GaN HEMT MMIC will be described. The final section of this talk will address E-Band device evolution and the designs of 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz 1.4 Watt GaN HEMT MMICs.
GaN mm-Wave Power Amplifier MMIC Design and Status
Charles Campbell, QORVO, Inc.;
Charles Campbell, QORVO, Inc.
Gallium Nitride based transistor technology’s characteristics of very high current density combined with high voltage operation have held the promise to improve microwave circuit applications that presently utilize Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) devices. While the advantages of GaN are manifest, many of the features that make GaN transistors attractive can be shown to create significant issues, many of which are not encountered with lower voltage technologies. In this workshop presentation issues, scenarios and strategies applicable to mmW GaN PA MMIC design are discussed, including but not limited to:
- Amplifier topology and bandwidth
- Network asymmetry and power combining
- Amplifier stability and analysis
- Thermal considerations
- Device modeling and characterization
Whenever possible specific examples will be presented highlighting the benefits and problems associated with high frequency GaN MMIC design along with a summary of the current state of the art.
Advances in Si-Based Mm-Wave Power Amplifiers
Peter Asbeck, Univ. of California at San Diego;
Peter Asbeck, Univ. of California at San Diego
Si CMOS and SiGe HBT technologies have emerged as strong contenders for applications from 300GHz with moderate power levels, low cost, and high levels of integration. Ft and fmax values above 300GHz are readily available from “workhorse” technologies, along with flexible metallization schemes. Peak output powers as high as 560mW at 80GHz and 640mW at 45 GHz have been demonstrated from single chips. 5G mm-wave transmitters for both handsets and base-stations are likely to require peak power in the 0.1-1W regime, generated within ICs that encompass PA as well as LNA, switch and potentially phase shifter. These requirements heavily favor Si.
Submillimeter Wave Power Amplification with InP HEMT
William Deal, Northrop Grumman Space Technology;
William Deal, Northrop Grumman Space Technology
The last decade has seen rapid advances in the operating frequencies of solid state power amplifiers using Indium Phosphide (InP) High Electronic Mobility Transistors (HEMTs). In particular, power amplification has been demonstrated in packaged MMICs to as high as 850 GHz. This advance has been made possible with a radically scaled 25 nm gatelength transistor with a 1.5 THz maximum frequency of oscillation (fMAX). When combined with scaled frontside and backside processes, a broad range of circuits have been demonstrated, including low noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, mixers and multipliers. This talk will begin with a technology overview describing the transistor, MMIC and packaging approaches. This talk will continue with an overview of recent power benchmarks, and including a discussion on efficiency. Finally, an overview of sub-millimeter wave sources using InP HEMT technology will described.
InP HBTs for high-power 70 to 500 GHz amplification: its status today and where it is going
Zach Griffith, Teledyne Scientific Company;
Zach Griffith, Teledyne Scientific Company
This talk will review the development of high power solid-state power amplifiers operating between 70-500 GHz using InP HBT. The high fmax of the technology at the 250-nm (700 GHz fmax) and 125-nm (1.1 THz fmax) nodes, combined with breakdown voltages of 3.5-4.5 V allow high-gain, world-class mm-wave and THz PA’s to be realized. After review of the underlying InP HBT technology, the key design trade-offs for PA design in the technology across the cited frequencies will be reviewed – they include which HBT topology to use, choice of wiring environment, DC bias distribution, sources of instability, PA-cell power matching, and RF combining methods. A review of state-of-the-art PA results between 70-500 GHz will be presented. Lastly, examples will be presented to show the prospects and opportunities these high-frequency InP HBT PA’s have in next generation communication, radar, and instrumentation systems.
Making the Link: Millimeter Wave Applications and High Performance RF Vacuum Electronics
Carter Armstrong, L-3 Communications;
Carter Armstrong, L-3 Communications
The last decade has been witness to an explosion in millimeter wave vacuum electronics development. Capitalizing on their inherent strength in wideband power generation, highly efficient TWTs, packaged traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) and compact microwave power modules (MPMs) have been developed for use in emerging millimeter wave applications from Ka-band to G-band, and everything in-between. This talk will focus on recent achievements in millimeter wave TWT/MPM technology. The performance of other high power millimeter wave vacuum device types will also be reported.
Millimeter-wave GaN Power Amplifiers using High-Efficiency Power Combining
Edward Watkins, QuinStar Technology, Inc.;
Edward Watkins, QuinStar Technology, Inc.
The development of millimeter-wave 1 – 3 W GaN MMIC power amplifiers has enabled the development of high-power solid-state replacements for current and emerging TWT amplifier applications in the 71 to 100 GHz frequency range. The output power levels needed by the new SSPAs can only be achieved by combining significant numbers of this generation of devices. Consequently, high efficiency power combining techniques are required to achieve SSPAs with 50 W or greater power output. This presentation will discuss several E-band and W-band GaN MMIC based 10 W to 50 W SSPAs achieved using high-order planar and radial waveguide power combining approaches.
Power Amplifier Linearization at Millimeter-Waves
Allen Katz, The College of New Jersey/Linearizer Technology, Inc.;
Allen Katz, The College of New Jersey/Linearizer Technology, Inc.
In recent years there has been major progress in the development of linearizers for millimeter-wave power amplifiers. Linearizers have been produced to 100 GHz and work has begun on extending their upper limit to greater than 250 GHz. Very wideband (>10 GHz) millimeter-wave linearizers have also been demonstrated. This presentation will focus on Ka through W-band linearizer applications. It will discuss the linearization of both SSPAs (GaN and GaAs) and TWTAs (helix and coupled cavity), as well as Klystrons, and provide a road map for what to expect in the future.
Radio Miniaturization, Terahertz Nano-sized Radios and Potential Applications
Joe Qiu, Hua Wang
Organizer organization:
US Department of Defense (DoD), Georgia Institute of Technology
Integrated radios are indispensable for wireless sensor networks, Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, implantable/prosthetic devices, autonomous micro robots, tracking and remote control of cybernetic insects, and chip-to-chip links, etc. In many of these applications, it is essential to reduce the radio dimension as much as possible. Past efforts in miniaturized radios have targeted systems operating at microwave frequencies, and their system sizes are largely limited by the antennas.
Recent developments in integrated circuit (IC) technologies have enabled chip-scale THz circuits and systems. For example, the cutoff frequency of state-of-the-art CMOS processes is approximately 500 GHz and expected to approach 1 THz by 2018. Chip-scale THz sources and phased-arrays with integrated antennas based on CMOS have been demonstrated at 500 GHz and will surely be pushed to even higher frequencies. The resulting THz Radio systems thus can dramatically reduce the circuit chip and antenna size.
This workshop will review recent developments in radio miniaturization. It will discuss device technologies, circuit innovations, and integrated systems for aggressive radio miniaturization at THz. It will also explore the applications of such THz nano-sized radios.
Presentations in this session
Circuit design challenges for terahertz emerging applications in silicon technologies
Frank Chang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles;
Richard Hadi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles;
Yan Zhao, Univ. of California, Los Angeles;
Frank Chang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Integrated circuits in silicon technologies have already impacted the terahertz field by deploying cost-effective and highly integrated systems for novel applications. The short-wavelength at these frequencies makes it possible to directly integrate terahertz antennas on a chip. In combination with the large available bandwidth from 0.3-3THz this would enable high-speed communication and high-resolution imaging. However, few challenges need to be addressed to achieve such a goal. The radiated terahertz power and bandwidth from silicon devices are still limited, and the sensitivity of terahertz receivers can be further improved. This presentation will focus on the design challenges of terahertz signal generation, synthesizing and receiving terahertz frequencies well beyond silicon device limitations. It will cover the recent circuit realization in CMOS technology and novel generation and detection techniques.
Energy Efficiency of CMOS Terahertz Electronics
Kenneth O, Univ. of Texas at Dallas;
Wooyeol Choi, Univ. of Texas at Dallas;
Kenneth O, Univ. of Texas at Dallas
CMOS technologies are enabling affordable and highly integrated solutions for Terahertz electronics. However, energy efficiency of CMOS Terahertz electronics is low and this must be improved to enable a wide range of applications including portable and small battery operated systems. The energy efficiency of CMOS techniques for signal generation and sensing at Terahertz will be reviewed. The efficiency of signal generation using N-push oscillators, transistor nonlinearity and reactive multipliers such as those based on Schottky diodes and accumulation MOS varactors will be compared. The circuit examples will include N-push circuits using QVCO’s, and 400 and 750 GHz frequency multipliers using symmetric MOS varactors. The energy efficiency of detectors and coherent detectors based on mixers in combination with local oscillators will also be discussed. LO signal generation poses the same challenge as signal generation. Use on an nth subharmonic mixer and its impact on energy efficiency will be described. Non-coherent detectors operating from 0.5-5 THz and a 410-GHz 4th subharmonic coherent detector APDP NMOS diode will be used for this discussion. Lastly, approaches for future investigation to improve the efficiency will be suggested.
Ultra-Miniaturized Low-Power THz Transceiver System in Silicon
Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology;
Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology
In this presentation, we will review recent development of energy-efficient ultra-miniaturized THz radio systems in Silicon based platforms. Different modulation schemes and their impacts on system energy efficiency, data rate, and system complexity will be discussed. Silicon circuits and systems techniques to generate broadband high-power THz signals from low-frequency signals will also be presented, including a multi-phase sub-harmonic injection-locking scheme which generates a 500GHz signal from a GHz reference tone. As a design example, we will present a low-power ultra-miniaturized radio system that can support a two way communication at 350GHz. The system features transmitter/receiver circuitry reuse and asynchronous operation to ensure both low-power and ultra-compactness. Furthermore, the system includes co-design between the THz radio and the on-chip antenna to further reduce the system size and packaging complexity.
Terahertz: The Last Untapped Spectrum
Ehsan Afshari, Cornell Univ.;
Ehsan Afshari, Cornell Univ.
There is an increasing interest in low cost THz systems for medical imaging, spectroscopy, and high data rate communication. Recent results in the lower THz frequencies (
High-power, broadband Multipliers for high-speed microscale radios
David Ricketts, North Carolina State Univ.;
David Ricketts, North Carolina State Univ.
In this talk, we will discuss recent progress in the development of high-power multipliers above 200 Ghz. While several architectures are available for sub-Thz signal generation, broadband frequency multipliers provide a means to generate high-power over a very large bandwidth. Key to realizing efficient sub-Thz multipliers, is the system partitioning of frequency multiplication and power generation. We will discuss the tradeoffs and design methodologies as well as present an overview of the state of the art. Our talk will conclude with a discussion on the use of high-power multipliers in high-data rate communication in micro-scale radios.
Insect-based wireless networks – challenges and opportunities
Amit Lal, Cornell Univ.;
Amit Lal, Cornell Univ.
Interfacing electronics directly with tissue has been realized in insects undergoing complete metamorphosis, by inserting electronics during intermediate metamorphosis stages. The tissue regeneration enables a reliable interface to nerves, muscles, and neurons. Insect cyborgs can therefore provide a platform to gather information using sensors and actuator optimized by millions of year of evolution. However, as in many wireless network technologies, a key challenge is the transfer of measured data and transmission to a receiver. Given the limited weight to be carried by insects, battery power and energy constraints are key challenges. This paper will describe the challenges and pose a few ideas to resolve the power issues. One set of solutions of communication power consumption is to implement phased arrays that focus energy in one direction to reduce power loss due to omnidirectional communications approaches. The phased arrays can be CMOS implemented RF or ultrasonic phased arrays such that information is targeted to receiving cyborgs in know direction in comparison to flying direction, much like guidance used by bees. This paper will present some results on GHz/MHz sonar chips that might implement low weight and low power directional communication links, and work in conjunction with RF radar circuits. These approaches would enable high fan-out directional message passing for forming multi-functional ad-hoc wireless flying networks.
Synchronized relaxation oscillators harnessing correlated electron systems
Suman Datta, Univ. of Notre Dame;
Suman Datta, Univ. of Notre Dame
Strongly correlated electron materials where many body interactions dominate single particle behavior exhibit collective carrier dynamics that, if properly harnessed, can enable novel functionalities and applications. In this talk, we demonstrate the phenomenon of electrical oscillations in a prototypical metal-insulator transition (MIT) system, vanadium dioxide (VO2). We show that the key to such oscillatory behavior is the ability to induce and stabilize a non-hysteretic and spontaneously reversible phase transition using a negative feedback mechanism. Further, we demonstrate the synchronization and coupling dynamics of such VO2 based highly compact relaxation oscillators and show, via experiment and simulation, that this coupled oscillator system exhibits rich non-linear dynamics including charge oscillations that are synchronized in both frequency and phase. Our approach of harnessing a non-hysteretic reversible phase transition region is applicable to other correlated systems exhibiting metal-insulator transitions and can be a potential candidate for applications in oscillator based non-Boolean computing and communication links for extremely miniaturized radios.
Large Signal Network Analysis: from instrumentation architectures to software applications for your RF design flow improvement
Tibault Reveyrand, Antonio Raffo
Organizer organization:
Univ. of Colorado, Univ. di Ferrara
This workshop focuses on large signal network analysis. This approach, more challenging than small-signal characterization, is a prime importance in the optimized design of RF circuits.
The workshop addresses the instrumentation hardware architectures and the software tools that can solve high-efficiency linear amplification on various topologies (envelope tracking, Doherty, Outphasing transmitters,...).
Instrumentation down-conversion is based on mixers (VNAs and VSAs), sub-samplers or tracking-and-hold amplifiers.
Application tools includes the last advancements on compact/behavioral modeling at transistor level but also on the methods to improve efficiency of your RF transmitter design thanks to waveform engineering. RF models and methods accuracy are upgraded by adding low-frequency dynamic characteristics of transistors.
Design flow will be presented for a very large set of examples: from instrumentation, to transistors levels characterization (GaAs, GaN) up to complex architectures such as very high power amplifier for base station, Doherty, Outphasing and Varactors. The advantages of the large signal network analysis will be clearly illustrated and demonstrated.
Presentations in this session
Circuit-Based Transistor Modeling and Nonlinear Design using LSNA/NVNA Measurements
Patrick Roblin, Ohio State Univ.;
Patrick Roblin, Ohio State Univ.
The advent of nonlinear vector network analyzers (NVNA) has been at the origin of the introduction of new paradigms in microwave engineering for both (1) the modeling of transistors and (2) the design of microwave power amplifiers.
Circuit-based nonlinear microwave models can now be directly extracted from large-signal measurements for a targeted range of operation. Active load pull (ALP) measurements can be designed to replicate the typical mode of operation, temperature and trapping state of the transistor under various dynamic loading. The bias dependence of the charges and device IV characteristics can then be simultaneously extracted from a few large-signal measurements using artificial neural networks (ANN). Examples of SOS-MOSFET and GaN models extracted will be presented.
Second NVNA’s find also application in the design of power amplifiers (PA). To optimize the power efficiency of PAs, optimal internal modes of operation are usually targeted at the internal device current-source reference planes. However a tremendously large search space for the multi-harmonic terminations must then be explored using loadpull for such waveform engineering. On the other hand if a nonlinear embedding device model is used, one can in a single simulation predict from the desired internal mode of operation, the required amplitude and phase of the multi-harmonic incident waves at the transistor measurement reference planes. Obviously this efficient PA design method is sensitive to the accuracy of the device model. Thus, NVNA measurements are warranted to verify that the deembedded data and the simulated results are consistent at the current source reference planes. Examples of such design for Doherty and Chireix amplifiers will be presented.
A tour in the realm of vector-calibrated LSNA measurements: from low- to high-frequency, from characterization to design
Gustavo Avolio, Univ. Catholiqué de Louvain;
Antonio Raffo, Univ. di Ferrara;
Giorgio Vannini, Univ. di Ferrara;
Dominique Schreurs, Univ. Catholiqué de Louvain;
Gustavo Avolio, Univ. Catholiqué de Louvain
In this talk we focus on LSNA measurements, and in particular on characterization and modeling of microwave transistors. Ranging from low- to high-frequency, LSNA measurements provide a great deal of information which enable a comprehensive characterization and models improvement. We will show in particular the benefit of adding, in the characterization and modeling phases, low-frequency LSNA measurements in combination with high-frequency LSNA measurements. We will show modeling examples of GaAs and GaN transistors both for mixer and amplifier applications. Finally we discuss on how one can make directly use of LSNA measurements for the design of power amplifiers. In particular, different design examples will be shown, from quasi-linear to high-efficiency operation.
Breakthrough in Wideband and High Resolution Calibrated Time Domain RF Measurement
Denis Barataud, University of Limoges;
Denis Barataud, University of Limoges
The presentation concerns the accurate description of a specific receiver to extract time domain RF waveforms at both ports of non linear devices. This receiver based on the use of THA is compared to other receivers used in other time-domain measurement equipment. It is also demonstrated the usefulness of this kind of receivers for the accurate characterization of non linear components, circuits or sub-systems for different civil or military applications as pulse to pulse characterization, doherty oriented power amplifier design and linearity improvement through large bandwith EVM measurements. Many results are presented to prove the capability of the whole measurement system in terms of Sampling frequency, dynamic and accuracy.
Use of Nonlinear Vector Network Analyser Measurements in the development of GaN on Silicon for BTS applications
Lyndon Pattison, MACOM;
David Runton, MACOM;
Andrew Patterson, MACOM;
David Runton, MACOM
This work presents the use of a Nonlinear Vector Network Analyser (NVNA) measurement system in the development of GaN on Silicon from understanding and optimising the intrinsic device through to developing a 100 Watt plus packaged power amplifier and corresponding application circuit for 3G and 4G BTS applications.
The NVNA measurement system is on-wafer enabling devices up to 15W peak power to be characterised and is based upon a Rhode & Schwarz 4-port ZVA-67 with a low-loss external test set. The measurement system is controlled via the Mesuro software and permits control of fundamental load, harmonic source or load impedances using active load-pull.
In the development of the optimised GaN on Silicon process the NVNA is utilised in conjunction with pulsed DC-IV characterisation and analysis of the dynamic loadlines indicated that improvements could be made to the GaN on Silicon epi for optimal efficiency under 50V operation. The subsequent GaN on Silicon improvements increasing the peak efficiency performance tested on the NVNA with optimal harmonic impedances from 70% to 79% at the unit cell level.
To translate this performance to the packaged power amplifier the unit cell is fully characterised using the NVNA with optimal fundamental and harmonic impedances characterised over the desired frequency of interest. It has been found that the 2nd harmonic input impedance plays a key role in achieving the desired performance, requiring in package terminations to realise. The fundamental and harmonic impedances collected from the NVNA being directly scaled to the larger device and translated through a package model, or the data is collected in a data-based model, Cardiff PHD model, permitting the package and application circuit designer to design within an EDA environment. Utilising the capabilities of the NVNA system, high power GaN on Si products are in development with efficiencies exceeding 70% at 2.7 GHz. Details of the device waveform analysis and subsequent use of the NVNA in the design flow would be presented.
Advances in NVNA-based transistor characterization and modeling: Scalable X-parameter models, time-domain compact models, and new large-signal device measurements
David Root, Keysight Technologies;
David Root, Keysight Technologies
The growing availability of modern large-signal microwave instruments, such as the NVNA and LSNA, have changed the landscape for active device characterization and modeling. This presentation will compare and contrast several very distinct approaches enabled by recent advances. Progress on scalable large-signal frequency domain behavioral X-parameter models for transistors will be reviewed. New device insight may be possible based on some of the consequences of this work, including the definition of new measurements that can potentially replace more familiar but less applicable linear figures of merit. Finally, identification of multiple timescale (electro-thermal, trapping and de-trapping) time-domain models from large-signal waveform data has become more practical with the introduction of some commercial tools and models. Recent advances in this area and future directions will be reviewed.
NVNA measurements for high efficiency RF PA designs
Tony Gasseling, AMCAD Engineering;
Christophe Mazière, AMCAD Engineering;
Tony Gasseling, Christophe Mazière, AMCAD Engineering
This lecture will present two NVNA measurements based applications.
The first application is a simple methodology to observe the RF waveforms at the drain source current reference plane of the transistor, without using a complete nonlinear model. The aim is to allow Power Amplifier designers starting their work using VNA based harmonic and time domain load pull measurements, and S parameter measurements. The later measurements will be used to extract a linear model first. Then the parameters of the linear model will be used to deembed the load pull measurements directly at the voltage controlled current source plane, in order to enable waveform engineering. Because of the well know theoretic conditions that enable optimum efficiency, this methodology can also be used to avoid time consuming multi-harmonic load pull measurements. Harmonic impedances can be defined accordingly to the knowledge of the operating class addressed, while load pull optimization fundamental matching only.
The second application is a new identification methodologies dedicated to packaged transistor behavioral modeling. Using the background of the Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) model formalism, the extension of the model kernels description up to the third order makes the behavioral model more robust and accurate for a wide range of impedance loading conditions, which is a primordial when designing a High Power Added Efficiency Doherty Amplifier, where a load impedance variation can be observed as a function of the power level. In this paper, a model of a 15 W GaN Packaged Transistor has been extracted from Load Pull measurements for Class AB and Class C conditions. This new Enhanced PHD model (EPHD) and the original PHD model are benchmarked against Load Pull measurements in order to check the new formulation. An advanced validation at the circuit level was done in order to verify the ability of the EPHD model to predict the overall Doherty Amplifier performances.
Design-oriented measurements of high-efficiency PAs for high PAR using an NI-based platform
Zoya Popovic, Univ. of Colorado;
Tibault Reveyrand, Univ. of Colorado;
Zoya Popovic, Tibault Reveyrand, Univ. of Colorado
Communication and radar signals have increased peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR) and bandwidths for efficient spectrum use, implying reduced transmitter average efficiency. Doherty, supply-modulated (ET) and outphasing transmitters offer possible efficiency improvements. This talk discusses various MMIC PA designs with 3 to 10W output power and peak PAE greater than 60% at X-band using the Qorvo 150-nm GaN process. Outphasing and Doherty PAs exhibit load modulation, and internal measurements of load modulation in several X-band PAs are presented. Furthermore, supply-modulated X-band transmitters with MMIC GaN dynamic, along with the simulation and measurement challenges for this type of transmitter, are discussed. At the University of Colorado, we have been researching advanced power amplifier and transmitter microwave architectures for improved energy and spectral efficiency. In this field, there is a need for nonlinear device and circuit characterization that is modular, lower cost and has additional functionality not available in existing measurement solutions. We are working on a large signal network analyzer (LSNA) which uses sub-samplers in time domain, using NI PXI instruments combined with specialized RF components in a dedicated LabVIEW framework. We have used a low-frequency version of the instrument, based on a NI platform, to characterize for the first time low-frequency signal-envelope (up to 500MHz) bandwidth complex drain supply port impedance of several GaN transistors and integrated amplifiers under large signal carrier operation. This knowledge allows us to design very efficient high-frequency dynamic supplies for envelope tracking. For example, we have demonstrated >10W output power at 10GHz with over 20dB saturated gain and 60% power-added efficiency combined with a >90% efficient 100-MHz switching power supply on the same GaN chip, enabled by specialized transistor characterization. At the carrier frequency (e.g. 10GHz), a similar preliminary system has allowed us to measure internal load modulation in an outphasing amplifier under supply modulation, as well as behavior of self-synchronous microwave power rectifiers. A combined high and low frequency version of this type of instrument will be presented. A brief discussion will be given in order to show what types of new design-oriented measurements can be performed using this type of powerful analysis.
Characterization of advanced transmitter components using non-conventional LSNA measurements
Mattias Thorsell, Chalmers Univ. of Technology;
Christer Andersson, QAMCOM;
Sebastian Gustafsson, Chalmers Univ. of Technology;
David Gustafsson, Ericsson;
Christian Fager, Chalmers Univ. of Technology;
Christian Fager, Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Future wireless transmitters need to target improved energy efficiency while meeting strict linearity requirements. Some of the most promising solutions, based on Digital Doherty, outphasing, and varactor based load modulation architectures are founded on a combination of nonlinear RF and signal processing methods to reach this goal. We will in this presentation describe how the LSNA, when employed in various non-conventional setups, provides an essential tool in the development of these energy efficient and linear transmitter solutions.
Accelerating the design of high-efficiency power amplifiers using adapted measurement techniques
Marc Vanden Bossche, National Instruments Corp.;
Marc Vanden Bossche, National Instruments Corp.
Designing multi-functional, wideband and very efficient power amplifier systems under high PAR signals is a challenge. It is no longer adequate to perform just some source- and load-pull to find the optimal matching impedances. Envelope tracking techniques are being used to increase efficiency, digital predistortion is added to linearize the overall power amplifier system etc..
Due to the increased complexity of power amplifier systems it is very necessary to go back to the basics and understand the fundamental behaviors and characteristics of the amplifier in combination with its accessories which will lead to the performance of a complete power amplifier system.
First the talk will give an overview of these fundamental behaviors and characteristics. Secondly one will discuss the type of measurements that are needed to provide these behaviors and characteristics in combination with the technical challenges. Finally a practical measurement system, based on vector signal analyzers, is explained and demonstrated that helps accelerating the design of high-efficiency power amplifiers where load-pull, envelope tracking, digital predistortion and design techniques meet each other.
Tunable and Reconfigurable Front Ends for Multiband Communication Systems
Xun Gong, Pierre Blondy
Organizer organization:
Univ. of Central Florida, XLIM CNRS - Universite de Limoges
The ever increasing demand for higher data rate wireless communication systems has lead to the adoption of a number of techniques like Multiband operation, Carrier agregation, and MIMO, in addition to the proposal of new techniques such as in-band full-duplex communications. These new techniques impose stringent RF requirements on the antenna interface components, like filters and amplifiers. As an example, multiband 4G smart phone would require about 16 duplexers for the main paths and 16 SAW/BAW filters for the diversity paths to cover the cellular bands in the 700-2700 MHz range. The antenna interface also includes the inevitable RF switches and antenna tuners. The antenna interface could be substantially simplified if a tunable RF filter with adequate performance can be practically realized.
The advent of innovative switched capacitor array technologies such as stacked gate CMOS, Silicon on Sapphire, and MEMS technologies permits the development of a new generation of high linearity, low loss, and low power consumption tunable components.
This workshop focuses on the area of tunable and reconfigurable RF/microwave filters, antennas and amplifiers by reporting recent research findings in this exciting field. This includes a large variety of novel planar/hybrid tunable circuit realizations for spectrum management and dynamic broadband filtering.
The Workshop should highlight the trends and open the debate on choices in architecture, design, and technology of tunable RF filters and matching networks at the antenna interface.
Presentations in this session
Sharp Rejection and High-Q Tunable Filters Using High-Reliability RF MEMS Devices
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego;
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego
Tunable RF Front-end Components: Design and Technology
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ.;
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ.
Multi-function and Tunable RF Devices
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo;
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo
Dual-Band Tunable and Switchable Filters
Pierre Blondy, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;
Pierre Blondy, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Chip-scale Piezoelectric RF Microsystems for Frequency-dynamic Wireless Applications
Songbin Gong, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
Songbin Gong, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
RF-SOI for Tunable Radios
Julio Costa, QORVO, Inc.;
Julio Costa, QORVO, Inc.
RF-MEMS Circuits for Wireless Applications
Larry Morrell, Cavendish Kinetics;
Larry Morrell, Cavendish Kinetics
Tunable High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers with Variable Loads
Zoya Popovic, Univ. of Colorado;
Zoya Popovic, Univ. of Colorado
Heterogeneous integration of silicon RFIC with III-V's
Vesna Radisic, Debabani Choudhury
Organizer organization:
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Intel Corp.
This workshop will focus on recent advances in heterogeneous integration of III-V and silicon RFIC technologies. This unique combination of these two technologies allows high integration level, yield, manufacturability of Silicon technology to be merged with high frequency and high performance III-V technologies. Several heterogeneous techniques will be presented including Zipronix direct bond interconnect technology and DAHI approach in which chiplets of one technology which are bonded to the wafer of different technology. Examples include integration of III-V’s with SiGe BiCMOS , GaN with Si CMOS for RF applications, and of AlGaN/GaN devices on a scalable Si-CMOS platform. Challenges in implementation of GaN technology on large diameter, thin Si wafers due to large thermal and lattice mismatch issues will be also addressed. Another integration approach includes Nanoscale Offset Printing System (NanoOPS)that can print metals, insulators and semiconductors (including III-V and I-VI), organic and inorganic materials into nanoscale structures and circuits.
Presentations in this session
Leveraging Heterogeneous Integration for Modular RFIC Design
Daniel Green, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency;
Daniel Green, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
RF integrated circuits are increasingly moving to higher frequencies with increased demand for linearity, power efficiency, size and weight, and overall system performance. In recent years, Si-based RF/mixed signal technologies have made remarkable progress by leveraging advanced technology nodes and integration density; however, compound semiconductor technologies still possess fundamental material property advantages. Heterogeneous integration is a promising technology to leverage both the material properties of compound semiconductors and the integration density of Si-based technologies in a single SoC. DARPA has invested in a number of programs to advance the design and manufacturing of RF solutions leveraging integrated III-V and advanced Si technology. This talk will discuss the latest advances achieved by these programs and their impact on RFIC design.
Diverse Accessible Heterogeneous Integration (DAHI) Foundry and Development Efforts at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS)
Dennis Scott, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems;
Dennis Scott, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
NGAS is developing a heterogeneous integration foundry through the DARPA DAHI program. The NGAS foundry processes allow for compact and flexible integration of InP HBT, GaN and GaAs HEMT, and high-Q passive technologies to advanced CMOS substrates. Recent progress on the foundry integration methods, processes design kits, and thermal analysis tools will be presented as well as recent advancements on internal heterogeneous integration efforts.
Monolithic integration of AlGaN/GaN devices on a scalable Si-CMOS platform
Ko-Tao Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center;
Ko-Tao Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
GaN devices are ideal for the high performance power amplifiers operating at frequencies which are unachievable with any silicon-only-based technology. Implementation of GaN technology on large diameter, thin Si wafers such as those required for CMOS (750 um for both 200 and 300 mm diameter) has been challenging due to large thermal and lattice mismatch issues. In this talk, we will demonstrate that these issues can be minimized by growing GaN on a patterned Si wafer and by proper engineering of the pattern dimensions and pattern density. This investigation is aimed at combining strength of both GaN and Si technologies by co-integrating GaN devices with Si integrated circuits for high power and high performance products.
Wafer scale integration of III-Vs (GaN) with Si CMOS for RF applications
Thomas Kazior, Raytheon Company;
Thomas Kazior, Raytheon Company
We present our results on the successful wafer-scale, heterogeneous integration (HI) of GaN HEMTs and Si CMOS to create HI MMICs. Oxide bonding is being used to integrate GaN on 200 mm Si wafers with completed Si CMOS wafers. The HI MMIC process is being used to fabricate cost effective, high performance, digitally enhanced, RF and mixed signal ICs such as ‘intelligent’, highly-integrated transceivers.
High-rate Nanoscale Printing for Electronics, Sensors, Energy and Functional Materials Applications
Ahmed Busnaina, Northeastern Univ.;
Ahmed Busnaina, Northeastern Univ.
Printing offers an excellent approach to making structures and devices using nanomaterials, however, current electronics and 3D printing using inkjet technology, used for printing low-end electronics are slow and provide only micro-scale resolution. The NSF Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) has developed a new fully automated system that uses directed assembly based printing at the nanoscale to make products that fully take advantage of the superior properties of nanomaterials. The Nanoscale Offset Printing System (NanoOPS) can print metals, insulators and semiconductors (including III-V and I-VI), organic and inorganic materials into nanoscale structures and circuits (down to 20 nanometers). The fully automated robotic cluster tool system prints at the nanoscale to make products that take full advantage of the superior properties of nanomaterials. The NanoOPS has been used to print utilizing the following nanomaterials: nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, 2D materials and polymers. The center has many applications where the technology has been demonstrated. The center has developed many sensors, among them a biosensor chip (0.02 mm) capable of detecting multiple biomarkers simultaneously (in vitro and in vivo) with a detection limit that’s 200 times lower than current technology. In addition, the center made a printed Band-Aid sensor that could read glucose, urea and lactate levels using sweat. An inexpensive micro chemical sensor with a low detection limit that’s less than 1 mm in size has also been developed. The center has also 2D and 1D materials transistors and inverters and a CNT battery that can be fully charged in a few minutes and retain more 90% capacity.
Wafer Scale 3D Integration of High Performance III-V Devices and Silicon CMOS for mm-wave ICs
Miguel Urteaga, Teledyne;
Miguel Urteaga, Teledyne
We describe our development of a 3D heterogeneous integration platform to integrate Si CMOS with high-performance III-V devices. The technology utilizes Ziptronix direct bond interconnect (DBI™) technology for heterogeneous interconnects and wafer thinning with through-substrate vias to route I/O between layers. Device and circuit results from the integration of high performance InP HBTs with 130nm CMOS will be presented.
Wafer-level heterointegrated InP DHBT / SiGe BiCMOS technology for mm-wave and sub-mm-wave applications
Nils Weimann, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut;
Nils Weimann, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut
The wafer-level integration of InP DHBT onto SiGe BiCMOS enables the realization of analog mm- and sub-wave circuits with enhanced performance in terms of RF output power and bandwidth as compared to the SiGe-only technology. At the same time, the proven process maturity of BiCMOS can be leveraged to realize highly complex system-on-chip mm-wave RF front-ends, potentially displacing the costly and bulky traditional mm-wave co-packaging techniques. The heterointegration technology and realized complex mm-wave sources including a SiGe VCO and InP amplifier and multiplier, which cover an output frequency range from 160 to 325 GHz, will be presented. Access to the combined InP/SiGe technology in chip foundry mode will be described, including process design kit information.
Synthesizer Improvement Using Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Integration of Silicon, Indium Phosphide and Gallium Nitride technologies
Bryan Wu, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems;
Bryan Wu, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Intimate device level heterogeneous integration using the DAHI process developed at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS) enables integrated circuits to be designed using multiple transistor types for optimal performance. In this workshop, we will present the recent progress of a Q band frequency synthesizer using CMOS, InP and GaN technologies and integrated through DAHI. With the reconfigurability of the DAHI process developed at NGAS, this Q band frequency synthesizer can convert the signal to E band as well.
E-Band Communications: Market, Technology and IC design
Edmar Camargo, Matthew Poulton
Organizer organization:
QuinStar Technology, Inc., QORVO, Inc.
E-band frequencies were allocated for communications more than 30 years ago, but interest in their commercialization did not occur until October 2003 when the FCC released a novel licensing plan for E-band (71 – 76 and 81 – 86 GHz), dedicated to high speed communications in the US. In 2006 the European organization ETSI followed similar actions. The concurrent development of 0.1 um GaAs, SiGe, InP and GaN technologies have in recent years provided impressive results in terms of high power density, low noise and low cost, allowing their application in E-band commercial and military systems for multi-Gb/s data rates in full duplex. Such systems are now being deployed in terrestrial, airborne and space applications. This workshop will cover mmWave transceiver design, focusing on different views of the markets by industry, performance achieved by different technologies, and the latest IC design improvements required by applications at these high frequencies. The transceiver components to be covered include frequency converters, power amplifiers and low noise amplifiers.
Presentations in this session
E-Band Communications at Raytheon: Technologies and Potential Applications
James McSpadden, Raytheon Company;
Mark Rosker, Raytheon BBN Technologies;
Kenneth Brown, Raytheon BBN Technologies;
Jagannath Chirravuri, Raytheon BBN Technologies;
Hooman Kazemi, Raytheon BBN Technologies;
James McSpadden, Raytheon Company
Raytheon is interested in E-band communications for high data rate throughput using small size, weight, and power communication systems. One specific example of the technology development efforts at Raytheon is the work we have done in the DARPA Mobile Hotspots (MHS) program. A simultaneous transmit and receive system with selectable polarization and beamwidth has demonstrated 1 Gbps data rates with our high power GaN amplifiers. Compact and broadband E-band high power amplifiers were developed support transmit modes with reflector antennas. A real-time rapid pull-in and tracking capability of the Raytheon gimbaled scan with the variable beamwidth antenna was also demonstrated in the MHS program. Measured results of this technology will be discussed
Transceivers for Highly Spectral Efficient Multi-Gbps radio links
David Ryan, MaCom;
Simon Mahon, MACOM;
David Ryan, Simon Mahon, MaCom, MACOM
As end user consumption of data continues to soar unabated, increasing strain is placed on the fronthaul and backhaul networks to transport the ever increasing traffic. The incumbent solutions, typically microwave Point-to-point links in the 6 to 43GHz bands, have provided adequate capacity but increasingly, operators are looking to millimeter wave, generally, and E-Band, in particular, with the abundant available spectrum and favorable spectrum licensing regulations. With 10GHz of total available spectrum from lower, 71 to 76GHz, and upper, 81 to 86GHz, bands, even with modest spectral efficiency, E-Band can deliver many benefits to operators, such as, fewer radio variants, smaller antenna size, lower licensing fees. However, with increasing popularity and desire to increase network density, pressure is already mounting for higher performance solutions that offer improved spectral efficiency.
In this talk, the motivation for high capacity millimeter wave radio links will be introduced and the circuit design challenges inherent in optimizing total network capacity with high throughput radio links using high order modulations, such as 1024QAM, at very high frequencies will be discussed.
Boosting E band communications using advanced III-V semiconductors
Mansoor Siddiqui, Northrop Gruman;
Mansoor Siddiqui, Northrop Gruman
E band communications with its large available spectrum allocations was brought in use about 10 years ago. Despite the available spectrum, utilization of this band has been slower than some of the lower frequency slots. Part of the problem is cost and the other is the performance limitations of the communication hardware. Recent advances in short gate CMOS technologies may alleviate the cost side of the equation. The MMIC performance ( heretofore accomplished with GaAs) has been limited. NGAs has been maturing technologies that will bring boost the dynamic range of the E band links and help fill the data pipeline. Whether it is our legacy 0.1um GaAs coupled with 0.1um InP front end amplifiers for excellent Noise Figures and or the high power and highly linear GaN Pa’s and drivers, NGAS’s semiconductor technology offers un-matched performance without the high price tag. We will summarize the offerings and show roadmaps to our next generation chipsets.
High performance low-cost fully-integrated SiGe based E-band transceiver chipset and packaging for fixed duplexing
Oded Katz, IBM Research - Haifa;
Oded Katz, IBM Research - Haifa
Silicon based E-band radio systems offer high integration level and dramatically reduce the system production cost, however, they suffer from low performance issues, such as limited linearity, high phase noise, high noise figure, and low output power.
Recently, we demonstrated fully-integrated high-performance SiGe based transceiver chipset, which includes receiver and transmitter in a double conversion superhetrodyne sliding–IF architecture, that covers both lower and higher bands, and allows full duplex throughput required to utilize the full potential of the E-band standard.
In this talk, the transceiver architecture as well as the design considerations for meeting the challenges of the regulatory requirements, such as spectrum emission masks, dynamic range, and interferer immunity, will be analyzed. In addition, a set of circuit components that compose our fully-integrated E-band chipset will be reviewed. The components performance and topology were derived from the above constrains. Finally, the chipset measured performance will be presented.
Development of linear GaAs MMICs for high performance E-band radios
marcus Gavell, Gotmic;
marcus Gavell, Gotmic
To date, GaAs High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) is the most used and established technology for mm-wave MMICs due to its satisfactory high frequency performance. The reliability, stable manufacturing, performance and pricing of GaAs are very competitive, which make this technology very attractive for commercial use. Gotmic has over the years developed a wide range of high performance MMIC products using commercial foundries. Today these circuits are used in several E-band and related mm-wave systems. This presentation will cover topics such as circuit performance, design, price and integration on MMIC/package level. Furthermore we will address the market and future outlook for the E-band.
Infineon E-band Front End Module for Cost-Optimized Gigabit DataLinks
Uwe Rueddenklau, Infineon Technologies AG;
jagjit Singh Bal, Infineon;
Uwe Rueddenklau, jagjit Singh Bal, Infineon Technologies AG, Infineon
E-band (70/80GHz) has worldwide availability, is mostly light licensed, interference free, has much wider channel bandwidths (250 MHz and above) available and also low oxygen absorption, allowing much longer hops. Wireless links can be deployed quite quickly compared to optical fiber and also now the technology exists it makes the total cost of ownership of the point-to-point radio link lower than optical fiber. A number of IC manufacturers have developed chip sets for E-Band transceivers, some in Silicon and others in GaAs.
Infineon's mm-wave transceiver product family allows one to send >1 GB/s data rates over a wireless mm-wave link. Infineon's RF expertise and technology capability enable more applications such as Radar and Sensing. Infineon´s own fabricated SiGe technologies is used to realize cost-optimised and integrated packaged single chip mm-wave transceivers.
By co-developing the chip and package using eWLB (embedded Wafer-Level Ball Grid Array), Infineon realizes a compact design in a plastic housing.
This presentation will discuss the radio link design and performance that can be achieved at E-Band with a front-end design using Infineon SiGe transceivers including the following topics:
Three-Dimensional Wafer-Level Chip Size Package Technology and Application to E-band Communication Devices
Tsuneo Tokumitsu, Sumitomo;
Tsuneo Tokumitsu, Sumitomo
Multi-layered and three-dimensional MMIC (3-D MMIC) researches were carried out in the 1990's, while there were many twists and turns in/after the era. We launched a novel wafer-level chip size (scale) package (WLCSP) technology by aggressively modifying the 3-D MMIC technology in 2008. The WLCSP currently employs 0.1um-gate AlGaAs/GaAs PHEMTs and is designed to be flip-chip assembled as an excellent platform at all frequencies from 10 GHz to 100 GHz. No package is necessary for practical use, achieving low cost. Some applications of the WLCSP technology to the 77 GHz automotive radars and the 80 GHz-band
(E-band) communication transceivers, as well as point-to-point communication transceivers (several bands in 13-42 GHz), will be presented.
Trade-offs in the Design of E-band Transceiver MMICs for Gigabit Wireless Link Application
suhill Kumar, GigOptix;
suhill Kumar, GigOptix
The popularity of multimedia applications and broadband internet has created an ever increasing demand for achieving higher throughputs in cellular and wireless networks. Thus far, microwave (up to 43GHz) wireless point-to-point links have been playing an important role in carrying a large portion of this data by interconnecting cellular base stations or enterprise buildings. There is continuing exponential growth of subscriber throughout the world and ODU vendors are looking for solution that can help to upgrade to next generation cellular networks that supports throughput comparable to fiber-optic links (Gbps) at low cost with fast deployment.
E-band based network are very attractive for such multi-Gigabit per second (Gbps) wireless links due to availability of 10GHz spectrum in the 70 and 80 GHz band. Gigoptix is working on a complete Tx/Rx chip set solution employing various technologies such as GaAs and SiGe in a SiP (system in package). This approach provides the best of GaAs and SiGe technology performance for Tx and Rx in a SiP, thus the developed solution can handle a complex modulation scheme such as 64QAM with 1GHz bandwidth.
This presentation will discuss about various IC technologies available for E-band such as GaAs/GaN and SiGe and their tradeoffs for various circuit design such as Power Amplifier, Mixer, and LNA etc for developing an E-band Transceiver chipset. In addition to chipset development at MMIC level, some aspect of low cost and high performance of packaging such as SiP will also be covered.
13:00 - 17:00
Power and Signal Integrity Characterization Techniques
Mike Resso, Heidi Barnes, Ken Wong
Organizer organization:
Keysight Technologies
Many technology companies must design and develop highly complex chips, packages, and boards for telecom and datacom applications. Issues of power and signal integrity arise from a steady increase in IC speed and data transmission rates combined with a steady decrease in power-supply voltages. The latest applications from cloud computing to the Internet of Things force these new designs into smaller geometries and with higher densities. The integration of numerous I/O counts, multiple stacked chips and packages, and higher electrical performance requirements go far beyond simple schematic netlists to determine performance. Modern electro-magnetic simulations and RF/uW measurement techniques are increasingly being applied to these complex 3D distributed systems. Breakthrough solutions based on intuitive understanding of fundamental power integrity and signal integrity characterization techniques can help the design engineer overcome these challenges. This workshop will present multiple perspectives from experts in the field starting with theoretical fundamentals through practical real world design case studies.
Presentations in this session
I Know Signal Integrity, I Have Heard of Power Integrity, but What is SI/PI Co-Simulation?
Heidi Barnes, Keysight Technologies;
Heidi Barnes, Keysight Technologies
One way of evaluating the features of a PDN is by observing the impedance profile as seen by the pads on the die. This will always show parallel resonance between capacitive elements and inductive elements. In many systems, the largest peaks are from the on-die capacitance and package lead inductance. This is called the Bandini Mountain. It is often the source of system failures. In this presentation the features of the Bandini Mountain will be reviewed and some recommendations of how to fix it at the semiconductor, the package, the board and the system architecture level will be introduced.
Power Integrity Challenges in the Race for Small Size and High Efficiency Power Delivery
Steven Sandler, PicoTest;
Steven Sandler, PicoTest
A great deal of emphasis is being placed on the operating efficiency and size reduction of today's Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs), and in part new eGan technology is providing a solution path. VRMs are also gravitating towards all ceramic output capacitor solutions to meet the demand for size reduction. A common byproduct of all ceramic decoupling capacitor solutions is a less than flat VRM output impedance.In this session we will look at how system performance is degraded by a non-flat VRM impedance. We will show how to design, simulate and measure the VRM impedance as well as how to optimally implement external capacitor series resistance to allow an all ceramic capacitor solution for a small footprint high efficiency designs.
Today’s Power Integrity Issues with FPGA Applications
Jack Carrel, Xilinx Inc.;
Jack Carrel, Xilinx Inc.
Today’s Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) have many high speed gigabit i/o lines that transmit digital data with rise times of 10s of picoseconds. The transceiver architectures that create the best quality communications employ many advanced features that ensure proper functionality over many years of operation. One aspect of this FPGA design that has become challenging is the power distribution network (PDN) that power these advanced circuits internal to the FPGA chip itself. Standard CMOS power supply designs of the past have traditionally required their own power plane and ground plane design rules, however, these new breed of FPGA transceiver PDNs have new design challenges not typically encountered. Inductance of power plane cut-outs, suppression of huge switching currents, and advanced decoupling techniques on the die and in the package pose require a new way to think about PDN desgin. Controlling transients in the picosecond regime reducing noise to single digit millivolts at low frequencies requires fastidious attention to power delivery details. This presentation will provide the background and guidance for designing an effective PDN for these circuits.
May 24 - Tuesday
8:00 - 9:40
Transmission Lines for System Applications
Luca Perregrini
Chair organization:
Univ. of Pavia
Tatsuo Itoh
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
New transmission line structures and phenomena are presented to enable system applications.
Presentations in this session
Compact Three-Dimensional Four-Way Vectorial Steering Module for Ka-Band Multiple Feeds-per-Beam Satellite Payload Applications
Steffen Spira, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany);
Michael Schneider, Airbus DS GmbH (Germany);
Tilo Welker, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany);
Jens Müller, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany);
Matthias Hein, Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany);
Steffen Spira, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
(8:00 - 8:20)
A compact three-dimensional four-way vectorial steering module using low-temperature co-fired ceramics multilayer technology, hybrid-integrated with monolithic microwave integrated circuits for flexible satellite payloads operating in the Ka-band downlink frequency range of 17–22 GHz is presented. The module features digitally controllable actuators and hermetic sealing at a compact size of 26 mm × 44.5 mm × 4.4 mm. For feeding the module with a single input signal, a one-stage four-way Wilkinson power divider was designed incorporating buried resistors, fabricated, and measured. The divider exhibits a return loss of > 12 dB at all ports. The isolation of the output ports is > 15 dB, transmission phase difference remains below 4.3 degrees, and the insertion loss is below 1.3 dB. The vectorial microwave parameters of the module can be adjusted by 344 degrees for phase and 15.5 dB for amplitude with 5-bit resolution, at stepsizes of 11.25 degrees and 0.5 dB, respectively.
Tunable dielectric delay line phase shifter based on liquid crystal technology for a SPDT in a radiometer calibration scheme at 100 GHz
Matthias Jost, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Roland Reese, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Christian Weickhmann, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Christian Schuster, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Onur Karabey, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Holger Maune, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Rolf Jakoby, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Matthias Jost, Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany
(8:20 - 8:40)
This paper presents an electrically tunable dielectric line based on a fiber topology. A fiber segment is filled with liquid crystal (LC) for continuously tuning the differential phase between 0°-90° by an applied biasing voltage. This tunable dielectric delay line phase shifter is aimed to be implemented into a RF switch (SPDT), to switch between the calibration loads and the antenna of a radiometer at 100GHz. A subwavelength topology was chosen, where compared to classical dielectric waveguides, air is acting as cladding material, ensuring a low loss propagation comparable to hollow waveguides. The phase shifting section has a total length of 26mm and provides a maximum differential phase shift of more than 107° and 115° at 100GHz for electric and magnetic biasing, respectively. Accompanied with insertion losses between 2.5-3.0dB, the phase shifter shows a figure of merit of 42°/dB for the electric and 44°/dB for the magnetic biasing.
Low Permittivity Cladding to Improve the Performance of Dielectric Rod Waveguides and Dielectric End-Fire Antennas
Denise Lugo, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Ramiro Ramirez, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Jing Wang, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Thomas Weller, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Denise Lugo, Univ. of South Florida, United States
(8:40 - 9:00)
A low loss dielectric rod waveguide design is proposed for use at Ku band. Measured waveguide performance from 10 to 18 GHz is presented and validated using full wave numerical simulations. The proposed design uses a low permittivity cladding to improve performance at the low end of the operating frequency band. Moreover, an improvement of the waveguide isolation due to the cladding is also analyzed. The proposed ABS cladding is also implemented on a dielectric end-fire antenna obtaining an improvement in return loss, gain and half power beamwidth at the low end of the Ku band; the measured peak gain at 12.2 GHz is 14.6 dBi and 9.8 dBi with and without the cladding, respectively, and the 3 dB beamwidth changes from 22 to 61 degrees.
High Directivity Negative-Resistance Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Antenna
Kepei Sun, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Jay Lee, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Jun Choi, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Kepei Sun, Syracuse Univ., United States
(9:00 - 9:20)
A novel negative-resistance composite right/left-handed (NR-CRLH) leaky-wave antenna (LWA) is presented. The conventional CRLH unit cell is enhanced by a configurablemade reconfigurable using negative resistance circuit. An LWA constituted by the proposed unit cells allows manipulation of the current distributions over the radiating surface of the antenna. Consequently, the radiation pattern, gain, and directivity can be adjusted to the desired values. The fabricated prototype of the proposed NR-CRLH LWA demonstrates enhanced directivity compared to the conventional all passive CRLH LWA. The proposed method provides simple current amplitude control while minimally influencing the desired dispersive/transmission characteristics of the LWA.
Modal Analysis and Closure of the Bandgap in 2D Transmission-Line Grids
Ayman Dorrah, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Mohammad Memarian, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
George Eleftheriades, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Ayman Dorrah, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
(9:20 - 9:40)
Two-dimensional transmission line (TL) grids have been shown to demonstrate interesting behaviors, such as effective negative refractive index and growing of evanescent waves. The analytical treatment of periodic TL-grid structures in the literature predicts a closed bandgap dispersion relation and 2 eigenmodes for a symmetric unperturbed TL-grid unit cell. In this paper, it is shown that unloaded 2D TL-grids inherently exhibit an open bandgap in the dispersion relation and the TL-grid has to be perturbed for successful closing of the bandgap. Furthermore, it is shown that there is a flat (deaf) band in the dispersion relation which is regarded as an additional third eigenmode. Finally, based on this analysis, a 2D single-point fed TL-grid Dirac leaky-wave antenna (DLWA) design is fabricated. Experimental results show true broadside radiation, which is a proper indication of the successful closure of the bandgap in the dispersion relation.
Broadband High-Efficiency Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers
Debasis Dawn
Chair organization:
North Dakota State Univ.
Ali Darwish
Co-chair organization:
Army Research Lab
This session is focused on novel circuit design techniques for developing broadband high-efficiency millimeter-wave up to 117 GHz power amplifiers using CMOS and GaN process technologies.
Presentations in this session
Design and Performance of 16-40GHz GaN Distributed Power Amplifier MMICs Utilizing an Advanced 0.15um GaN Process
Charles Campbell, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Sabyasachi Nayak, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Ming-Yih Kao, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Shuoqi Chen, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Charles Campbell, QORVO, Inc., United States
(8:00 - 8:20)
This paper describes the design and measured performance of 16-40GHz power amplifier MMICs fabricated with an advanced state of the art 0.15um Gallium Nitride (GaN) process technology. The process features a 50um thick Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrate and compact transistor layouts with individual source grounding vias (ISV). The designs utilize a non-uniform distributed power amplifier (NDPA) topology with Ruthroff connected output transformers. The 3-stage single-ended amplifier demonstrates 4.1-8.7 W of output power over a 16-40GHz bandwidth. For the second MMIC two of the single-ended amplifiers are balanced to produce 7.0-16.0 W over the same frequency range.
Highly Linear CMOS Power Amplifier for mm-Wave Applications
Byungjoon Park, POSTECH University (Korea, Republic of);
Daechul Jeong, POSTECH University (Korea, Republic of);
Jooseung Kim, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Yunsung Cho, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Kyunghoon Moon, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Bumman Kim, Postech (Korea, Republic of);
Byungjoon Park, POSTECH University, Korea, Republic of
(8:20 - 8:40)
Fully-integrated highly linear Ka-band differential power amplifiers (PA) are designed in 28-nm CMOS process. A Class-AB topology is used to increase the efficiency and linearity. For proper operation of the class-AB amplifier, harmonic control circuits are introduced to minimize the 2nd harmonics at the drain and source of the transistor. By adopting this structure, the common source / 2-stack PAs achieve PAE of 27% / 25%, and EVM of 5.17% / 4.2% and ACLR_E-UTRA of -33 dBc / -33 dBc, respectively, at an average output power of 9.5 dBm / 14.2 dBm at 28.5 GHz for a 20-MHz bandwidth, 64QAM, and 7.5-dB PAPR LTE signal.
A Highly Efficient mm-Wave CMOS SOI Power Amplifier
Sultan Helmi, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Saeed Mohammadi, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Sultan Helmi, Purdue Univ., United States
(8:40 - 9:00)
A stacked power amplifier (PA) with a power-added efficiency (PAE) of higher than 40% in U-band is implemented in GlobalFoundries 45 nm CMOS SOI technology. The PA achieves a relatively good power performance from 42 to 54 GHz. At 46 GHz the PA, biased under 6 V, measures a saturated output power (PSAT) of 22.4 dBm, a linear gain of 17.4 dB, a peak PAE of 42%, and a drain efficiency (DE) of 49%. Under a smaller supply voltage of 4.8 V, PSAT is reduced to 20 dBm while DE and peak PAE increase to 53% and 45%, respectively. As experimentally demonstrated, utilizing a triple cascode cell and suppression of parasitic capacitance of transistors through combining transistor layouts contribute to the improved performance of the PA.
A 60-GHz 20.6-dBm Symmetric Radial-Combining Wideband Power Amplifier with 20.3% Peak PAE and 20-dB Gain in 90-nm CMOS
Cheng-Feng Chou, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Chen Wei Wu, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yuan-Hung Hsiao, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yi-Ching Wu, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yu-Hsuan Lin, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Huei Wang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Chen Wei Wu, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
(9:00 - 9:20)
A 60-GHz 1.2-V wideband power amplifier (PA) with a compact 8-way radial power combiner implemented in 90-nm CMOS process is presented in this paper. The transformer-based radial power combiner with 1-dB insertion loss at 60 GHz and 0.043-mm2 compact size is designed for high output power combining and wideband load-pull matching. This PA achieves saturated output power (PSAT) of 20.6 dBm, maximum power added efficiency (PAEmax) of 20.3% and 20.1-dB small-signal gain (S21) at 60 GHz. The PA maintains 20-dBm PSAT with the PAEmax better than 17.3% within 50-64 GHz, and it has the 3-dB bandwidth (3-dB B.W) of 24.5 GHz (41.8-66.3 GHz). The chip area without pads is 0.432 mm2. To the author's best knowledge, this PA presents a widest frequency range (50-64 GHz) with the 20-dBm PSAT and above 17% PAEmax in 60-GHz CMOS PA.
A 104GHz-117GHz Power Amplifier With 10.4% PAE in Thin Digital 65nm Low Power CMOS Technology
Kefei Wu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (United States);
Sriram Muralidharan, Analog Devices, Inc. (United States);
Mona Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (United States);
Kefei Wu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
(9:20 - 9:40)
This paper presents a wide band 110GHz power amplifier in thin digital 65nm Low Power (LP) CMOS technology. The amplifier consists of 4 stages of single-ended common source (CS) amplifiers with Shielded Microstrip Line (S-MSL) based inter-stage and input-out matching networks. To address the decoupling issue of single-ended stages, a compact decoupling structure based on distributed inter-digitized MOM capacitor is implemented. The full wave electromagnetic simulations of the decoupling structure show an input impedance of 0.47-j0.12 ohm at 110GHz. The measured maximum small signal gain of the power amplifier is 17.8dB at 109GHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of 13 GHz (104-117 GHz). The OP1dB is 8.25dBm, while the saturated output power is 9.6dBm at 112.5 GHz with 10.4% power added efficiency (PAE). The amplifier occupies an area of 340x400um^2 including RF pads.
Multi-GHz Frontend Circuits for Digital Applications
Hermann Boss
Chair organization:
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co KG
Gregory Lyons
Co-chair organization:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory
This session presents 5 papers that address the performance and data throughput enhancements of Multi-GHz frontend circuits.
A new SiGe MOS-HBT quasi CML switch is introduced and a differential feedthrough cancellation technique is applied in a T&H; amplifier. The session is continued with papers on InP technology for MUX modules and a linear differential amplifier and a feed forward equalizer.
Presentations in this session
A 108GS/s Track and Hold Amplifier with MOS-HBT Switch
Konstantinos Vasilakopoulos, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Andreia Cathelin, STMicroelectronics (France);
Pascal Chevalier, STMicroelectronics (France);
Thelinh Nguyen, Finisar (United States);
Sorin Voinigescu, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Konstantinos Vasilakopoulos, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
(8:00 - 8:20)
A 108GS/s track-and-hold amplifier manufactured in a 55nm SiGe BiCMOS technology achieves 40GHz bandwidth with THD and SFDR of -49 dB and 55 dB, respectively. This performance is made possible by the use of a new MOS-HBT quasi-CML switch operating in class-AB mode, which results in an overall power consumption of 87 mW from 2.5V and 1.8V power supplies, respectively. The circuit targets time-interleaved ADC front-ends in next generation 64Gbaud fiber-optic receivers.
A 55-dB SFDR 16-GS/s Track-and-Hold Amplifier in 0.18 µm SiGe Using Differential Feedthrough Cancellation Technique
Ya-Che Yeh, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Yu-An Lin, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Yu-Cheng Liu, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Hong-Yeh Chang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Yu-An Lin, National Central Univ., Taiwan
(8:20 - 8:40)
A high speed high dynamic range track-and-hold amplifier (THA) using 0.18 μm SiGe process is presented in this paper. A differential feedthrough cancellation technique is proposed to enhance the hold-mode isolation and linearity of the THA. The measured spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) is up to 55 dB with a sampling rate of 16 GS/s. The measured input bandwidth is up to 8 GHz with a hold-mode of isolation of higher than 50 dB. The total DC power consumption is 132 mW with a supply voltage of 2.5 V. The chip size is 1.3×0.89 mm2. As compared to the advanced silicon-based THAs, this work features high isolation, high speed, low dc power, good SFDR and linearity.
A 50-GHz-Bandwidth InP-HBT Analog-MUX Module for High-Symbol-Rate Optical Communications Systems
Hiroshi Yamazaki, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hitoshi Wakita, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hideyuki Nosaka, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Kenji Kurishima, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Minoru Ida, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Akihide Sano, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Yutaka Miyamoto, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Munehiko Nagatani, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Munehiko Nagatani, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Japan
(8:40 - 9:00)
An ultra-broadband 2:1 analog-multiplexer (A-MUX) module has been developed for optical communications systems with a high symbol rate. The A-MUX IC was designed and fabricated using InP HBTs, which have a peak ft and fmax of 290 and 320 GHz, respectively. The A-MUX module has a through bandwidth of over 50 GHz and operates at a clock rate of up to 50 GHz, leading to 100-GS/s operation. Its power consumption is as small as 0.5 W. In addition, we devised a novel method to double the bandwidth of DACs using the A-MUX. We succeeded in generating an 80-Gbaud (160-Gb/s) Nyquist PAM4 signal based on two 20-GHz-bandwidth sub-DACs and this A-MUX.
An Over-67-GHz-Bandwidth 2 Vppd Linear Differential Amplifier with Gain Control in 0.25-µm InP DHBT Technology
Munehiko Nagatani, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Kenji Kurishima, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Minoru Ida, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hideyuki Nosaka, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hitoshi Wakita, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hitoshi Wakita, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Japan
(9:00 - 9:20)
This report presents a differential linear amplifier for multilevel transmissions at a high-symbol rate. We designed and fabricated this amplifier by using newly developed 0.25-μm InP DHBT technology, which yields a peak ft and fmax of over 400 GHz. This amplifier consists of a lumped variable-gain amplifier and a distributed output buffer for achieving a large gain control range and ultra-broadband performance. The -3 dB bandwidth and the differential gain are over 67 GHz and 10.7 dB, respectively. The output return loss is better than -10 dB up to 63 GHz. In addition to the ultra-broadband characteristics, a nearly 10-dB variable gain range was obtained. The amplifier provides a clear output waveform at symbol rates up to 100 Gbaud and 56 Gbaud with a NRZ signal and a PAM4 signal, respectively.
A 100-Gb/s, 1-tap Feed-forward based Analog Equalizer for Optical Communication Applications
Ronan Mettetal, Quartz Laboratory, ENSEA (France);
Jean-Yves Dupuy, III-V Lab (France);
Filipe Jorge, III-V Lab (France);
Muriel Riet, III-V Lab (France);
Virginie Nodjiadjim, III-V Lab (France);
Agnieszka Konczykowska, III-V Lab (France);
Achour Ouslimani, Quartz Laboratory, ENSEA (France);
Ronan Mettetal, Quartz Laboratory, ENSEA, France
(9:20 - 9:40)
This paper reports the design and measurement results of a 1-tap feed-forward based analog equalizer, mainly designed with differential pair amplifier cells composed of Indium Phosphide (InP) heterojunction bipolar transistors. This analog equalizer exhibits a maximal peaking frequency and amplitude of 50 GHz and 12 dB respectively. Large signal measurements demonstrated an equalization at 100 Gb/s of a 3m-long 1.85-mm-connector coaxial cable, which represents a lossy channel of 20 dB at 50 GHz. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first analog equalizer reported with an equalization capability demonstrated at 100 Gb/s
RF-MEMS Technology for Tunable and Low Power RF SYStems
Pierre Blondy
Chair organization:
Xilinx Inc.
John Ebel
Co-chair organization:
Air Force Research Lab
The session will cover the latest developments of RF-MEMS for tunable components like voltage controlled oscillators, band pass filters, micro-machined acoustic filters and transformers.
Presentations in this session
An ultra-low phase noise 3.37 -3.58 GHz MEMS varactor based VCOwith continuous frequency tuning
Gerhard Kahmen, Rohde & Schwarz (Germany);
Matthias Wietstruck, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Hermann Schumacher, Ulm University (Germany);
Gerhard Kahmen, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany
(8:00 - 8:20)
This paper presents a VCO that utilizes the analog capacitive tuning properties of a MEMS varactor for continuous frequency tuning. The MEMS based VCO achieves a tuning range from 3.37 to 3.58 GHz and a superior phase noise performance of -134.5 dBc/Hz at a 500 kHz offset from the carrier. This work shows the potential of MEMS varactors as attractive alternative to standard varactor solutions for frequency tuning of high performance VCOs.
A Low-Loss 1.4-2.1 GHz Compact Tunable Three-Pole Filter With Improved Stopband Rejection Using RF-MEMS Capacitors
Abdullah Alazemi, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Abdullah Alazemi, Univ. of California at San Diego, United States
(8:20 - 8:40)
A 1.4-2.1 GHz compact tunable 3-pole bandpass filter with improved stopband rejection using RF-MEMS capaciters and varactor diodes has been demonstrated. The MEMS capacitors are fabricated and fully packaged using a 0.18 um CMOS standard process with integrated high voltage drivers and SPI control logic and with reliability in the billions of cycles. The 1.4 - 2.1 GHz filter results in insertion loss < 2 dB with 1-dB fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 12-13%. The proposed design has highly improved stopband rejection compared to a standard combline filter. The application areas are in modern multi-standard communication systems.
Inductive Coupling for Increased Bandwidth of Aluminum Nitride Contour Mode Microresonator Filters
Christopher Nordquist, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Michael Henry, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Janet Nguyen, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Peggy Clews, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Stefan Lepkowski, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Alejandro Grine, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Christopher Dyck, Sandia National Laboratories (United States);
Roy Olsson, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (United States);
Christopher Nordquist, Sandia National Laboratories, United States
(8:40 - 9:00)
Inductive coupling and matching networks are used to increase the bandwidth of filters realized with aluminum nitride contour-mode-resonators. Filter bandwidth has been doubled using a combination of a wafer-level-packaged resonator chip and a high-Q integrated inductor chip. The three-pole filters have a center frequency near 500 MHz, an area of 9 mm x 9 mm, insertion loss of < 5 dB for a bandwidth of 0.4%, and a resonator unloaded Q of 1600. This work demonstrates the ability for co-integration of microresonators and inductors to broaden filter bandwidths beyond the normal limit imposed by the material coupling coefficient, and the ability to perform microresonator filter tuning with external passive elements.
A 20–40 GHz Tunable MEMS Bandpass Filter with Enhanced Stability by Gold-Vanadium Micro-Corrugated Diaphragms
ZhengAn Yang, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
ZhengAn Yang, Purdue Univ., United States
(9:00 - 9:10)
This paper reports the first octave-tunable K-band MEMS continuously tunable band-pass cavity filter with enhanced frequency stability by incorporating a creep-resistive Au-V micro-corrugated diaphragm (MCD) tuner. All filter components are fabricated with silicon micromachining and techniques. The filter’s measured tuning range is from 20 to 40 GHz with fractional bandwidth ranging from 1.9% to 4.7%. The filter’s measured loss varies from 3.09 to 1.07 dB including its connectors. The Au-V tuner results in significantly improved frequency stability with a 7× slower drift rate (phase II creep) compared to previously reported stare-of-art MEMS tunable filters based on Au-based MCD tuners. However, this comes at a cost of an additional 0.15-0.9 dB loss due to the higher resistivity of AuV. This large increase in frequency stability with a low-to-moderate increase in loss is a desirable trade-off for most applications.
Compact Thin-Film Packaged RF-MEMS Switched Capacitors
Kevin Nadaud, University of Limoges (France);
Fabien Roubeau, University of Limoges (France);
Arnaud Pothier, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Ling Yan ZHANG, Xlim University of Limoges (France);
Romain Stefanini, Airmems (France);
Pierre Blondy, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Kevin Nadaud, University of Limoges, France
(9:10 - 9:20)
This paper presents the design, the realization and the measurement of a thin-film packaged RF-MEMS switched capacitors. Packaging is included in microelectronics fabrication process, with Silicon Nitride thin film. The capacitors are actuated by deflecting thin gold metal membranes towards the package dielectric, increasing the capacitance by a factor 2.3. The device size, including its packaging, is 50 × 40μm² . Pull-in and release voltages have less than 5V variation between 20°C and 85°C. The device has been tested with 20 dBm applied power and shows no sensitivity to incident power.
Piezoelectric RF Resonant Voltage Amplifiers for IoT Applications
Ruochen Lu, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Tomas Manzaneque, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Michael Breen, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Anming Gao, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Songbin Gong, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Ruochen Lu, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
(9:20 - 9:40)
This paper reports the design and development of aluminum nitride (AlN) piezoelectric RF resonant voltage amplifiers for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. These devices can provide passive and highly frequency selective voltage gain to RF backends with a capacitive input to drastically enhance sensitivity and reduce power consumption of the transceiver. Both analytical and finite element models (FEM) have been utilized to identify the optimal designs. Consequently, an AlN voltage amplifier with an open circuit gain of 7.27 and a fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 0.11 % has been demonstrated. This work provides a material-agnostic framework for analytically optimizing piezoelectric voltage amplifiers.
3-D printing techniques and technologies
Rahul Dixit
Chair organization:
Raytheon Company
Bob Jackson
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Focused session on 3-D technologies and techniques for microwave through Terahertz frequencies. The selection of papers includes, a comparison of 3-D materials, techniques for ribbon waveguides, metalized polymer applications for antennas, nanowire innovations, and chip-scale integration techniques.
Presentations in this session
High-k and Low-Loss Thermoplastic Composites for Fused Deposition Modeling and their Application to 3D-Printed Ku-Band Antennas
Juan Castro, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Eduardo Rojas-Nastrucci, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Anthony Ross, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Thomas Weller, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Jing Wang, Univ. of South Florida (United States);
Juan Castro, Univ. of South Florida, United States
(8:00 - 8:20)
Four types of high-permittivity and low-loss composite substrates based on Cyclo-Olefin Polymer (COP) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), reinforced by Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3, MgCaTiO2, or TiO2 micro-fillers, have been characterized up to 17 GHz using cavity resonators. Thin-sheet specimens made of 25% v/v COP-MgCaTiO2, prepared by fused deposition modeling (FDM), exhibit a relative permittivity of ~4.74 and loss tangent tanδd lower than 0.0018, while 25% v/v COP-Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 specimens exhibit relative permittivity of ~4.92 and loss tangent tanδd lower than 0.0115. Meanwhile, COP-TiO2 composites loaded with 30% v/v 1100C co-fired TiO2 fillers exhibit a relative permittivity of ~4.56 and a record low loss tangent tanδd lower than 0.0014, while the 6% v/v ABS-Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 specimens demonstrate relative permittivity of ~3.98 and loss tangent tanδd below 0.0088. Rectangular edge-fed patch antennas operating at ~17 GHz are fabricated using 3D printing to compare the size and performance against designs that used commercial microwave laminates.
Ultra-Wideband Hybrid Substrate Integrated Ribbon Waveguides Using 3D Printing
Jennifer Byford, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Premjeet Chahal, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Jennifer Byford, Michigan State Univ., United States
(8:20 - 8:40)
A new wave guiding structure and fabrication technique is introduced for high speed, low loss, ultra-wideband interconnects. It is a hybrid between a dielectric ribbon and a substrate integrated waveguide design. In this structure, a high dielectric constant valued core is surrounded by a low dielectric constant valued cladding which in turn is surrounded by a metal layer. Both cylindrical and rectangular waveguide designs are presented. Simulations and measurement results show that ultra-wide band interconnects with low-dispersion can be designed using this hybrid approach. Fabrication of the cladding layer was carried out using 3D plastic printing. Simulated and measured results are discussed as well as fabrication techniques.
3D Printed Metalized-Polymer UWB High-GainVivaldi Antennas
Mohd Ifwat Mohd Ghazali, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Kyoung Youl Park, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Jennifer Byford, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
John Papapolymerou, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Premjeet Chahal, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Jennifer Byford, Michigan State Univ., United States
(8:40 - 9:00)
This paper introduces two UWB high gain Vivaldi antennas fabricated with a polymer-based 3D printer. 3D printing technology allows for simple fabrication that is easier, faster, and lower cost compared to traditional microfabrication and metal fabrication techniques. Two 3D printed designs are presented, the first of which is a simple Vivaldi notch antenna with a radiating slotline cavity. The second design consists of a bilateral Vivaldi with a partially covered cavity, which increases the bandwidth and gain of the antenna. Both designs are printed with a acrylic-based polymer, blanket metallized with a thin copper layer, and fed with a 50 coaxial feed. Both antennas show an extremely wide bandwidth of approximately 14 GHz from 4 to 14 GHz. The measured results match well with the simulated results, showing the potential for these antennas as low-cost, wideband, high gain alternatives which could be used in modern UWB communication systems.
Nanowire-based Through Substrate Via for Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
Júlio Pinheiro, Univ. of Sao Paulo (Brazil);
Marcus Pelegrini, Univ. of Sao Paulo (Brazil);
Leonardo Gomes, Univ. of Sao Paulo (Brazil);
Philippe Ferrari, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Gustavo Rehder, Univ. of Sao Paulo (Brazil);
Ariana Serrano, Univ. of Sao Paulo (Brazil);
Júlio Pinheiro, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil
(9:00 - 9:20)
A new through substrate via for millimeter-wave frequencies is proposed. The via is formed by copper nanowires connecting the bottom to the top surfaces of a porous alumina membrane. It is shown here that the nanowire-via is simple to fabricate using only six low-cost processing steps. Its dimensions and spacing are only limited by the photolithography process, reaching small sizes, important for high-density interconnections. The nanowire-vias were tested as CPW transitions and characterized up to 40 GHz. The results show low insertion loss of less than 0.05 dB per transitions at 40 GHz.
Low-profile and Chip-scale RF FEM using Si-Interposer Technology
Seong-Ryul Kim, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (Korea, Republic of);
Chngkun Park, Soongsil Univ.;
Jong-min Yook, Korea Electronics Technology Institute;
Seong-Ryul Kim, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea, Republic of
(9:20 - 9:40)
In this paper, we have developed the smallest hybrid-IC RF FEM (front-end module) using the thin-film integration and embedded-IC technology. All kinds of passive devices are integrated on a silicon substrate using a standard thin film process and active devices are embedded in cavities of the silicon substrate. An organic lamination process is used to fill a gap between the silicon and embedded IC. The signal via on the laminated organic is made using an UV laser machine. The RF FEM is consisted of three active ICs, PA, LNA, and SPDT switch, where ICs are embedded in the silicon cavity. Thin film capacitors and spiral inductor integrated on the silicon substrate are used for impedance matching or DC blocking. The measured insertion loss of the SPDT switch was 0.7 dB at 2.45 GHz and the LNA and PA shows more than 16 dB and 14 dB of gain respectively.
Methodolody and Hardware Development for High Power Microwave Industiral Applications
Cheng Paul Wen
Chair organization:
Peking Univ.
Steven Stitzer
Co-chair organization:
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
Improved methods for dielectric properties measurements are presented along with matching techniques for high power systems and new applications for solid state amplifiers. System solution combining high power microwave sources in high pressure environment is also described.
Presentations in this session
Full-Wave Circuit Analysis of a Split-Cylinder Cavity
David Marqués-Villarroya, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Felipe Penaranda-Foix, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Jose M Catala-Civera, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Beatriz García-Baños, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
J.Daniel Gutierrez-Cano, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
David Marqués-Villarroya, Univ. Politècnica de València, Spain
(8:00 - 8:20)
A new full wave method based on circuit analysis is presented in this paper for the electromagnetic modeling of a split-cylinder resonator. First, the circuit analysis has been used for the characterization of a few networks of one, two and three ports, and then the mode-matching method is applied to calculate the admittance matrix of the structure. The method has been applied to the accurate determination of dielectric properties and it has been compared and validated by data from the literature. With this new method, the use of higher order modes allows measuring dielectric properties at higher frequencies, and also to obtain accurate results with less computational cost and more flexibility than other methods.
Measurement of Temperature Dependent Permittivity of Liquid under Microwave Heating
Yoshio Nikawa, Kokushikan University (Japan);
Yoshio Nikawa, Kokushikan University, Japan
(8:20 - 8:40)
Microwave heating is one of the key technologies in medicine such as sterilization, synthesis of pharmacy and also uses in diagnostic and treatment. In application, it is necessary to obtain temperature dependent complex permittivity of material. For accurate measurement, one way is to apply a cylindrical cavity resonator. To apply microwave heating using the cavity resonator, it becomes possible to measure the temperature dependent permittivity of liquid material. In this study, TM010 cylindrical cavity resonator is designed of 2.45GHz band and developed the system to measure complex permittivity of liquid material in various temperatures. The cylindrical cavity resonator allows high microwaves power excitation and it can heat the sample dynamically with the measurement. The characteristics of the material as the temperature are measured by measuring transmission coefficient of the cylindrical cavity resonator with high power transmission.
Analog Amplitude-Locked Loop Circuit to Support RF Energy Solutions
Holger Heuermann, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany);
Arash Sadeghfam, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany);
Holger Heuermann, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
(8:40 - 9:00)
This paper presents the description and theory of the novel amplitude-locked loop (ALL) circuit to support RF energy solutions as well as RF plasma and microwave heating applications. This analog control circuit includes hot S-parameter measurements to lock to the best S11-value in the 2.45 GHz ISM band. The necessary architecture including a new amplitude discriminator circuit is presented in detail. The second part of the paper describes hardware solutions, one with discrete integrated circuits and the current solution, which is fully integrated in a C11N CMOS-IC. These ALL solutions were tested in low speed applications (e.g. lamps) and high speed systems (e.g. spark plugs). The measurement results of the ALL hardware solutions wind up this paper. These measurement results exemplify the very good quality of this novel amplitude-locked loop circuit for different dynamic loads
A 300W Complete GaN Solid State Power Amplifier for Positioning System Satellite Payloads
Rocco Giofre, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy);
Paolo Colantonio, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy);
Francisco De Arriba, TTI (Information and Communication Technologies) (Spain);
Lorena Cabria, Univ. of Cantabria (Spain);
Laura Gonzalez, TTI (Information and Communication Technologies) (Spain);
Rocco Giofre, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
(9:00 - 9:20)
An L-Band high power and efficient solid state power amplifier (SSPA) designed for the European satellite navigation system (i.e., Galileo) is presented. The developed SSPA, based on European Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology, comprises all the circuits required to interface the module with the satellite bus (i.e., a Power Supply Unit, PSU), and to control its functionalities by remote telecomand and telemetry (i.e., an Electronic Power Conditioner unit, EPC). The Radio frequency Unit (RFU) together with the PSU and EPC are accommodated in a single box with limited volume and mass. In continuous wave operating mode, the SSPA delivers an output power higher than 300W at less than 3dB of gain compression in the whole E1-Band (i.e., center frequency f0=1.575 GHz). Moreover, the demonstrated gain and power added efficiency, including the power dissipated by the PSU and EPC, are higher than 65dB and 44%, respectively.
High Pressure Microwave Flow Reactor for Raw Oil Treatment
Andreas Rosin, University of Bayreuth (Germany);
Thorsten Gerdes, University of Bayreuth (Germany);
Monika WillertPorada, University of Bayreuth (Germany);
Achim Schmidt-Rodenkirchen, Univ. of Bayreuth;
Andreas Rosin, University of Bayreuth, Germany
(9:20 - 9:40)
A high pressure short time heat treatment is required for improvement of fluid properties of viscous raw oil and reduction of energy consumption for pumping. Microwave heating is investigated to achieve significant process improvements as compared to conventional heating technology. A lab-scale flow reactor is designed that allows continuous microwave treatment for a maximum oil flow rate of 11 kg/h at 300-400 °C and up to 30 bar pressure. An unique microwave cavity design has been developed to enable short residence time, homogeneous temperature distribution, high energy efficiency, and safe operation at high pressure.
8:00 - 9:20
Advanced Acoustic and Tunable Device Technologies for RF Systems
Robert York
Chair organization:
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Harvey Newman
Co-chair organization:
Naval Research Laboratory
New material advances show promise for implementing high performance adaptive switching and tuning technologies based on phase-change materials (PCM) and ferroelectrics. This session covers the latest advances in integrated phase-change switches, including a combination of PCM materials with acoustic resonators. Switchable FBARs using BST material and the latest modeling approaches are covered. A new tunable SAW filter is presented that combines acoustic and varactor technologies. The latest advances in tunable dielectrics are also presented, including a novel application of the material for power detection.
Presentations in this session
Substrate Agnostic Monolithic Integration of the Inline Phase-Change Switch Technology
Nabil El-Hinnawy, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Pavel Borodulin, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Andris Ezis, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Colin Furrow, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Carlos Padilla, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Matthew King, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Evan Jones, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Brian Wagner, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Jeyanandh Paramesh, Carnegie Mellon Univ. (United States);
James Bain, Carnegie Mellon Univ. (United States);
Doyle Nichols, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Robert Young, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (United States);
Nabil El-Hinnawy, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, United States
(8:00 - 8:20)
Improvements to the GeTe inline phase-change switch (IPCS) technology have resulted in a 10x increase in the figure-of-merit (FOM) for radio-frequency (RF) switches. An ON-state resistance of 0.9 Ω (0.027 Ω∙mm) with an OFF-state capacitance and resistance of 14.1 fF and 30 kΩ, respectively, were measured. This results in a switch cutoff frequency (Fco) of 12.5 THz, with an OFF/ON resistance ratio of 10,000:1. This represents the highest reported Fco on chalcogenide switches to date. The threshold voltage (Vth) for these devices was measured at 3V and the measured third-order intercept point (TOI) was 72 dBm. Single-pole, single-throw (SPST) switches were fabricated, measuring 0.15 dB insertion loss in the ON-state, and 15dB isolation in the OFF-state at 18 GHz. The IPCS SPST switches were fabricated using a complete backside process with through-substrate vias, demonstrating their viability for use in low loss, non-volatile, zero power consumption RF circuits.
BAW Filter Design Method Based on Intrinsically Switchable Ferroelectric BST FBARs
Seungku Lee, Univ. of Michigan (United States);
Amir Mortazawi, Univ. of Michigan (United States);
Seungku Lee, Univ. of Michigan, United States
(8:20 - 8:40)
A design method for BAW filters based on intrinsically switchable ferroelectric BST FBARs is presented. A complete set of design equations for ladder-type FBAR filters is derived based on popular filter synthesis method using image parameters. For the first time, the complete analysis is performed that accurately calculates both image impedance and propagation constant for BAW filters. Closed-form design equations as a function of FBAR and filter specifications are provided. As an experimental verification, a 1.5-stage switchable ferroelectric BST FBAR filter is designed, fabricated, and measured. When a dc bias is applied, a switchable filter is in its on state and provides an insertion loss of 5.77 dB with a fractional bandwidth of 1.22% at 1.97 GHz. When in its off state, the filter exhibits more than 22 dB isolation. Circuit-level simulation results are in very good agreement with the measurement results, validating the proposed BAW filter design method.
Cross-Sectional Lamé Mode Contiguous Filters For Next-Generation LTE-Advanced Platforms
Cristian Cassella, Northeastern Univ. (United States);
Matteo Rinaldi, Northeastern Univ. (United States);
Matteo Rinaldi, Northeastern Univ., United States
(8:40 - 8:50)
This work discusses a new class of Aluminum Nitride (AlN)-based filters and duplexers for operation in the microwave frequency range. These novel devices are based on the use of recently developed Cross-Sectional-Lamé-Mode resonators (CLMRs), thus enabling a wideband operation (Bandwidth (BW) >20 MHz around 1 GHz) thanks to their high electromechanical coupling coefficient (kt2>6%). In addition, as their resonance frequency can be defined lithographically, CLMRs enable the monolithic integration of multiple contiguous or non-contiguous filters to be used for carrier-aggregation in next-generation LTE-A platforms.
Furthermore, a novel device architecture enabling reconfigurability of AlN-based resonators is also presented. This is based on the use of Phase Change Material (PCM) switches monolithically integrated with AlN piezoelectric micro-acoustic resonators. We experimentally demonstrate that this novel reconfiguration strategy enables the dynamic control of the key-features of AlN-based filters without significantly increasing the complexity of the device fabrication process and substantially degrading the device performance.
A New Tunable SAW Filter Circuit for Reconfigurable RF
Takaya Wada, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Takashi Ogami, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Atsushi Horita, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Hidenori Obiya, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Masayoshi Koshino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Makoto Kawashima, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Norio Nakajima, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan);
Takaya Wada, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
(8:50 - 9:00)
In recent years, the mobile data traffic is increasing and many more frequency bands have been employed. A simple Pi type tunable band elimination filter (BEF) with switching function is investigated by using a wideband tunable surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator circuit. The frequency of BEF is tuned approximately 31% by variable capacitors without spurious. In LTE low band, the arrangement of TX and RX frequencies is to be reversed in Band 13, 14 and 20 compared with the other bands. The steep edge slopes of the developed filter can be exchanged according to the resonance condition and switching. With combining the TX and RX tunable BEFs and the small sized broadband circulator, a new tunable duplexer is experimented that the TX-RX isolation is more than 50dB in LTE low band operations.
Two-Port Tunable Interdigital Capacitors Fabricated on Low-Loss MBE-Grown Ba0.29Sr0.71TiO3
Cedric Meyers, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Christopher Freeze, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Susanne Stemmer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Xing Lan, Northrop Grumman Space Technology;
Loc Chau, American Microwave Corporation;
Robert York, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Cedric Meyers, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, United States
(9:00 - 9:10)
Two-port, tunable interdigital capacitors (IDC) were fabricated on perovskite oxide thin films. The devices utilize electric-field tunable Ba0.29Sr0.71TiO3 (BST) thin films grown by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on LaAlO3 (LAO) substrates. A high-quality interface was achieved by hot-sputtering epitaxial platinum. The devices were measured from 100 MHz to 40 GHz and the results fitted to a frequency-dependent RLC equivalent circuit model. High quality factors (200) combined with 47% tunability were demonstrated in the S/L-bands. The devices exhibit a commutation quality factor averaging 6,000 across the L band which surpasses any previous results in this band. A phase shifter unit cell was simulated and implemented using the IDC equivalent circuit parameters.
Microwave Power Detection from an Anharmonic Dipolar Resonance
Nitin Parsa, Univ. of Akron (United States);
Michael Gasper, Univ. of Akron (United States);
Ryan Toonen, Univ. of Akron (United States);
Mathew Ivill, U.S Army Research Laboratory (United States);
Samuel Hirsch, U.S Army Research Laboratory (United States);
Nitin Parsa, Univ. of Akron, United States
(9:10 - 9:20)
Electric-field-induced, anharmonic dipolar resonances of room-temperature, barium strontium titanate (BST) thin film varactors have been used to rectify and detect microwave signals with frequencies ranging from 2GHz to 3GHz. The resonant frequency was shown to have strong dependence on film thickness with some amount of voltage-controlled tunability. Our experiments involved lock-in detection of a 100% amplitude modulated microwave signal with power levels ranging from -20 dBm to +10 dBm. An on-resonant sensitivity of 0.6 mV/mW was observed. This power detection sensitivity was shown to have built-in bandpass filtering corresponding to the resonant line shape.
10:10 - 11:30
Design and implementation of transmission lines
George Elefteriades
Chair organization:
Univ. of Toronto
Christian Damm
Co-chair organization:
Technische Univ. Darmstadt
New transmission-line elements are presented, from microwave to millineter wave frequencies. Both design approaches and implementation techniques are reported.
Presentations in this session
A general conical to coaxial line transition
Ryno Beyers, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa);
Dirk de Villiers, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa);
Ryno Beyers, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
(10:10 - 10:30)
A method for the design of a conical to coaxial transmission line transition with an arbitrary smooth impedance profile is presented. This type of transition is often used in conical line combiners, and has previously either had a constant impedance or an impedance taper that could not be explicitly designed. The presented method provides the designer with more design freedom by allowing an arbitrary impedance profile to be chosen or optimized and the resulting physical dimensions determined, instead of having to change the physical dimensions of the transition and then determine the resulting impedance profile afterwards. A conical combiner with improved performance is designed using the presented method. The performance predicted by the circuit model is in good agreement with full-wave simulations and measurements.
A Predictive Model for Slow-wave Coplanar Striplines in integrated technologies
Alfredo BAUTISTA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France);
Marwa Abdel Aziz, Ain Shams Univ. (Egypt);
Florence Podevin, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Philippe Ferrari, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Alfredo BAUTISTA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
(10:30 - 10:50)
This paper presents a predictive model for Slow-wave Coplanar Striplines (S-CPS). A Quasi-TEM propagation mode has been assumed for developing the equivalent electrical model. Based on the geometries and the definition of the back end of line, the model is capable to fully predict the behavior of the S-CPS without any fitting parameters. The model was validated with measurements of S-CPS implemented in the 0.35-µm CMOS AMS technology. A good agreement is achieved between the model and measurements in a wide band (DC-40GHz). This model provides the designer a powerful tool for fast design of differential circuits, for which the use of S-CPS instead of microstrip lines can be very efficient.
Design of Substrate Integrated Gap Waveguide
Jing Zhang, Concordia Univ. (Canada);
Xiupu Zhang, Concordia Univ. (Canada);
Dongya Shen, Concordia Univ. (Canada);
Jing Zhang, Concordia Univ., Canada
(10:50 - 11:10)
To miniaturize the conventional air gap waveguide (GW), a substrate integrated gap waveguide (SIGW) is proposed. And moreover, it makes up the defects in the microstrip-ridge air GW, such as inconstant gap height, holes in strip, as well as strip electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) coating. To verify the proposed SIGW, a prototype was designed and fabricated using multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB) technology. It includes a very simple deign of the transition between SIGW and microstrip lines for measurements. And the experimental results show that the measured performance agrees well with the simulated.
Mode-Selective Transmission Line for DC-to-THz Super-Broadband Operation
Faezeh Fesharaki, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Tarek Djerafi, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Mohamed Chaker, INRS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique) (Canada);
Ke Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Faezeh Fesharaki, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
(11:10 - 11:30)
A class of transformative transmission lines and waveguides called mode-selective transmission line (MSTL), is devised and demonstrated in this work. MSTL, in a fully integrated form, exhibits a disparate modal characteristic of traditional planar microwave transmission lines and non-planar waveguides. Whereas at low frequency, MSTL operates under the TEM regime, the operating mode is gradually converted to low-loss TE10 mode for operation as frequency moves up such as millimeter-waves and THz. An experimental MSTL prototype on fused silica substrate is designed, fabricated, and measured from DC to 500 GHz, showing unprecedented low-attenuation and low-dispersion characteristics over the entire frequency range.
10:10 - 11:50
Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Doherty Patent
Leo de Vreede
Chair organization:
Delft Univ. of Technology
Christian Fager
Co-chair organization:
Chalmers Univ. of Technology
80 years after its invention the Doherty power amplifier topology is dominating in wireless networks and is still expanding its territory. Its low hardware complexity, low cost, high performance and excellent high-power operation, has made it the favorite choice in a wide range of application scenarios. Although blessed with a relatively low hardware complexity, the Doherty topology represents still a very active research area, that every year yields new improvements in average efficiency, bandwidth, linearity / ease of pre-distortion, integration and operating frequency. In this session an overview is given of the most important milestones in Doherty design and implementation. Focus is on the key techniques to improve system efficiency, RF / video bandwidth, linearity and integration. We conclude this session with an outlook towards the evolution of the Doherty towards future / 5G applications.
Presentations in this session
Doherty History, Principles and Key Developments
Joseph Staudinger, NXP Semiconductors (United States);
Joseph Staudinger, NXP Semiconductors, United States
(10:10 - 10:30)
The Doherty power amplifier has its origin from the pioneering work of William Doherty at Bell Laboratories in the 1930’s where he investigated innovative methods of realizing efficient linear amplification at high power KW levels for transoceanic radiotelephony [1-2]. Over the ensuing decades and for most of the 20th century, the technique found popularity in AM broadcast transmitters, but more limited application elsewhere until the early 2000’s and the advent and widespread deployment of modern cellular communications and digital broadcasting systems. Other key developments enabling Doherty architectures were advances in Si and III-V semiconductor device technologies to achieve higher performance RF amplification, and powerful digital signal processing (DSP) hardware enabling distortion correction. This paper will examine underlying principles of Doherty PA operation, and highlight operational attributes and key developments which have resulted in it being the architecture of choice in today’s cellular infrastructure transmitters.
Odd-Mode Doherty Power Amplifier
Jawad Qureshi, Ampleon (The Netherlands);
Jawad Qureshi, Ampleon, The Netherlands
(10:30 - 10:50)
This paper presents a novel doherty architecture, providing wideband efficient RF power amplification along-with wideband class-AB second harmonic terminations for a rugged and reliable operation. A prototype is developed, based on this architecture which provides more than 40% average efficiency at an average output power of 220W over most of the UHF broadcast band, while maintaining the peak output power capability of more than 1.4kW. The second harmonic at the output of the DPA is suppressed by more than 30dBc and the pre-distortability of the DPA is demonstrated with commercially available DVB-T exciters.
Joint Circuit-Level and Digital Predistortion Strategies for Doherty Power Amplifiers Linearity-Efficiency Tradeoff Enhancement
Slim Boumaiza, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Hamed Golestaneh, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Slim Boumaiza, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
(10:50 - 11:00)
This paper starts with discussing the main circuit-level sources of distortions exhibited by multiband and broadband Doherty power amplifiers (DPAs). It also highlights solution to minimize their unwanted effects on the DPA performance when driven with carrier aggregated signals. Subsequently, it describes a digi-tal predistortion (DPD) system needed to mitigate the residual distortions and improve the achievable linearity-efficiency tradeoff. Finally, the challenges in applying DPD technique to linearizing 5G DPAs will be surveyed.
Design of Linear Doherty Power Amplifier for Handset Application
Bumman Kim, Postech (Korea, Republic of);
Yunsung Cho, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Bumman Kim, Postech, Korea, Republic of
(11:00 - 11:10)
The ideal Doherty power amplifier (PA) can be linear because the uneven powers from the carrier and peaking amplifiers are combined perfectly, providing the flat AM-AM characteristic. But transistor responses are different for the class AB and C biases and the nonlinear responses should be corrected to get the linear response. The nature choice for linearization of the Doherty PA is to compensate the gain compression of the carrier amplifier and the gain expansion of the peaking amplifier. For the purpose the peaking amplifier should be turned on early and the third-order intermodulation (IM3) of the two amplifiers should be adjusted properly. Proper harmonic load conditions can further improve the linearity. The detailed design process will be introduced.
Mixed-Signal Doherty Power Amplifiers in CMOS
Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Song Hu, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Shouhei Kousai, Toshiba Corp. (Japan);
Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(11:10 - 11:30)
There is an increasing interest to explore novel Doherty power amplifier (PA) architectures by utilizing digitally intensive architectures, i.e., RF power DACs, and mixed-signal techniques. In this paper, we will first review recent mixed-signal PA development. We will then present two mixed-signal Doherty PAs in CMOS. These digitally intensive designs enable precise controls of the Doherty main/auxiliary amplifiers to achieve optimum active load modulation for back-off efficiency enhancement. Moreover, the reprogramming nature of these mixed-signal Doherty PAs allows linearity enhancement and robust Doherty operations under antenna load variations. In addition, these mixed-signal PAs offer unique flexibility and allow hybrid integration with other PA techniques, e.g., Class-G operation, for further efficiency and linearity enhancement.
Will Doherty Continue to Rule for 5G?
Peter Asbeck, Ucsd (United States);
Peter Asbeck, Ucsd, United States
(11:30 - 11:50)
High data rate 5G systems are expected to operate at frequencies between 15GHz and 100GHz, and utilize large numbers of antennas in both base-stations and handsets. Representative power amplifier scenarios differ from those in commercial wireless today: there will be many more power amplifiers operating at much low power levels. Yet signal peak-to-average ratios will remain high, and efficiency will remain a critical consideration. Doherty amplifiers will be a prime contender for these applications, although they are not the only possibility. This paper reviews the emerging requirements for power amplifiers in mm-wave 5G systems, describes the status of mm-wave Doherty ICs in different device technologies, lists challenges for amplifier designs, and provides a glimpse of approaches other than Doherty amplifiers to meet the needs.
Novel Aspects of RFID Systems
Thomas Ussmueller
Chair organization:
Univ. of Innsbruck
Amin Rida
Co-chair organization:
MAJA Systems
In this session novel approaches towards Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology will be presented. A list of critical and general RFID topics of interest will include: system sensitivity improvement based on power optimized waveforms, pulse shaping in backscattered radio, optimization of system parameters, proposed advanced structures and miniaturized transponders, as well as near field RFID methods.
Presentations in this session
Measurement of Sensitivity Improvement in RFID Tags
Alirio Boaventura, University of Aveiro (Portugal);
Nuno Carvalho, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Portugal);
Alirio Boaventura, University of Aveiro, Portugal
(10:10 - 10:30)
This paper reports on the measurement of sensitivity improvement in passive RFID chips when interrogated by a custom-built RFID reader with improved powering waveforms.
The sensitivity of an RFID chip was measured with such reader using a CW and several non-CW signals, and a sensitivity gain of more than 3dB relative to the CW was obtained for a 9-tone multi-sine signal. Similar gain was verified in field experiments.
Software-defined Reader for Multi-modal RFID Sensing
John Kimionis, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
John Kimionis, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(10:30 - 10:50)
In this work, the feasibility of a system for the detection of multi-modal RFID sensing is presented. A reader is designed for detecting multiple resonances of frequency-shifting RFID sensors, each resonance corresponding to a different sensed variable. The reader exploits information of the actual return loss between the tag antenna and the RFID IC, rather than the tag power-on threshold that has been typically used in the prior art, overcoming limitations associated with the power-on threshold function. The estimator for extracting the return loss of a tag wirelessly is derived and experimentally tested with a low-cost software-defined radio platform. The developed platform can serve both the purposes of a tag performance testing reader and a central processing station for next-generation multi-sensor RFID tags.
Experimental Analysis of Power Optimized Waveforms for Enhancing Wake-up Radio Sensitivity
Massimo Del Prete, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Alessandra Costanzo, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Diego Masotti, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Tommaso Polonelli, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Michele Magno, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland);
Luca Benini, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland);
Alessandra Costanzo, Univ. di Bologna, Italy
(10:50 - 11:00)
To minimize energy consumption of state-of-the-art wireless nodes, asynchronous communication transceivers are adopted, which make use of a passive wake-up radio (WUR) to minimize the active time of the energy-hungry main communication radio. This work contributes to the ambitious goal of pushing over the average RF power needed to operate the WUR, thus enabling energy-efficient communication in larger areas. To reach this goal a dual-band rectifier, optimized to be loaded by an ultra-low power comparator, is used as the WUR detector. Its behavior is experimentally tested under several power-optimized excitation formats. By selecting the proper excitation format the base-band comparator operation is enabled starting from average RF-power as low as -64.5 dBm.
Pulse Shaping for Backscatter Radio
John Kimionis, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
John Kimionis, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(11:00 - 11:10)
Backscatter radio is being increasingly used for identification, sensing, and localization. The increased number of pervasive IoT systems that utilize backscatter radio as a low- power and low-cost communication scheme has led to dense deployments of tags that need to operate under bandwidth constraints. However, typical backscatter radio modulators perform switching “on-off” operation and modulate data with square pulses, which are known to occupy more-than-Nyquist bandwidth. This work derives new techniques and and demonstrates front-ends that control the tag reflection coefficient over time in a continuous manner and allow for the generation of arbitrary backscattered waveforms. The principles presented hereby will enable sophisticated tags to perform more complex modulation schemes, while maintaining the RF front-end complexity to low levels.
Near-Field Power Transfer And Backscattering Communication to Miniature RFID Tag in 65 nm CMOS Technology
Nai-Chung Kuo, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States);
Bo Zhao, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States);
Ali Niknejad, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States);
Nai-Chung Kuo, Univ. of California, Berkeley, United States
(11:10 - 11:30)
This work introduces an inductive wireless power transfer (IWPT) and backscattering communication to an extremely small CMOS RFID tag with a size of 200 um by 200 um. This is the smallest RFID tag to date, with the passive area taken into account. DC power of 0.1 mW can be generated on-chip with 21 dBm source power at 2 GHz. An amplitude-shift keying (ASK) back-scattering communication link is demonstrated. The on-chip matching varactor is switched to maximize the distance between the two reflection (backscattering) coefficients. A directional coupler is used to suppress the Tx-to-Rx leakage and to extract the backward scattering wave. An 8-bit, 10-GS/s ADC can demodulate (with >15 dB SNR) the 625kb/s signal.
Harmonic-WISP: A Passive Broadband Harmonic RFID Platform
Yunfei Ma, Cornell Univ. (United States);
Xiaonan Hui, Cornell Univ. (United States);
Edwin Kan, Cornell Univ. (United States);
Yunfei Ma, Cornell Univ., United States
(11:30 - 11:40)
In conventional passive radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, downlink (reader to tag) and uplink (tag to reader) overlap on the same carrier frequency, which leads to severe self-jamming and reader collision problems. To resolve these issues, nonlinearity in passive RFID tags can be exploited to generate second or higher order harmonics for uplink data communication. The design of harmonic tag that allows efficient energy harvesting and harmonic generation at the same time is critical. We present Harmonic-WISP, the first harmonic RFID system integrated with the open-source wireless identification and sensing platform (WISP). Harmonic-WISP adopts a new routing strategy to ensure full power utilization in both energy harvesting and harmonic generation modes. The new platform can fundamentally eliminate self-jamming issues and can greatly reduce reader-to-reader interference. By integrating with WISP, the proposed platform can further allow flexible implementation and evaluation of efficient multiplexing and security protocols.
Low-Cost Miniaturized Open-Ended Slot-Based UHF RFID Tag for Harsh Environment
Hossein Saghlatoon, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Mohammad Mahdi Honari, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Rashid Mirzavand Boroujeni, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Pedram Mousavi, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Hossein Saghlatoon, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
(11:40 - 11:50)
In this paper, a miniaturized UHF RFID tag is developed for industrial harsh environment applications like oil and gas industries. The tag is designed based on an open-ended slot structure and fed by a primary radiator from the middle. Feeding the antenna using coupling mechanism by a primary radiator results to lower fabrication complexity and costs as well as mechanical durability against continuous vibrations, humidity, water and mud. The whole tag is 0.084λ×0.066λ and can be read up to 5 m in the US band and 3 m in the EU band. By utilization of low cost FR4 substrate alongside the magnetically coupled primary radiator the fabrication costs diminishes significantly. An open-ended slot fed from the middle with bent T-shape pattern for the closed-end and meandered pattern for the open-ended side acts as the antenna and matching circuit together. The measurement results prove the functionality of the designed tag.
Multiband, Multimode, and Multilayer Filter Techniques
Sanghoon Shin
Chair organization:
Naval Research Laboratory
Alejandro Garcia Lamperez
Co-chair organization:
Charles Univ.
In this session, several multiband bandpass filters are presented including a triband filter using hexagonal resonators, a balanced quad-channel diplexer, and a multiplexer implemented using a high temperature superconductor, along with a septuple-mode balanced filter with an extended upper stopband. Also, a compact SIW quarter-mode filter and a combline filter made in a multilayer PCB are featured.
Presentations in this session
A Design of the Microstrip Tri-passband Bandpass Filter With Hexagonal Grounded Resonators
Ching-Wen Tang, National Chung Cheng Univ. (Taiwan);
Cheng-Yu Lee, National Chung Cheng Univ. (Taiwan);
Bo-Lin Jiang, National Chung Cheng Univ. (Taiwan);
Cheng-Ju Tsai, National Chung Cheng Univ. (Taiwan);
Ching-Wen Tang, National Chung Cheng Univ., Taiwan
(10:10 - 10:30)
A novel compact tri-passband bandpass filter is proposed and developed. The proposed filter consists of two hexagonal grounded resonators, one rectangular slot, and two hexagonal patches. The resonators, slot and patches can control three passbands with 3, 5.5, and 9.4 GHz for central frequency, respectively. The equivalent circuit and design procedures of the tri-passband bandpass filter are provided as well.
Novel Septuple-mode Balanced Filter With Enhanced Selectivity and Extended Upper-Stopband Using Multi-mode Slotline Structure
Zhao-An Ouyang, South China Univ. of Technology (China);
Qing-Xin Chu, South China Univ. of Technology (China);
Qing-Xin Chu, South China Univ. of Technology, China
(10:30 - 10:40)
In this paper, a seven-pole balanced filter is presented with sharp skirt and extended upper-stopband in differential-mode (DM) response. Based on slotline resonator published in previous works, boundary conditions are briefly discussed in order to explain the mechanism of multi-mode DM transmission and intrinsic high common-mode (CM) suppression in the microstrip-slotline (MS) conversion. Then a λ/2 stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) is loaded on the center of traditional slotline resonator for enhanced DM selectivity. Several T-shape and L-shape short-circuited stubs are introduced for extended DM upper-stopband. The proposed balanced filter is further simulated and optimized afterwards. Finally, simulated results of the proposed filter show good performances such as 7-mode bandpass response with enhanced selectivity, extended upper-stopband rejection and intrinsic high CM suppression.
Microstrip Balanced Quad-Channel Diplexer Using Dual-Open/Short-Stub Loaded Resonator
Wei Jiang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Yong Mao Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Yujia Peng, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Tengxing Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Guoan Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Wei Jiang, Univ. of South Carolina, United States
(10:40 - 10:50)
A microstrip balanced quad-channel diplexer is reported for the first time, using dual-open/short-stub loaded resonator (DOSLR/DSSLR) which consists of a uniform impedance end-shorted resonator loaded with two open/short stubs. The resonant frequencies of dual-open-stub loaded resonator (DOSLR) and dual-short-stub loaded resonator (DSSLR) under differential-mode (DM) and common-mode (CM) excitation are fully analyzed. Based on their respective characteristics, two individual balanced dual-band filters are initially designed with a frequency ratio of larger and smaller than 2 respectively. The designed filters are then combined to construct the first balanced quad-channel diplexer adopting distributed coupling technique. In order to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed design methodology, a compact quad-channel balanced diplexer prototype (2.4/5.2 GHz and 3.2/4.75 GHz) is implemented and measured. Good agreement between the theoretical analyses and the measured data has been achieved.
Novel Compact Quasi-Elliptic SIW Filter Based on Quarter-Mode Cavities
Stefano Moscato, University of Pavia (Italy);
Cristiano Tomassoni, University of Perugia (Italy);
Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia (Italy);
Luca Perregrini, University of Pavia (Italy);
Cristiano Tomassoni, University of Perugia, Italy
(10:50 - 11:10)
This paper presents a novel substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) filter, based on quarter-mode cavities, which permits to obtain a transmission zero close to the passband. The use of quarter-mode cavities provides a significant size reduction compared to regular SIW cavities, while preserving most of the advantages. The proposed filter comprises four side-coupled cavities, and the use of cross-coupling permits to introduce the transmission zero. The cross-coupling is due to thin metal strip outside the cavities, and it can be easily controlled to locate the transmission zero at the desired frequency. A four-pole filter operating at frequency of 4 GHz, with a transmission zero very close to the passband, was fabricated and measured. The proposed filter has a footprint of 41×28.5 mm2, corresponding to 0.55 λ0×0.38 λ0, where λ0 is the wavelength in vacuum at 4 GHz.
A Multilayered Combline Filter with High Harmonic Suppression
Salih Can Aksoy, METEKSAN SAVUNMA IND. INC (Turkey);
Ali İhsan Çubukçu, METEKSAN SAVUNMA IND. INC (Turkey);
Ali İhsan Çubukçu, METEKSAN SAVUNMA IND. INC, Turkey
(11:10 - 11:30)
A multilayer combline filter with high harmonic suppression is presented.The filter utilizes multilayer capacitors and coupled stripline resonators.It has high selectivity and high harmonic suppression. Harmonics aresuppressed by using amultilayer structure that can be built by standard printed circuit board fabrication process. A good agreement between simulation and measurementresults is achieved.The proposed filter shows harmonic rejection up to 5 times the center frequency.
Multiband Superconducting Filters
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Paul Laforge, University of Regina (Canada);
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
(11:30 - 11:50)
This paper discusses design techniques for multiband filters presenting two miniature configurations for a triple-band high temperature superconductor filter designed to meet the requirements of the Link-16 system. The first design employs a triplexer approach while the second design integrates a dual-band reject filter with a wideband bandpass filter. Simulation and measurement results are presented for both designs with a discussion on the suitability of multiband design techniques for implementation in high temperature superconductor technology. The measurement results demonstrate the feasibility of realizing more than 60 dB rejections between the three bands.
High Frequency Interconnects and Packaging
Hiroshi Kondoh
Chair organization:
EHF Consulting
John Papapolymerou
Co-chair organization:
Michigan State Univ.
This session discusses various schemes of interconnecting RF/microwave/mm-wave components for higher-levels of integration.
6 papers reveal new transmission lines for broadband interconnects, transitions between heterogenious transmission medias, MMIC chip-to-chip interconnects, and their integrations to MCM modules, with frequecy range from DC to 200GHz
Presentations in this session
X Band Low-Cost GaN TR Module with Anti-Radiation Structure
Yukinobu Tarui, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Akimichi Hirota, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Isamu Ryokawa, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Makoto Kimura, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Yoshihiro Tsubota, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Shuichi Sakata, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Kiyoshi Ishida, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Yukinobu Tarui, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
(10:10 - 10:30)
Today AESA antenna is becoming more popular and lowering cost of key component like TR module is crucial to strength that trend, In this paper, a design of a low cost high power X band GaN module is described. In this module, all devices including HPA are surface mounted on resin board, and highly enforced heat dissipation design inside resin are adapted. More over unique anti-radiation property with wholly adapted EM shield design devices, enabling coverless module is described.
Prototype transmit module exhibits 13.3W output power with 30.8% efficiency at X band. Operational Isolation between channels is 29dB with coverless configuration. It weighs only 8.5g per channel, and it’s manufacturing cost is estimated to be 40% of our convention GaAs module.
Heterogeneous Microwave and Millimeter-wave System Integration Using Quilt Packaging
Tian Lu, Indiana Integrated Circuits, LLC (United States);
Jason Kulick, Indiana Integrated Circuits, LLC (United States);
Gary Bernstein, Univ. of Notre Dame (United States);
Patrick Fay, Univ. of Notre Dame (United States);
John Lannon, RTI International (United States);
Gary Bernstein, Univ. of Notre Dame, United States
(10:30 - 10:50)
Quilt Packaging (QP) is a direct chip-to-chip edge-interconnect technology that offers extremely low interconnect loss and can be implemented on a variety of substrates. We report here the experimental demonstration of heterogeneous integration between Si and GaAs substrates. Ultrawide-bandwidth Quilt Packaging coplanar waveguide interconnects between Si and GaAs chips are presented along with preliminary thermal shock data. Fabricated structures on ~100 µm thick Si and GaAs chips exhibited chip-to-chip insertion losses below 0.5 dB up to 110 GHz, and below 1 dB up to 220 GHz from on-chip S-parameter measurements. Despite the coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between Si and GaAs, the interconnects also exhibited no adverse effects from thermal shock testing through 1250 cycles.
A +6dBm 128GHz Source Module with Full F-band Waveguide Package and Wirebonded CMOS Chip
Samuel Jameson, Tel Aviv University (Israel);
Bassam Khamaisi, Tel-Aviv University (Israel);
Eran Socher, Tel Aviv University (Israel);
Samuel Jameson, Tel Aviv University, Israel
(10:50 - 11:10)
In this paper, a packaged F-band transmitter in CMOS 65 nm technology is presented. The integrated circuit is based is based on a x9 active multiplying chain from Ku-band to F-band. The circuit was packaged and connectorized demonstrating the possibility of using wire-bonds around 130 GHz with low insertion loss. The microstrip-to-waveguide transition developed introduces insertion loss below 1 dB from 85 to 145 GHz. On-chip probing of the circuit showed a maximum output power of +8 dBm at 124 GHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of 9.8 % (117-129 GHz). The packaged circuit showed a maximum output power of +6 dBm at 128 GHz resulting in a package RF path insertion loss of 2 dB in average through the circuit -3 dB frequency bandwidth (117-133 GHz).
Millimeter Wave Planar Transition from Plastic Rectangular Waveguide to 1 mm Coax
Ilja Ocket, IMEC (Belgium);
Maarten Cauwe, IMEC/CMST (Belgium);
Bart Nauwelaers, Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium);
Ilja Ocket, IMEC, Belgium
(11:10 - 11:20)
This paper reports on a planar transition from 1 mm coax to the fundamental mode of a polystyrene rectangular dielectric waveguide (DWG), covering frequencies from 50 GHz to 85 GHz. Two back-to-back transitions connected by a 12 cm piece of waveguide with tapered points were measured, demonstrating an insertion loss between the microstrip line and the dielectric waveguide of about 2 dB, which agrees well with simulated values. The structure consists of a 1 mm coaxial board edge connector feeding a microstrip line on a 4 mil thick liquid crystal polymer (LCP) substrate, followed by a vialess transition from microstrip to slotline patterned on the other side of the substrate. The slotline then tapers out and feeds a tapered DWG that is connected to the LCP board by inserting it into a slit along the center of the waveguide.
High-Integrity Terabit-per-Second Signal Interconnects with Mode-Selective Transmission Line
Faezeh Fesharaki, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Tarek Djerafi, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Mohamed Chaker, INRS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique) (Canada);
Ke Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Faezeh Fesharaki, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
(11:20 - 11:40)
An alternative global interconnects solution with minimal signal distortion and propagation loss is explored and reported in this work. This interconnect scheme is made possible thanks to the use of a mode-selective transmission line (MSTL), which supports a fundamental TEM mode in lower frequency range covering DC while it is automatically reconfigured to support the fundamental TE10 mode at higher frequency. An MSTL is designed, fabricated, and characterized providing low-attenuation and dispersion-free picosecond pulse propagation with an excellent output signal-to-noise ratio. This technology allows for a jitter-free signal transmission with data-rates greater than 200 Gb/s through just one printed circuit board.
An Ultra-Wideband Common-Mode Noise Filter for Differential Signals Using Compact Patterned Ground Structure
Fangxu Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China);
Min Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China);
Junfa Mao, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China);
Min Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China
(11:40 - 11:50)
An ultra-wideband filter is designed for common mode noise (CMN) suppression in high-speed differential signaling. It is realized by etching Ф-shaped pattern on the ground plane beneath the center of differential lines. The equivalent circuit model and surface current distribution are given to explain the working principle of the filter. A test sample is designed and fabricated with standard PCB technology. The measured results show that the fractional bandwidth of the presented CMN filter is 106% with a noise suppression level of 20 dB, while good transmission characteristic is maintained for the differential signals.
Microwave biological sensing
James Hwang
Chair organization:
Lehigh Univ.
Katia Grenier
Co-chair organization:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
This session will introduce recent achievements in biological sensing at cellular and molecular levels using microwave and radio frequency dielectric spectroscopy and interference technics.
Presentations in this session
Selectivity-Enhanced Glucose Measurement in Multicomponent Aqueous Solution by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy
Masahito Nakamura, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Takuro Tajima, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Katsuhiro Ajito, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Hiroshi Koizumi, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (Japan);
Masahito Nakamura, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Japan
(10:10 - 10:30)
We demonstrate the detection of physiological-range glucose in a multicomponent aqueous solution through multivariate analysis of broadband dielectric spectra from 500 MHz to 50 GHz. To enhance the selectivity to glucose, we applied spectral preprocessing on dielectric spectra to extract the feature values of glucose and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Using the regression models derived from different concentrations of glucose and BSA, the analysis was carried out on the solutions with the physiological range of both components. The prediction error of glucose concentration was estimated at less than 73 mg/dL even in various concentrations of BSA. This technique is easily implemented with a microwave blood glucose sensor or in other biomedical applications that essentially require multicomponent analysis.
A 40-nm CMOS Permittivity Sensor for Chemical/Biological Material Characterization at RF/Microwave Frequencies
Gerasimos Vlachogiannakis, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Marco Spirito, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Michiel A. P. Pertijs, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Leo C. N. de Vreede, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Gerasimos Vlachogiannakis, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
(10:30 - 10:50)
This paper presents a complex permittivity sensor, integrated in 40-nm CMOS, for microwave dielectric spectroscopy. It utilizes a single-ended patch as a near-field sensing element, embedded in a double-balanced, fully-differential impedance bridge. A low-IF, multi-harmonic down-conversion scheme is employed to extend the characterization frequency range and increase the measurement speed. The implemented architecture is compact, accurate and fast, thus suitable for the realization of future real-time, microwave-based, 2-D dielectric imagers. Measurements on liquids show an rms error of
Reproducible Broadband Measurement for Cytoplasm Capacitance of a Biological Cell
Xiao Ma, Lehigh University (United States);
Xiaotian Du, Lehigh University (United States);
Caroline Multari, Lehigh University (United States);
Yaqing Ning, Lehigh University (United States);
Xi Luo, Lehigh University (United States);
Vahid Gholizadeh, Lehigh University (United States);
Cristiano Palego, Lehigh University (United States);
Xuanhong Cheng, Lehigh University (United States);
James Hwang, Lehigh University (United States);
Xiao Ma, Lehigh University, United States
(10:50 - 11:10)
Using a coplanar waveguide with a series gap in conjunction with dielectrophoresis trapping, consecutive S- parameter measurements between 0.5 and 20 GHz were quickly performed with and without a Jurkat cell trapped to compensate for a relatively noisy and drifting background. Based on sixteen measurements repeated on eight live cells and eight dead cells, differences in both return and insertion losses show two distinct distributions indicating either return loss or insertion loss alone can be used to distinguish a live cell from a dead one. Further, since the frequency dependence is generally linear or absent, discrete-frequency measurement (as opposed to sweep-frequency measurement) of return or insertion loss may suffice. If proven statistically by a much larger number of cells, this should greatly speed up the measurement to facilitate its eventual use in the field.
BiCMOS Microfluidic Sensor for Single Cell Label-Free Monitoring Through Microwave Intermodulation
Cristiano Palego, Bangor University (United Kingdom);
Guillaume Perry, Bangor University (United Kingdom);
Chris Hancock, Bangor university (United Kingdom);
Fatima Hjeij, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Claire Dalmay, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Annie Bessaudou, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Pierre Blondy, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Arnaud Pothier, XLIM Université de Limoges (France);
Fabrice Lalloué, Université de Limoges (France);
Barbara Bessette, Université de Limoges (France);
Marie-Odile Jauberteau, Université de Limoges (France);
Canan Baristiran Kaynak, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Matthias Wietstruck, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Mehmet Kaynak, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Michael Casbon, Cardiff university (United Kingdom);
Johannes Benedikt, Cardiff university (United Kingdom);
David Barrow, Cardiff university (United Kingdom);
Adrian Porch, Cardiff University (United Kingdom);
Cristiano Palego, Bangor University, United Kingdom
(11:10 - 11:30)
A novel microfluidic biosensing platform based on Bipolar-Complementary Oxide Semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology is presented. The device is based on a quadruple electrode system and a microfluidic channel that are directly integrated into the back-end-of-line of the BiCMOS stack. For proof of concept repeatable electrical trapping of single SW620 (colon cancer) cells in the quadruple electrode system is initially demonstrated. Additionally, for the first time a microwave intermodulation technique is used for high sesnitivity dielectric spectroscopy, which could pave the way to label-free monitoring of intracellular processes and manipulation such as electroporation.
In-flow Dielectric Characterization of Single Biological Cells Using a Wideband DEP Cytometer
Samaneh Afshar, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Elham Salimi, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Katrin Braasch, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Michael Butler, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Douglas Thomson, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Greg Bridges, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Samaneh Afshar, University of Manitoba, Canada
(11:30 - 11:50)
We describe a microfluidic dielectrophoresis (DEP) cytometer that is able to measure the dielectric properties of single biological cells while in flow over the 100 kHz - 400 MHz frequency range. The device provides both the sign and magnitude of the Clausius-Mossotti factor over the entire beta-dispersion region. A microwave interferometer is used to measure the DEP induced translation of individual cells as they flow over a multi-electrode sensing array. The DEP response of polystyrene microspheres is used to verify and calibrate the device. The spectral response of Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) is measured and the corresponding cross-over frequencies are determined.
Microwave components based on new material and fabrication methods for the next generation electronics
Ajay Poddar
Chair organization:
Brian Sequeira
Co-chair organization:
Johns Hopkins Univ.
This session is focused on microwave components based on new material and fabrication methods for the next generation electronics. Papers in this session describe partial spiral orbital angular momentum wave, partial arc sampling receiving scheme, multi-band multi-tone tunable millimeter wave frequency synthesizer and radiating element (antenna) for the applications in modern communication systems.
Presentations in this session
Multi-Band Multi-Tone Tunable Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer For Satellite Beacon Transmitter
Rainee Simons, NASA (United States);
Edwin Wintucky, NASA;
Rainee Simons, NASA, United States
(10:10 - 10:30)
This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-band multi-tone tunable millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a satellite beacon transmitter for radio wave propagation studies at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz), Q-band (37 to 42 GHz), and E-band (71 to 76 GHz). In addition, the architecture for a compact beacon transmitter, which includes the multi-tone synthesizer, polarizer, horn antenna, and power/control electronics, has been investigated for a notional space-to-ground radio wave propagation experiment payload on a small satellite. The above studies would enable the design of robust high throughput multi-Gbps data rate future space-to-ground satellite communication links.
Microfluidic Liquid Metal Based Mechanically Reconfigurable Antenna Using Reversible Gecko Adhesive Based Bonding
Mersedeh Zandvakili, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Mohammad Mahdi Honari, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Dan Sameoto, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Pedram Mousavi, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Mersedeh Zandvakili, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
(10:30 - 10:50)
This paper describes a new fabrication method for flexible electronics made of microfluidic structures filled with liquid metal in a thermoplastic elastomer, styrene ethylene butylene styrene (SEBS). The devices can reversibly be bonded to a larger system with gecko inspired dry adhesives. These devices have an electric conductor of EGaIn injected to dry adhesive inspired microfluidic channels made of SEBS fabricated with a simple, reliable, repeatable, and potentially large-scale manufacturing method. The gecko-inspired dry adhesives will provide us with the opportunity to fabricate strongly but reversibly bonded devices that can be integrated into systems and detached and modified without damage to the original device. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method, a mechanically reconfigurable folded dipole has been fabricated and 55% frequency tuning with a 20% to 40% bandwidth for various frequencies has been achieved.
Phase Noise Improvement for Array Systems
Shilei Hao, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Tongning Hu, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Jane Gu, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Shilei Hao, Univ. of California, Davis, United States
(10:50 - 11:10)
This paper demonstrates a phase noise improvement technique for array systems by using the phase noise suppressor (PNS) and the noise uncorrelated feature. The uncorrelated feature of PNS circuit noise and correlated feature of input signal and noise improves the phase noise performance for array systems by 10×log(N), where N is the element number of the array. Both simulation and 2-element array measurement results verify this theory. The 2-element PNS array is demonstrated with phase noise sensitivity of -118 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset for a 10 GHz clock, improved from single element’s sensitivity of -116.1/-115.4 dBc/Hz respectively. The improvement is 2-3 dB, which is very close to the theoretical value. The phase noise suppression level and bandwidth are similar to the single PNS. The demonstrated -118 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset for a 10 GHz clock is the best result in CMOS processes based on the authors’ best knowledge.
Plane Spiral Orbital Angular Momentum Wave and Its Applications
Zhuofan Zhang, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Shilie Zheng, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Jiayu Zheng, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Xiaofeng Jin, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Hao Chi, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Xianmin Zhang, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Zhuofan Zhang, Zhejiang Univ., China
(11:10 - 11:30)
The applications of orbital angular momentum (OAM) carried beams are limited by its on-axis phase singularity and wide-angle directivity. In this paper, a new form of OAM wave termed as plane spiral OAM wave is proposed. Different from general OAM wave propagating along the axial direction, plane spiral OAM wave has the distinguishing characteristic of transverse propagation. Hence it has no singularity along the the propagation path and divergence problem no longer exists. A traveling-wave circular slot antenna excited by a hybrid coupler is used to generate plane spiral OAM waves. Due to the ring horn outside the antenna, energy is focused on the radial plane and the generated waves are propagating in the transverse direction. The potential applications of plane spiral OAM waves, e.g., plane spiral OAM based multiple-in-multiple-out (MIMO) system and plane spiral OAM based beam-forming method, are also detailedly discussed.
Multi-OAM-mode Microwave Communication With the Partial Arc Sampling Receiving Scheme
Weite Zhang, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Shilie Zheng, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Yiping Hu, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Xiaofeng Jin, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Hao Chi, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Xianmin Zhang, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Weite Zhang, Zhejiang Univ., China
(11:30 - 11:50)
An orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexed radio data link with the novel partial arc sampling receiving
(PASR) scheme is experimentally demonstrated. These four coaxially propagating OAM waves with modes of l = -6, -2, +2 and +6 are generated by a Cassegrain antenna based on the dual ring-slot radiators. Over 10 m free-space transmission, four identical horn antennas uniformly located at the π/2 arc with a fixed radius of 45 cm are used to capture the four overlapped OAM waves. The de-multiplexing is then performed by digital phase-shift (DPS) at digital baseband. Experiment results show that the bit-error rates (BER) can reach below the forward error correction limit of 3.8×10-3 for all the four OAM channels. Multi-OAM-mode communications with the PASR scheme is capable of providing the receiving end with desired properties of compact size as well as easy realization.
13:30 - 15:10
Couplers and Dividers
Guoan Wang
Chair organization:
Univ. of South Carolina
Banyaner Arigong
Co-chair organization:
Infineon Technologies Americas
In this session, high performance power dividers with function of filtering, negative group delay and balanced to balanced have been provided, and power dividers are implemented in different platforms. In addition, modeling and design of couplers have been included.
Presentations in this session
A Planar Filtering Crossover for Three Intersecting Channels
Lin-Sheng Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China);
Junfa Mao, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China);
Lin-Sheng Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China
(13:30 - 13:50)
A planar filtering crossover is proposed for three intersecting channels in this paper. It is constructed with three dual-mode ring resonators. The even and odd modes are coupled in three groups, to support the second-order bandpass filtering response for each channel. The isolation between different channels are achieved by using the orthogonality of even and odd resonant modes, with properly designing the internal and external couplings. The prototype shows reasonable performance of both intra-channel filtering and inter-channel isolation.
A Balanced-to-Balanced Power Divider with Common-Mode Noise Absorption
Siang Chen, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Wei-Chiang Lee, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Tzong-Lin Wu, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Siang Chen, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
(13:50 - 14:10)
This paper presents a balanced-to-balanced power divider (PD) with common-mode (CM) noise absorption for the first time. By properly adding the λ/4 transformers and resistors at the input-/output ports of back-to-back PD, the proposed balanced-to-balanced PD can achieve CM noise absorption while keeping its differential-mode (DM) characteristics. The measured results at 2.55 GHz show that reflection and transmission coefficients for CM operation are all less than –30 dB, while less than –30 dB and better than –4 dB for DM operation.
Bandpass Filtering Power Divider with Sharp Roll-Off Skirt and Enhanced In-Band Isolation
Wei Jiang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Tengxing Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Yujia Peng, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Yong Mao Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Guoan Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Wei Jiang, Univ. of South Carolina, United States
(14:10 - 14:20)
This paper presents a compact device with functions of frequency selecting and power dividing simultaneously. Open-stub loaded dual-mode resonators are selected as the basic building blocks. By cascading two dual-mode resonators, a novel fourth-order inter-cross-coupled coupling scheme containing mixed coupling is realized and employed to replace the λ/4-line sections of conventional Wilkinson power divider to improve out-of-band rejection performance. Two surface mounted resistors of different values are placed between channels to obtain high in-band isolation between output ports. Furthermore, a filtering PD operating at 4.45 GHz is designed, fabricated and tested to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed design. Four finite transmission zeros positioned at 3.85 GHz, 4.25 GHz, 4.75 GHz and 5.4 GHz respectively are achieved which will result in good frequency selectivity. Very good agreement is observed between the simulated and experimental results with approximately 1.3 dB insertion loss and over 18 dB isolation over the entire passband.
General Model for Loaded Stub Branch-Line Coupler
Qiuyi Wu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada);
Yimin Yang, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Ying Wang, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada);
Xiaowei Shi, Xidian Univ. (China);
Ming Yu, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Qiuyi Wu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
(14:20 - 14:30)
The work proposes a general model for the transmission line miniaturization equivalent. Solutions with different configurations can be readily found. The model is applied to the design of branch-line couplers, and design criteria are presented and analyzed. Previously reported approaches can be obtained by simply changing parameters using the general model. A 2GHz branch-line coupler is designed and fabricated to demonstrate the efficiency of the new method. A 900MHz branchline coupler from literature is re-designed and analyzed to show the differences between the proposed method and the previous work.
An N-Way Transformer Based Wilkinson Power Divider in CMOS
Fei Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Fei Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(14:30 - 14:50)
This paper presents a transformer based N-way Wilkinson power divider. The λ⁄4 transmission lines in a conventional N-way Wilkinson divider are replaced by a fully symmetric N-coil transformer. The proposed design features low insertion loss as well as good input/output matching in an ultra-compact chip area. By adding cancellation capacitors, excellent isolation is achieved between any two output ports. Through even- and odd- mode analysis, the closed-form design equations are derived and presented. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, a four-way transformer based Wilkinson power divider is implemented at 4.60GHz in a standard 130nm bulk CMOS process. The measurement results demonstrate 1.10dB insertion loss, 17.0dB isolation, and 20.9% bandwidth, advancing the state-of-the-art performance of fully integrated Wilkinson power dividers.
Simple Broadband Gysel Combiner with a Single Coupled Line
Ali Darwish, Army Research Lab. (United States);
Kenneth McKnight, Army Research Lab. (United States);
Mona Zaghloul, George Washington Univ. (United States);
Edward Viveiros, Army Research Laboratory (United States);
Alfred Hung, Army Research Laboratory (United States);
Ali Darwish, Army Research Lab., United States
(14:50 - 15:00)
A coupled-Gysel broadband combiner/divider is proposed and demonstrated. The new concept relies on using a single coupled line segment in the design. Significant improvement in bandwidth are realized while maintaining low-loss, ease of design, and flexibility. The coupled-Gysel is demonstrated with a 2.5 – 8 GHz (105% fractional bandwidth) divider with 0.1 dB divider loss, and a 3.4 – 10.2 GHz (100% fractional bandwidth) with 0.2 dB divider loss.
A Design of Negative Group Delay Power Divider: Coupling Matrix Approach with Finite Unloaded-Qu Resonators
Girdhari Chaudhary, Chonbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Phirun Kim, Chonbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Junhyung Jeong, Chonbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Yongchae Jeong, Chonbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Girdhari Chaudhary, Chonbuk National Univ., Korea, Republic of
(15:00 - 15:10)
In this paper, a novel approach to design a power divider with the predefined negative group delay (NGD) is presented. The proposed topology is based on a coupling matrix with a finite unloaded quality factor (Qu) of resonators, which does not require any lumped elements such as resistor for generating NGD. The NGD bandwidth and magnitude flatness can be controlled by inter-resonating couplings. As an experimental illustration, a microstrip line NGD power divider is designed and fabricated at center frequency of 2.14 GHz. The measurement results are in good agreement with simulations.
Radio Architectures for Efficient Spectrum Utilization
Ethan Wang
Chair organization:
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Shoichi Narahashi
Co-chair organization:
NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
This session presents emerging radio architectures focusing on efficient utilization of RF spectrum, including spectrum sensing, diversity and interference suppression techniques for cognitive radio, satellite communications and microwave back haul links.
Presentations in this session
RF Spectrum Sensing Receiver System with Improved Frequency Channel Selectivity for Cognitive IoT Sensor Network Applications
Jun Gi Hong, Soonchunhyang University (Korea, Republic of);
Seok-Jae Lee, Soonchunhyang University (Korea, Republic of);
Jongsik Lim, Soonchunhyang University (Korea, Republic of);
Won-Sang Yoon, Hoseo University (Korea, Republic of);
Sang-Min Han, Soonchunhyang University (Korea, Republic of);
Sang-Min Han, Soonchunhyang University, Korea, Republic of
(13:30 - 13:50)
A channel-selective super regenerative receiver (SRR) system is proposed with improved channel selectivity. The proposed SRR system operates only at a valid incoming signal due to the RF spectrum sensing functionality. To overcome the rough channel selectivity of the SRR, a systemic methodology is proposed for controlling quenching signal waveforms and duty-cycles. From the experimental evaluations, the proposed system presented excellent channel selection capability of the 3.5-MHz channel bandwidth. The proposed architecture can allocate at least three times the number of channels for cognitive IoT sensor networks as that of previous ones.
A Nonreciprocal, Frequency-Tunable Notch Amplifier Based on Distributedly Modulated Capacitors (DMC)
Shihan Qin, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Yuanxun Ethan Wang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Shihan Qin, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
In a time-varying transmission line (TVTL), the two frequencies, the original RF and the up-converted RF, are cross-coupled through a single-tone carrier. Such property can be used for a frequency-tunable high-gain narrowband amplifier through the creation of the sharp resonance at the up-converted frequency. In this work, the concept of the frequency-tunable notch amplifier based on the TVTL is validated and demonstrated with analysis and experiments. We propose to form a feedback loop of a TVTL in one of its practical implementations called Distributedly Modulated Capacitors (DMC). The narrowband gain of the notch amplifier can be tuned over a wide frequency range by just tuning the carrier frequency that modulates the TVTL. An experiment prototype on a Rogers board demonstrated larger than 17 dB gain with a less than 10 MHz bandwidth at a center frequency tunable from 1.48 to 1.65 GHz.
Integrated Diversity Front-End for Digital Satellite Radio Reception
Juergen Roeber, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany);
Simon Senega, Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany);
Andreas Baenisch, Infineon Technologies AG (Germany);
Amelie Hagelauer, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany);
Robert Weigel, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany);
Stefan Lindenmeier, Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany);
Juergen Roeber, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
(14:10 - 14:30)
This paper presents a diversity integrated circuit (IC) for digital satellite radio (SDARS) at 2.3GHz. The IC
contains an RF circuit which enables fast adaptive processing of up to three antenna signals for maximum ratio combining in a fast fading scenario. The RF front-end of the diversity system is integrated using 150 nm CMOS technology. The phase of each of the three input paths can be adjusted in quantized steps of 45° from 0° to 360°. If the input signal of one path suffers from fading, a single path can be completely turned off for reducing the power consumption.
The diversity IC is evaluated by means of laboratory measurements as well as by tests where antenna signals of real fading scenarios are processed using the presented IC. The results show a typical improvement in radio reception of more than a factor of 4 compared to a conventional reception system.
All-digital Flexible Uplink Remote Radio Head for C-RAN
André Prata, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal);
Arnaldo Oliveira, Universidade de Aveiro - DETI / IT - Aveiro (Portugal);
Nuno Carvalho, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Portugal);
André Prata, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
(14:30 - 14:50)
The Centralized-Radio Access Networks (C-RAN) are one of the current trends for the next generation mobile standards. The main concept of C-RAN is the separation of the baseband processing and management tasks from the radio access units. This paper presents an all-digital, simple and flexible RF uplink section for a C-RAN Remote Radio Head (RRH). The implemented system presents an analog input bandwidth of about 3GHz, being capable to receive any signal up to 5MHz symbol rate while maintaining the current LTE Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) requirements.
Design for TV Whitespace Operational Compliance for Cognitive Radio Enabled HighIF WLAN/LTE Front-Ends
Arun Ashok, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Iyappan Subbiah, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Gabor Varga, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Moritz Schrey, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Arun Ashok, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
(14:50 - 15:10)
Digitization of the TV UHF frequencies has resulted in sparsely occupied TV bands paving way for
opportunistic access technologies to be a solution for the impending spectrum demand. Though the researches
in digital signal processing for spectrum sensing is showing maturity, the concerns in RF front-ends still
needs to be addressed. The document ETSI 301 598 is the latest focusing the technical
requirements for the TV white space(TVWS) devices but the pre-requisites for a compliant design is still
lacking. This paper serves to integrate the system design aspects of a TVWS device with that of an existing
cognitive radio~(CR) enabled front-end to ensure compliance with the ETSI requirements. The complete metrics
for a transmit front-end is derived with an focus on a WLAN/LTE secondary user. Step by step it is shown
that highIF is the optimized solution for the TVWS cognitive radio with the measurements ensuring the
Advances in Terahertz Photonics
Mona Jarrahi
Chair organization:
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Jeffrey Nanzer
Co-chair organization:
Johns Hopkins Univ.
This session gives an overview on recent advancements in terahertz photonics. Novel techniques for generation, detection, and manipulation of terahertz waves are presented.
Presentations in this session
Photonic-based Millimeter and Terahertz wave generation using a hybrid integrated dual DBR polymer laser
Guillermo CARPINTERO, Universidad Carlos Iii De Madrid (Spain);
Shintaro HISATAKE, Osaka Univ. (Japan);
David DE FELIPE, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (Germany);
Robinson Cruzoe GUZMAN, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain);
Tadao NAGATSUMA, Osaka Univ. (Japan);
Norbert KEIL, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (Germany);
Thorsten Göbel, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (Germany);
Guillermo CARPINTERO, Universidad Carlos Iii De Madrid, Spain
(13:30 - 13:50)
The generation of high frequency signals into the terahertz range is dominated by photonic-based systems pushing the development of ultra-broadband wireless communication links. Recently, photonic integrated circuits have been proposed to implement different photonic signal generation techniques offering different semiconductor laser structures. Here we present for the first time a dual wavelength source for optical heterodyning based on hybrid integration of complex passive and active InP elements on an optical polymer platform. The chip integrates two external cavity lasers, each with an InP gain chip coupled to a polymer phase and Bragg gratings sections, combined with a Y-junction. Each laser has a wavelength tuning range over 20 nm, enabling the generation of signals from tenths of GHz up to several THz with MHz resolution. We demonstrate the generation of a 330 GHz free-running beatnote has a linewidth of few MHz ( < 3 MHz)
High-Power Continuous-Wave Terahertz Generation through Plasmonic Photomixers
Mona Jarrahi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Shang-Hua Yang, Univ. of Michigan (United States);
Shang-Hua Yang, Univ. of Michigan, United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
We present a high-performance terahertz radiation source based on a photomixer integrated with a logarithmic spiral antenna that utilizes plasmonic contact electrodes to offer record-high continuous-wave terahertz radiation powers. Use of plasmonic contact electrodes allows increasing terahertz photocurrents fed to the antenna, resulting in significantly higher terahertz radiation power levels compared to conventional photomixers. We experimentally demonstrate continuous-wave terahertz radiation with a radiation frequency tuning range of more than 2 THz and a radiation power of 17 μW at 1 THz, exhibiting a 3-fold higher radiation power level compared to the state-of-the art.
High-Power, Broadband Terahertz Radiation from Large Area Plasmonic Photoconductive Emitters Operating at Telecommunication Optical Wavelengths
Nezih Yardimci, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Mona Jarrahi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Nezih Yardimci, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, United States
(14:10 - 14:30)
We present a high-power, broadband terahertz emitter that operates at telecommunication optical pump wavelengths at which high-performance and compact fiber lasers are commercially available. The presented terahertz emitter is a novel large area photoconductive emitter that utilizes a two-dimensional array of plasmonic nano-antennas fabricated on an ErAs:InGaAs substrate to offer significantly higher terahertz radiation powers compared to the state-of-the art. We demonstrate record-high terahertz radiation power levels as high as 300 µW over a 0.1 – 5 THz frequency range, exhibiting two orders of magnitude higher efficiencies compared to state-of-the art photoconductive terahertz emitters operating at telecommunication optical pump wavelengths.
Heterodyne Terahertz Detection with Plasmonic Photomixers
Ning Wang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Hamid Javadi, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Mona Jarrahi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Ning Wang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, United States
(14:30 - 14:50)
A novel heterodyne terahertz detection scheme based on plasmonic photomixing is presented, which is capable of offering high terahertz detection sensitivity levels and detection bandwidths at room temperature. The presented heterodyne detection scheme replaces terahertz mixer and local oscillator of conventional heterodyne receivers with a plasmonic photomixer pumped by an optical local oscillator provided by two wavelength tunable lasers with a terahertz frequency difference. We demonstrate a first proof-of-concept heterodyne receiver prototype designed for operation at 0.1 THz frequency range, which offers 4-orders of magnitude higher detection sensitivities compared to the state-of-the art.
Fully-Integrated and Electronically-Controlled Millimeter-wave Beam-Scanning
Mohammed Reza Hashemi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Shang-Hua Yang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Tongyu Wang, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Nelson Sepúlveda, Michigan State Univ. (United States);
Mona Jarrahi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Mohammed Reza Hashemi, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, United States
(14:50 - 15:00)
We present a fully-integrated and electronically-controlled millimeter-wave beam-scanning through a vanadium dioxide (VO2) reconfigurable meta-surface. The meta-surface consists of a two-dimensional array of reconfigurable cross-shape meta-surface fabricated on a thin VO2 film. Joule heating electrodes are integrated with the meta-surface structure, which allows controlling the temperature of the VO2 layer. By controlling the applied voltage to the heating electrodes of each row across the meta-surface we tune the dielectric properties of the VO2 layer for each row. Hence, we electronically control the phase shift that is introduced by each row across the structure. As a result by using the phase array concept and by applying proper voltages to the rows across the array, we obtain fully-electronic millimeter-wave beam-scanning. With the presented structure we are able to achieve 40.4º of continuous beam-scanning at f = 95 GHz.
Metamaterial Modulators for Terahertz Communications and Coded Aperture Imaging
Willie Padilla, Duke Univ. (United States);
Willie Padilla, Duke Univ., United States
(15:00 - 15:10)
Metamaterials have demonstrated the capability to perform advanced modulation at terahertz (THz) frequencies and may be formed into spatial light modulators (SLMs). The ability to control metamaterials electronically permits advanced modulation states difficult to implement with other SLMs. We implement both quadrature amplitude modulation and frequency diverse modulation and present results of active metamaterial spatial light modulators used for communications and coded aperture imaging at THz frequencies. We overview metamaterial digital spatial light modulators and discuss potential applications within the terahertz regime.
Signal Generation Techniques For Radar and Communication Systems
Bhaskar Banerjee
Chair organization:
Broadcom Corp.
Brad Nelson
Co-chair organization:
This session highlights a wide range of signal generation topics and techniques: phase noise reduction , millimeter wave VCO's, PLL approaches, spur reduction and phased array sources.
Presentations in this session
A 10 GHz Phase Noise Filter with 10.6 dB Phase Noise Suppression and -116 dBc/Hz Sensitivity at 1 MHz Offset
Shilei Hao, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Jane Gu, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Shilei Hao, Univ. of California, Davis, United States
(13:30 - 13:50)
This paper presents a phase noise filter technique enabled by the delay-line and PD/CP based frequency discriminator with fully automatic calibration. It features wide bandwidth and insensitivity to amplitude noise. At low/high gain mode, it achieves 10.6/15 dB phase noise suppression with -116/-114.9 dBc/Hz sensitivity at 1 MHz offset, respectively. The suppression bandwidth is 100 kHz-10 MHz with input operating frequency range of 9.99-10.10 GHz. This proof-of-concept design is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process with the chip area of 1.68 mm × 1.5 mm. The circuit consumes 102 mW power.
A Fully-Integrated Digitally-Programmable 4×4 Picosecond Digital-to-Impulse Radiating Array in 65nm Bulk CMOS
M. Mahdi Assefzadeh, Rice Univ. (United States);
Aydin Babakhani, Rice Univ. (United States);
M. Mahdi Assefzadeh, Rice Univ., United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
In this paper, a fully-integrated 4×4 digital-to-impulse radiating array with a programmable delay at each element is reported. Coherent spatial combining from 16 elements is successfully demonstrated. The combined signal from 16 elements achieves a jitter of 230fsec, a pulse-width of 14psec, and an EIRP of 17dBm. Each array element is equipped with an 8-bit digitally-programmable delay that provides a step resolution of 200fsec and a dynamic range of 20psec. The chip is implemented in a 65nm bulk CMOS process.
A 65nm CMOS 88-105 GHz DDFS-Based Fractional Synthesizer For High Resolution Planetary Exploration Spectroscopy
Adrian Tang, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Theodore Reck, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Yangyho Kim, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Gabriel Virbila, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Goutam Chattopadhyay, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Mau-Chung Chang, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States);
Adrian Tang, Jet Propulsion Lab, United States
(14:10 - 14:30)
This paper presents a fractional 88-105 GHz frequency synthesizer module developed to support THz spectrometer instruments for planetary exploration. The presented module features low power operation and a small form factor to be compatible with the demanding payload requirements of NASA planetary missions. The core of the module is a CMOS System-on-Chip (SoC) containing a 50 GHz phase-lock loop and W-band frequency doubler, driven by a direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS) and DAC to provide finely tuned reference frequencies allowing fractional operation. The chip contains a wide range of calibration functions for temperature and radiation exposure compensation. The demonstrated module draws a total of 152 mW of power from a USB connection and provides coverage from 88-105 GHz with output powers up to -15 dBm. The offered mid-band phase noise is measured at 89.5 dBc/Hz evaluated at 1 MHz offset from the carrier.
A K-band Low Phase Noise and High gain Gm Boosted Colpitts VCO for 76 – 81 GHz FMCW Radar applications
Run Levinger, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Roee Ben Yishay, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Jakob Vovnoboy, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Oded Katz, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Danny Elad, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Oded Katz, IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
(14:30 - 14:50)
This paper presents a low phase noise and high gain Gm boosted Colpitts Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) that covers a 9.8% continuous tuning range spanning 18.79 to 20.73 GHz. The tank was modified to facilitate the VCO to maintain low phase noise despite having high gain. Designed and implemented in IBM 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS8hp technology, the measured phase noise at 10 MHz offset ranges between -140 to -132.5 dBc/Hz throughout the entire tuning range with a maximum gain of 2 GHz/Volt. The VCO is optimized for a 76 to 81 GHz FMCW radar when followed with a frequency multiplier by four. The VCO core consumes 29mA from a 2V regulator.
A 5.8 GHz and -192.9 dBc/Hz FoMT CMOS Class-B Capacitively-Coupled VCO with Gm-Enhancement
Tai Nguyen, Audacy Corporation (United States);
Pawan Agarwal, Washington State Univ. (United States);
Deukhyoun Heo, Washington State Univ. (United States);
Deukhyoun Heo, Washington State Univ., United States
(14:50 - 15:10)
This paper presents a novel gm enhancement method to minimize the oscillation start-up current in a CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). A class-B biasing is achieved by extending the capacitive-feedback network, resulting in a larger output amplitude and hence a lower phase-noise. The flicker-noise of the tail current source is further minimized by self–biased switching current-sources. The proposed VCO is demonstrated in a 65 nm CMOS technology. The prototype measurement result shows a tuning range of 16 % with a phase-noise of -119.2dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from a 5.7 GHz carrier frequency. The VCO consumes only 3.6 mA from a 1.2 V supply.
Novel Planar and Lumped-Element Filtering Devices
Shamsur Mazymder
Chair organization:
Raytheon Company
Roberto Gomez-Garcia
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Alcala
This sessions presents new developments of planar and lumped element filtering components for lowpass with embedded notches, bandstop, bandpass, power limiting and duplexing applications
Presentations in this session
Power-Dependent Bandstop Filters for Frequency-Selective Limiting
Eric Naglich, Naval Research Laboratory (United States);
Andrew Guyette, Naval Research Laboratory (United States);
Eric Naglich, Naval Research Laboratory, United States
(13:30 - 13:50)
The use of a power-dependent coupling structure that allows a cul-de-sac bandstop filter topology to continuously transform between a resonant all-pass response and a bandstop filter response with increasing input power is shown. In contrast to limiter devices that provide a wideband short circuit or ferrite resonance under high-power excitation, the concept presented in this paper provides the ability to design limiters with frequency selectivity and without magnetic materials. For verification, a third-order power-dependent bandstop filter was designed and fabricated. It has a center frequency of 1.95 GHz, 3 dB bandwidth of 400 MHz, 1 dB limiting threshold of approximately 21 dBm, a response time of 10 ns, and provides over 12 dB of limiting.
Tunable Acoustic-Wave-Lumped-Element Resonator (AWLR)-Based Bandpass Filters
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Roberto Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala (Spain);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ., United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
Hybrid acoustic-wave-lumped-element resonator (AWLR)-based bandpass filters (BPFs) with reconfigurable bandwidth (BW) and tunable out-of-band isolation (IS) are reported. They are based on a new BPF architecture in which AWLRs are in-parallel cascaded to an all-pass network through variable lumped-element inverters. In this manner, passbands with arbitrarily-large BW─i.e., no longer limited by the electromechanical coupling coefficient (kt2) of its constituent acoustic-wave resonators (AWRs)─can be created and controlled whilst preserving the high-quality-factor (Q: order of 10,000) characteristics of the AWR. Furthermore, tuning of the IS is obtained by adjusting the location of the AWLRs transmission zeros (TZs: 2N for an N-pole BPF) through variable capacitors. The operating principles of the devised AWLR-based tunable BPF concept are experimentally validated through a three-pole/six-TZ prototype at 418 MHz made up of commercially-available surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) resonators. It exhibits tunable BW between 0.16-0.49 MHz (0.5-1.5kt2), minimum in-band insertion loss between 3.3-1.2 dB (Q>10,000), and out-of-band IS reconfigurability.
A Compact 1.9-3.4GHz Diplexer with Controllable Transmission Zeros, Improved Isolation, and Constant Fractional Bandwidth
Tao Yang, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Tao Yang, Univ. of California at San Diego, United States
(14:10 - 14:30)
In this paper, a very compact tunable diplexer is proposed with controllable transmission zeros and controllable output isolation levels. The two channels in the diplexer can be independently tuned and cover a tuning range from 1.9GHz to 3.4 GHz. Controllable transmission zeros are introduced in each channel by using the source-to-loading coupling. The introduced transmission zeros cannot only be used to improve the channel selectivity, but also used to improve the output isolation levels during frequency tuning. An output isolation level of >48 dB is achieved during each tuning state.
A Class of Fully-Reconfigurable Planar Multi-Band Bandstop Filters
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Roberto Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala (Spain);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ., United States
(14:30 - 14:50)
A new class of planar multi-band bandstop filters (BSFs) with spectrally-agile stopbands in terms of center frequency and bandwidth are presented. They are based on the in-series cascade of several frequency-reconfigurable multi-stopband filtering sections. Each of these sections is shaped by N tunable resonators (center-frequency control) that interact with the same non-resonating node (NRN) through independently-controlled impedance inverters (bandwidth reconfiguration) for an N-band BSF response. Additional features of this filter approach are: i) independent control of each rejection band with no influence on the others, ii) stopband-merging capability to attain controllability in the number of generated stopbands along with increased bandwidth flexibility for them, and iii) concept scalability to any number of stopbands and poles. Its operational principles are theoretically demonstrated through the coupling-matrix formalism for the engineered multi-band BSF. Moreover, for experimental verification, a mechanically-reconfigurable three-band BSF microstrip prototype in the 0.9-1.2-GHz frequency range was manufactured and characterized.
Multi-Functional Low-Pass Filters With Dynamically-Controlled In-Band Rejection Notches
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Roberto Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala (Spain);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ., United States
(14:50 - 15:10)
Multi-functional low-pass-filters (LPFs) with dynamically-controlled in-band rejection-bands are reported. They are based on series-cascaded RF-modules that functionalize low-pass (LP) transfer-function with/without an embedded absorptive-notch (AN). In this manner, multiple rejection-bands that exhibit theoretically-infinite attenuation and don’t affect the passband loss (IL) are incorporated within a highly-selective-LPF that features smaller size and lower IL than conventional cascades of individual filter blocks. Further advantages include: i) scalability to arbitrary number of rejection-bands, ii) independent control of ANs in frequency and isolation (IS), iii) the ability to control the number of active in-band notches. The concept is validated through a manufactured-prototype with two tunable-ANs. They are located within a low-IL (
13:30 - 14:40
Wideband Power Amplifiers
Ruediger Quay
Chair organization:
Fraunhofer IAF
Arvind Keerti
Co-chair organization:
Qualcomm, Inc.
The session covers most recent developments in efficient power amplifiers for wireless communication based on siclion (Bi)CMOS and Gallium Nitride.
Presentations in this session
An S-band 240 W Output / 54 % PAE GaN Power Amplifier with Broadband Output Matching Network for both Fundamental and 2nd Harmonic Frequencies
Takaaki Yoshioka, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Naoki Kosaka, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Masatake Hangai, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Koji Yamanaka, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan);
Takaaki Yoshioka, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
(13:30 - 13:50)
A broadband S-band high efficiency internally matched 240 W GaN high power amplifier (HPA) has been developed. To obtain wider operating bandwidth and higher efficiency HPA, an output matching network with shunt inductors and 2nd harmonic reflection open-stubs connected by transmission lines is employed. To verify this methodology, we fabricated an S-band HPA and the output power of 240 W and the power added efficiency of 54.4 % over from 2.6 to 3.4 GHz were achieved. To the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the widest bandwidth performances among the ever-reported S-band GaN HPAs over 100 W output power.
A 2-22 GHz Wideband Active Bi-directional Power Divider/Combiner in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology
Ickhyun Song, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Moon-Kyu Cho, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Jeong-Geun Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Glenn Hopkins, Georgia Tech Research Institute (United States);
Mark Mitchell, Georgia Tech Research Institute (United States);
John Cressler, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Ickhyun Song, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
An active bi-directional power dividier/combiner circuit based on a distributed topology is proposed. The use of bi-directional amplifiers (BDAs) provides both dividing and combining functions within the same circuit. By utilizing a distributed topology composed of BDAs and artificial transmission lines, a wide operational bandwidth (2-22 GHz) and a large, flat power gain (9 dB) were achieved under DC power consumption of 100 mW. The maximum amplitude and phase imbalances were 0.7 dB and 3˚, respectively.
A 2.8-6 GHz High-Efficiency CMOS Power Amplifier with High-order Harmonic Matching Network
Ji-Kang Nai, National Taiwan University (Taiwan);
Yuan-Hung Hsiao, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yunshan Wang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yu-Hsuan Lin, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Huei Wang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Ji-Kang Nai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
(14:10 - 14:20)
An output matching network with high-order harmonic matching is proposed for wideband power amplifier (PA) design, which realize wideband fundamental load-pull matching and first two order harmonic matching for efficiency improvement simultaneously. The proposed power amplifier is implemented in 0.18-μm CMOS process. Within the 3dB small signal bandwidth from 2.8 to 6 GHz, it achieves more than 20.8 dBm Psat and 20.3 dBm OP1dB, while peak power added efficiency (PAE) are from 37 to 44%, and PAE at P1dB are from 33 to 38%. The circuit shows the best efficiency performance compared with the published broadband CMOS PAs.
Two-way Concurrent Dual-Band Power Amplifier at 0.9/1.8 GHz with Low Second Harmonic and Intermodulation
Zhijiang Dai, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Songbai He, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Jingzhou Pang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Chaoyi Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Tian Qi, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Zhijiang Dai, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(14:20 - 14:30)
A novel two-way prototype which can suppress the second harmonic is proposed for concurrent dual-band power amplifier (PA).
Each way with two filters makes it only operate in a band so that the harmonics can be filtered well and the intermodulation components of the two frequencies will not be generated.
A 0.9/1.8 GHz dual-band PA is designed and fabricated. Measurement results show that the ratio of fundamental to second harmonic power are respectively -44.5 dBc and -41.5 dBc, and the intermodulation components are as low as noise.
The output power of both bands is 41.0 dBm, and efficiency is 73.0%, while the corresponding gain are respectively 15.5 dB and 17.5 dB, under concurrent mode.
The PA is stimulated with a concurrent 20-MHz wide-band signal, the ACPR are -34.5 dBc and -32.0 dBc with average power of 35 dBm, respectively.
Measured Linearity Improvement of 10 W GaN HEMT PA withDynamic Gate Biasing Technique for Flat Transfer Phase
Dragan Gecan, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway);
Morten Olavsbråten, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway);
Karl Martin Gjertsen, Disruptive Technologies Research (Norway);
Dragan Gecan, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, Norway
(14:30 - 14:40)
In this work we present linearity improvement of a
10 W GaN HEMT PA using dynamic gate biasing technique for
flattening the transfer phase of the PA according to the
instantaneous input power. Dynamic Vgs calculation was based on
one-tone power sweep measurement with static bias. The results
are showing 5.6-7.7 dB better ACPR and 4.2-4.9 percentage points
better EVM compared to the reference static bias PA with same
average Pout. Furthermore, 1.7-2.7 dB higher output power with
1.3-8.5 percentage points higher PAE has been achieved compared
to the reference static bias with ACPR better than 40 dBc.
Moreover, it has been shown that static measurement of this GaN
PA can be used for a good prediction of the PA behavior under
dynamic operation.
13:30 - 14:50
Green, Flexible, Wearable, Reconfigurable Technologies
Zaher Bardai
Chair organization:
IMN Epiphany
Ramesh Gupta
Co-chair organization:
New microwave fabrication techniques for efficient, green, flexible, and wearable applications will be described through four presentations in this session. The lead-off paper describes efficiency enhancement in linear transmitters followed by another paper on making microwave circuits bio-degradable. Our third presentation looks at embroidered microwave circuits for wearable applications. A final presentation on a magnetically tunable band-pass filter rounds off the session with a description of this one aspect of reconfigurability.
Presentations in this session
Efficiency Enhancement solutions for an original Linear Green RF Transmitters
Nathalie Deltimple, Univ. of Bordeaux (France);
Guillaume Ferré, Univ. of Bordeaux (France);
Mouna Ben Mabrouk, Univ. of Bordeaux (France);
Eric Kerhervé, Univ. of Bordeaux (France);
Nathalie Deltimple, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
(13:30 - 13:50)
Designing linear transmitters became mandatory to cater with high data rates applications and this trend is increasing, especially with 5G. This leads to a huge amount of energy consumption and important environmental challenges. For RF design point of view, the issue is improving energy efficiency, especially in user mobile equipment. This work proposes an original linear green RF transmitter system based on efficiency enhancement technique at the transmitter and linearization at the receiver in an uplink radio cognitive context.
Green Microwave Electronics for the Coming Era of Flexible Electronics
Zhenqiang Ma, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Yei Hwan Jung, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Jung-Hun Seo, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Huilong Zhang, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Zhiyong Cai, USDA Forrest Products Laboratory (United States);
Shaoqin Gong, Univ. of Wisconsin (United States);
Zhenqiang Ma, Univ. of Wisconsin, United States
(13:50 - 14:10)
Novel fabrication techniques to manufacture various high performance devices, using both Si and III-V nanomembrane-form materials, that are essential for portable electronics on a biodegradable cellulose nanofibril (CNF) paper are presented. We have introduced a concept of natural biodegradation of the discarded electronic chips that could help reduce the accumulation of the massive amount of persistent electronic waste disposed of daily using CNF that is derived from wood, a natural sustainable resource. CNF paper offers properties as a flexible substrate for high performance electronics. Essential microwave electronic systems, such as Si-based transistor and GaAs-based transistor and diode, were fabricated to demonstrate the feasibility of our novel approach on the CNF substrate. A novel releasable device fabrication technology, along with deterministic assembly printing technique for these high-performance devices, that significantly decreased the amount of GaAs used compared to conventional chip based manufacturing are presented.
Investigation of Microwave Active Elements Embedded in Composite Structures
Thomas Baum, RMIT University (Australia);
Richard Ziolkowski, Univ. of Arizona (United States);
Kelvin Nicholson, DST Group (Australia);
Kamran Ghorbani, Rmit Univ. (Australia);
Richard Ziolkowski, Univ. of Arizona (United States);
Kamran Ghorbani, Rmit Univ., Australia
(14:10 - 14:30)
Multifunctional structures have become popular within the past decade as they allow for more efficient utilization of limited real-estate available on many civilian and military platforms. Taking structures and electromagnetics, one can marry these two fields to produce a weight optimized loadbearing microwave structure which may ideally be suited for unmanned aerial systems. This paper investigates the use of textile processes to develop loadbearing smart skins built into a class of structural conformal composite materials called pre-pregs (resin pre-impregnated fabrics). An example of an active UWB mini-circuits ERA-4SM+ (0-4 GHz) amplifier has been investigated within a 48 g.m-2 pre-preg structural glass material (HexPly914E). This amplifier has been embroidered and cured at 170˚C in an autoclave at 700 kPa pressure. Its performance before and after curing has been examined.
Electrically Tunable Bandpass Filtering Balun on Engineered Substrate Embedded with Patterned Permalloy Thin Film
Yujia Peng, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Yong Mao Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Tengxing Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Wei Jiang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Guoan Wang, Univ. of South Carolina (United States);
Yujia Peng, Univ. of South Carolina, United States
(14:30 - 14:50)
An electrically tunable bandpass filtering balun (BPF-Balun) on engineered substrate embedded with patterned Permalloy (Py) thin film is designed and implemented. Embedded with patterned Py thin film which has high and current-dependent permeability, the developed engineered substrate has electrically tunable equivalent permeability. Patterning of Py film is analyzed and utilized to increase its FMR up to GHz range. The proposed BPF-Balun is fabricated on Rogers 4350 substrate while the engineered substrate is developed separately with high resistivity silicon embedded with patterned Py thin film. Tunable BPF-Balun is implemented through bonding the Rogers 4350 on the top of engineered substrate. The measured results show that the center frequency of the BPF-Balun can be tuned continuously from 1.49GHz to 1.545GHz with DC current adjusted from 0mA to 500mA. The measured magnitude imbalance and phase difference of the two balanced outputs are within 0.5 dB and 180°± 5° for the whole frequency range.
15:55 - 17:15
Advanced Passive Circuits
Kamal Samanta
Chair organization:
Alexander Koelpin
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg
The focus of this session will be on advanced tunable and reconfigurable passive circuits and on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based components. This will include wideband tunable GaN module, reconfigurable multiband impedance transformer cum bandpass filter, as well as SIW components such as an air-filled broadband coupler and a matched load with an embedded resistive film.
Presentations in this session
Wideband Tunable GaN HEMT Module Utilizing Thin-film BST Varactors for Efficiency Optimization
Alex Wiens, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Sebastian Preis, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Ho (Germany);
Christian Schuster, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Mohammad Nikfalazar, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Christian Damm, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Martin Schuessler, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Wolfgang Heinrich, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany);
Olof Bengtsson, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany);
Rolf Jakoby, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany);
Alex Wiens, Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany
(15:55 - 16:15)
This work covers the design and measurement of a low cost tunable impedance matching network (TMN) for highly
linear and high power RF applications at telecommunication frequencies. A single transistor cell, was wire-bonded to a TMN and the performance of the tunable amplifier module was evaluated from 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz. The TMN transforms the GaN HEMT output impedance to fixed 50 Ohm load. Tuning allows efficient operation of the transistor over the targeted frequency range. Peak drain efficiency of 66% and a peak output power of 37.5 dBm were measured. Two-tone measurements reveal an OIP3 around 47 dBm which is comparable to a bare GaN HEMT.
Reconfigurable Single/Multi-Band Planar Impedance Transformers With Incorporated Bandpass Filtering Functionality
Roberto Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala (Spain);
Dimitra Psychogiou, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Roberto Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala, Spain
(16:15 - 16:35)
A new class of frequency-agile single/multi-band planar real-impedance transformers that feature bandpass filtering capabilities for their operative bands are proposed. They are based on the incorporation of single/multi-band quasi-bandpass filtering sections into a wide-band impedance transformer whose operational range covers the intended frequency-tuning range of the individually-controlled passbands. Thus, by controlling the natural frequencies of the resonators in these sections through variable capacitors, a tunable single/multi-band impedance-transformation/bandpass-filtering action is obtained. The operational foundations of this reconfigurable dual-function device, which can be applied to designs with an arbitrary number of bands, are expounded. Furthermore, as experimental demonstration, a three-band microstrip prototype with tunable bands throughout the range 1.2–1.8 GHz is developed and tested.
A Substrate Integrated Matched Load with Embedded Resistive Thick Film
Christian Rave, Technical Univ. of Hamburg (Germany);
Arne Jacob, Technical Univ. of Hamburg (Germany);
Christian Rave, Technical Univ. of Hamburg, Germany
(16:35 - 16:55)
A matched load in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is presented at K-band. An embedded resistive thick film is used to absorb the input signal. The proposed structure is fully compatible with standard multilayer printed circuit board processes. The realized SIW termination exhibits a bandwidth of 2.75 GHz with a return loss of more than 20 dB around 18.4 GHz.
Broadband Directional Moreno Coupler for High-Performance Air-Filled SIW-Based Substrate Integrated Systems
Frederic Parment, University of Grenoble-Alpes (France);
Anthony Ghiotto, Univ. of Bordeaux (France);
Tan-Phu Vuong, University of Grenoble-Alpes (France);
Jean-Marc Duchamp, University of Grenoble-Alpes (France);
Ke Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Frederic Parment, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France
(16:55 - 17:15)
A broadband directional Moreno coupler consisting of a high performance Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide (AFSIW) coupled to a top Dielectric-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide (DFSIW) is introduced. It is intended for high performance and low-cost millimeter-wave substrate integrated systems based on multilayer Printed Circuit Board (PCB) process. Design of the proposed Moreno coupler is detailed. To the authors’ knowledge, it is the first time that a Moreno coupler based on different dielectric-loaded waveguides is reported. It is also the first proposed AFSIW device taking advantage of a multilayer structure and the first AFSIW directional coupler reported in the literature. For demonstration purposes, a broadband 20 dB coupler operating over Ka-band has been designed and fabricated. It achieves a measured insertion loss, coupling and isolation of 0.6 ±0.2 dB, 18.7 ±1.3 dB and 44.7 ±13.7 dB, respectively. This coupler is of particular interest for monitoring applications, for example, in radar transmitters.
Switch-mode techniques for RF / mm-wave power amplifiers
Paul Draxler
Chair organization:
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Leo de Vreede
Co-chair organization:
Delft Univ. of Technology
This session addresses various switch-mode efficiency enhancements techniques for RF / mm-wave power amplification. These range from the use of inverse class-F operation at mm-waves in SiGe technology to aliasing-free digital pulse-width modulation implemented in CMOS. The session concludes with the demonstration of “advanced envelope delta-sigma with pulsed load-modulation” and “three-level class-G supply voltage modulation” implemented using GaN technology.
Presentations in this session
A 43% PAE Inverse Class-F Power Amplifier at 39-42 GHz with a Quarter-Wavelength Transformer Based Harmonic Filter in 0.13-um SiGe BiCMOS
seyed yahya Mortazavi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit (United States);
Kwang-Jin Koh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. (United States);
seyed yahya Mortazavi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit, United States
(15:55 - 16:15)
This paper presents a 2-stage Class-F-1 power amplifier in 0.13 μm SiGe BiCMOS process, achieving 43% peak PAE and 18 dBm Psat at 40.5 GHz. The PA utilizes simple but effective λ/4-transformer based 2nd harmonic-tuning load and relies on a native low capacitive reactance to short all other higher-order harmonics. This reduces the harmonic load complexity significantly and loss thereof, exceeding PAE over 40% at 39.5-42 GHz. The PA achieves >17 dB small signal gain, >15 dB power gain, and 16 dBm OP-1dB at 39-43 GHz. The Pout for
A Pulse-Mode CMOS Power Amplifier for Multi-Band LTE Femtocell Base Stations
Hao-Shun Yang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Yi-Jan Emery Chen, National Taiwan University (Taiwan);
Jau-Horng Chen, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan);
Hao-Shun Yang, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
(16:15 - 16:35)
This paper presents a wide bandwidth fully integrated CMOS power amplifier (PA) suitable for pulse-mode operation. The CMOS PA was implemented in a 90-nm process with core size of 1 mm^2. A pulse-modulated polar transmitter for LTE femtocell applications was constructed with this switching CMOS PA using the aliasing-free digital pulse-width modulation technique. With conventional memoryless digital predistortion, the polar transmitter achieved 23.5% efficiency and 19.5-dBm output power at 2.4 GHz. Moreover, the proposed transmitter can also pass the -45-dBc ACLR requirement over a wide frequency range from the first channel in downlink band-1 to the last channel in downlink band-7 for LTE home femtocell base stations.
Advanced Envelope Delta-Sigma Transmitter Architecture with PLM Power Amplifier for Multi-Standard Applications
Maryam Jouzdani, Univ. of Calgary (Canada);
Mohamed Helaoui, Univ. of Calgary (Canada);
Fadhel Ghannouchi, Univ. of Calgary (Canada);
Maryam Jouzdani, Univ. of Calgary, Canada
(16:35 - 16:55)
This paper presents a new modified envelope delta-sigma (DS) based transmitter architecture with good linearity and efficiency performance without applying any linearization techniques. For the proposed transmitter setup, a pulsed load modulation (PLM) amplifier is implemented and used for its high power efficiency at the back-off power levels. For high efficiency performance of the PA and maintaining the linearity of the system, an envelope DS modulator is utilized to quantized signals prior to the PA. Simulation results also show that higher coding efficiency of the quantized signal is achievable employing the envelope DS modulator instead of its Cartesian counterpart. To validate the proposed technique, a transmitter prototype is implemented and tested with standard signals with various pick-to-average power ratios (PAPRs). The average drain efficiency of about 45% and 44% are achieved for a 3MHz LTE signal with 7dB PAPR and a 1.25MHz WiMAX signal with and 7.9dB PAPR, respectively.
A Three-Level Class-G Modulated 1.85 GHz RF Power Amplifier for LTE Applications with over 50% PAE
Nikolai Wolff, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Ho (Germany);
Wolfgang Heinrich, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany);
Manfred Berroth, Univ. of Stuttgart (Germany);
Olof Bengtsson, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany);
Nikolai Wolff, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Ho, Germany
(16:55 - 17:15)
A highly efficient three-level class-G modulated RF power amplifier (PA) is presented. The PA is designed to operate as downlink amplifier in the 1800-1900 MHz LTE-band. At 1.85 GHz the peak output power under continuous wave excitation is 48.2 dBm (66 W). The system achieves an overall efficiency of more than 50% when amplifying a 20 MHz OFDM signal with 9 dB peak-to-average power ratio at 40 dBm (10 W) average output power and over 15 dB gain. In combination with digital predistortion the class-G modulated PA can achieve an ACLR of -36.2 dB and an EVM of 2.1%. The class-G modulation enables excellent efficiency due to absence of a linear amplifier in the modulator stage. The efficiency improvement due to the three-level class-G modulation reaches 18.7 percentage points.
Advances in numerical and analytical electromagnetic modeling
David R. Jackson
Chair organization:
Univ. of Houston
Jan Machac
Co-chair organization:
Czech Technical Unv. in Prague
New methods of analysis and insights are developed for waveguiding and discontinuity problems, including periodic structures, waveguide junctions, SIW structures, and wave reflection problems.
Presentations in this session
A Hands-on Approach for Engineering Students and Practitioners to Analyze Electromagnetic Interactions on Flat Boundaries
Walid Dyab, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada);
Mohammad Abdallah, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
TAPAN SARKAR, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Universidad Carlos Iii De Madrid (Spain);
TAPAN SARKAR, Syracuse Univ., United States
(15:55 - 16:15)
A hands-on approach to avoid scientific debates and confusions about surface waves is presented. The reflection coefficient function of a TM wave incident on a flat boundary is studied as a function of the medium parameters in the most general way. Important questions are raised about some misused terminologies involving surface waves.
Solution of Periodically Loaded Waveguides Using the Eigenmode Projection Technique
Tarek Mealy, Cairo Univ. (Egypt);
Islam Eshrah, Cairo Univ. (Egypt);
Tamer Abuelfadl, Cairo Univ. (Egypt);
Tarek Mealy, Cairo Univ., Egypt
(16:15 - 16:35)
Waveguides with arbitrary cross-section and periodic loading are analyzed using an eigenmode projection technique. The analysis procedure is based on expanding the fields of the given structure in terms of the solenoidal and irrotational
eigenmodes of a canonical waveguide with cross-section enclosing that of the original waveguide. Floquet harmonics are
incorporated in the canonical eigenmodes to account for the periodicity. Results obtained using the proposed approach and
other techniques are compared and show excellent agreement. The proposed approach has many advantages, namely that
the problem reduces to a simple eigenvalue problem and the field distribution is directly given as weighted expansion of the
canonical eigenmodes.
Accurate Substrate Integrated Waveguide Modeling Using An Exact Analytical Formulation for Multiple Cylinder Scattering
Daniel Lawrence, Technology Service Corporation (United States);
Daniel Lawrence, Technology Service Corporation, United States
(16:35 - 16:55)
An analytical solution is presented for the scattering from multiple circular cylinders. The solution utilizes the spectral, plane-wave expansion of the fields in an iterative manner and accounts for all the multiple interactions between cylinders. The technique has direct applicability to the modeling of substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) structures where many cylindrical vias are used to generate guided waves between two conducting planes. The analytical technique provides a robust method for calculating propagation properties, leakage, and coupling.
Direct Full-wave Modeling of Bi-dimensional Structures Combining E-plane and H-plane Analysis Techniques
Carlos Carceller, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Pablo Soto, Technical Univ of Valencia (Spain);
Jordi Gil, Aurora Software and Testing (Spain);
Vicente Boria, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Carlos Carceller, Univ. Politècnica de València, Spain
(16:55 - 17:15)
This paper presents an analytical method for the efficient full-wave modeling of bi-dimensional structures by combining the results of purely E- and H-plane analysis techniques. It is based on frequency and boundary-condition transformations, and is used to compute the fields and the Generalized Admittance Matrix of the structure. A complex 3D geometry including a bi-dimensional block is analyzed, in order to illustrate the advantages of the novel full-wave analysis technique.
Advanced CAD Algoritms and Techniques
Michel Nakhla
Chair organization:
Carleton Univ.
Vikas Shilimkar
Co-chair organization:
NXP Semiconductors
Advanced computer-aided design algorithms and techniques are presented, including polynomial-based surrogate modeling exploiting the multinomial theorem, efficient parametric model-order reduction, feature-based dimension scaling and tuning, and a polynomial chaos approach for uncertainty analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotube interconnects.
Presentations in this session
Polynomial-Based Surrogate Modeling of Microwave Structures in Frequency Domain Exploiting the Multinomial Theorem
Jose Chavez-Hurtado, ITESO - The Jesuit University of Guadalajara (Mexico);
Jose Rayas Sanchez, ITESO - The Jesuit University of Guadalajara (Mexico);
Jose Chavez-Hurtado, ITESO - The Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico
(15:55 - 16:15)
We propose a methodology for developing EM-based polynomial surrogate models exploiting the multinomial theorem. Our methodology is compared against four EM surrogate modeling techniques: response surface modeling, support vector machines, generalized regression neural networks, and Kriging. Results show that the proposed polynomial surrogate modeling approach has the best performance among these techniques when using a very small amount of learning base points. The proposed methodology is illustrated by developing a surrogate model for a T-slot PIFA antenna simulated on a commercially available 3D FEM simulator.
Efficient Variability Analysis using Parameterized Model-Order Reduction
Ye Tao, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Mina Adel, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Behzad Nouri, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Michel Nakhla, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Ramachandra Achar, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Michel Nakhla, Carleton Univ., Canada
(16:15 - 16:35)
A fast algorithm is presented for statistical anal-
ysis of large microwave and high-speed circuits with multiple
stochastic parameters. Using the proposed algorithm, a set of
local reduced-order parameterized circuits are derived based
on adaptive frequency sampling and implicit multi-moment
matching projection techniques. The local models preserve the
stochastic parameters as symbolic quantities. As a result, stochas-
tic response of the circuit can be obtained by simulating the
local reduced models instead of the original large system leading
to significant reduction in the computational cost compared to
traditional Monte-Carlo techniques.
Low-Cost Dimension Scaling and Tuning of Microwave Filters Using Response Features
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University (Iceland);
John Bandler, McMaster Univ. (Canada);
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University, Iceland
(16:35 - 16:55)
In this paper, a low-cost procedure for dimension scaling and tuning of microwave filters is proposed. Our approach relies on an inverse model that outputs the filter dimensions for the required center frequency and bandwidth. The model is constructed using several reference designs obtained using surrogate-assisted optimization exploiting a response feature methodology. The initial approximation of the scaled filter design is subsequently corrected using a fast feature-based tuning procedure. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a fifth-order Chebyshev bandpass filter for the tuning range of 10 GHz to 12 GHz (center frequency) and 6 % to 12 % (relative bandwidth).
Reduced Dimensional Polynomial Chaos Approach for Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Interconnects
Aditi Prasad, Colorado State Univ. (United States);
Degen Zhou, Colorado State Univ. (United States);
Sourajeet Roy, Colorado State Univ. (United States);
Aditi Prasad, Colorado State Univ., United States
(16:55 - 17:15)
In this paper, a novel polynomial chaos approach for the fast uncertainty analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotube interconnect networks is proposed. The key feature of this approach is the development of a decoupled sensitivity analysis methodology to intelligently identify and prune the least impactful random dimensions from the original random space. This dimension reduction strategy allows the reliable modeling of the full-dimensional uncertainty in interconnect networks at the cost of evaluating only a fraction of the full-blown PC coefficients. The validity of the proposed methodology is demonstrated using a numerical example.
Advances in Chipless RFID Technology
Luca Roselli
Chair organization:
Univ. of Perugia
Kazuya Yamamoto
Co-chair organization:
Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
In the last years we observe an increasing interest for "chipless RFIDs". This session is specifically devoted to show the advancements in this very timely technology. Contributions span from harmonic to microfluidic implementation, showing also scanning techniques for multiple-tag detections at increasing range of coverage.
Presentations in this session
Chipless RFID Reading System Independent of Polarization
Marco Garbati, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Angel Ramos, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Romain Siragusa, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Etienne Perret, Grenoble Institute of Technology (France);
Christophe Halope, Arjowiggins Security (France);
Marco Garbati, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
(15:55 - 16:15)
One of the major drawbacks of chipless ultrawideband (UWB) radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems is the polarization dependence. Most proposed tags have to be specifically oriented with the reader. This paper proposes a bistatic reading system which can rotate both the reader's emitting and receiving polarizations, by using two dual-access dualpolarization UWB antennas. The principle consists of electrically rotating the interrogating signal in transmission, while exploiting the rotation matrix in reception. By being able to rotate both polarizations, it is shown that cross-polarization chipless tags can be read independently of their orientation.
A Novel Compact Harmonic RFID Sensor in Paper Substrate based on a Variable Attenuator and Nested Antennas
Valentina Palazzi, University of Perugia (Italy);
Paolo Mezzanotte, University of Perugia (Italy);
Federico Alimenti, Univ. of Perugia (Italy);
Luca Roselli, Univ. of Perugia (Italy);
Chiara Mariotti, Univ. of Perugia (Italy);
Marco Virili, Univ. of Perugia (Italy);
Giulia Orecchini, Univ. of Perugia (Italy);
Valentina Palazzi, University of Perugia, Italy
(16:15 - 16:25)
This paper presents the design of a novel chipless harmonic RFID sensor in paper substrate based on a variable attenuator implemented as a resistive network, which drives a single Schottky diode frequency doubler, and a system of nested tapered annular slot antennas. The passive tag is interrogated by a signal at f0 = 1.2 GHz and the signal transmitted back to the
reader is converted to 2f0 = 2.4 GHz in order for the system to be immune to clutter returns. The sensor information is encoded in the amplitude of the re-transmitted signal and a dynamic range around 20 dB is experimentally demonstrated.
All-inkjet-printed Microfluidics-based Encodable Flexible Chipless RFID Sensors
Wenjing Su, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Qi Liu, Zhejiang Univ. (China);
Benjamin Cook, Texas Instruments, Inc. (United States);
Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Wenjing Su, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(16:25 - 16:35)
This paper proposes the first-of-its-kind microfluidics-based encodable and flexible chipless RFID sensor. The prototype, including the microfluidic channels and passive RFID resonators, is manufactured cost-efficiently with sole reliance on multilayer inkjet-printing for the first time. Three microfluidics-based reconfigurable spiral resonators are used to obtain tunable “code” frequencies and encode the RFID with less than 0.5 uL of water per bit. The embedded microfluidics also facilitate sensing of various fluids (e.g. identifying different water-glycerol mixtures). The proposed chipless RFID module maintains a stable performance during bending and can be bent for radii down to at least 12 mm. The proposed encodable chipless RFID module can be used in various application spaces including healthcare monitoring, food quality sensing and liquid leakage detection.
Inkjet-printed Van-Atta reflectarray sensors: A new paradigm for long-range chipless low cost ubiquitous Smart Skin sensors of the Internet of Things
Jimmy Hester, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Jimmy Hester, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(16:35 - 16:55)
In this effort, the authors improve upon most of the limitations of state-of-the-art chipless sensing technologies, by introducing a novel, and demonstrably robust, platform and reading scheme for long-range, wireless sensing. This platform was built upon a fully-inkjet printed and flexible 30 GHz square patch antenna Van-Atta reflect-array, which provides high RCS over a broad range of interrogation angles, with only a 10 dB decrease in RCS at plus or minus 70 degrees from boresight. Furthermore, the signal reflected by the structure is cross-polarized with respect to that of the impinging wave, providing high polarimetric detectability. For this first application, the device was fully inkjet-printed on a polyimide (Kapton) substrate, whose humidity-dependent permittivity was taken advantage of, associated with an appropriate high performance signal processing scheme, in order to provide the first long-range capable, fully-printed chipless flexible sensor to date.
3D Scanning and Sensing Technique for the Detection and Remote Reading of a Passive Temperature Sensor
Dominique Henry, LAAS-CNRS (France);
Hervé Aubert, LAAS-CNRS (France);
Patrick Pons, LAAS-CNRS (France);
Dominique Henry, LAAS-CNRS, France
(16:55 - 17:15)
This paper presents a novel technique for the detection and remote reading of passive temperature sensors. This technique is based on a 3D beam scanning performed by a FMCW radar for measuring the echo level of sensors distributed in a scene. The carrier frequency is 24GHz and two frequency modulation bandwidths are investigated (2 GHz and ISM 250 MHz). The fluctuation of the measured echo level is analyzed by using appropriate estimators and the derived temperature variation is displayed by using a convenient three dimensional representation of isosurfaces.
Advances and Applications of Time- and Frequency-domain Numerical Techniques
Costas Sarris
Chair organization:
Univ. of Toronto
Peter Russer, Qing He
Co-chair organization:
Technische Univ. München, Oracle Corp.
The solution of Maxwell’s equations in time and frequency domain is indispensable for the accurate and efficient design of microwave circuits and systems. The challenges of solving Maxwell’s equations in complex real-world geometries and materials are calling for continuous innovation in computational methods. This session presents recent advances in time- and frequency-domain numerical techniques for important microwave applications. These techniques range from breaking the FDTD stability limit, to a new method for truncating computational domains, to advanced frequency-domain integral-equation formulations and methods.
Presentations in this session
Explicit and Unconditionally Stable FDTD Method Without Eigenvalue Solutions
Jin Yan, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dan Jiao, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Jin Yan, Purdue Univ., United States
(15:55 - 16:15)
Existing explicit and unconditionally stable FDTD methods rely on a global eigenvalue solution to find the unstable modes that cannot be stably simulated by the given time step. In this paper, we develop a fast explicit and unconditionally stable FDTD method requiring no eigenvalue solutions. In this method, we find the relationship between the unstable modes and the fine meshes, and use this relationship to directly identify the source of instability. We then upfront eradicate the source of instability from the numerical system before performing an explicit time marching. The resultant simulation is absolutely stable for the given time step irrespective of how large it is. If the time step is chosen based on accuracy, the accuracy of the proposed method is also guaranteed. Numerical experiments have demonstrated a significant speedup of the proposed method over the conventional FDTD as well as state-of-the-art explicit and unconditionally stable methods.
PMLC: A Perfectly Matched Layer Collimator and its Applications to Time and Frequency Domain Numerical Techniques
Costas Sarris, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Shashwat Sharma, Univ. of Toronto (Canada);
Costas Sarris, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
(16:15 - 16:35)
Several types of absorbing boundary conditions and simple matched absorbers, employed for mesh truncation in time and frequency domain numerical techniques (FDTD, FEM) work well for normally incident waves. However, their performance at other angles of incidence is often deemed unacceptable, motivating their replacement by perfectly matched layers. We propose a medium that can collimate incident waves, producing almost normally incident plane waves that can be readily absorbed even by a low order absorbing boundary condition such as Mur's. This perfectly matched layer collimator (PMLC) is a lossless, uniaxially anisotropic medium; its numerical implementation is much simpler than that of the conventional PML. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of this medium as a means of rendering the performance of a first order absorbing boundary condition comparable to that of a PML.
Novel Single-Source Integral Equation for Inductance Extraction in Transmission Lines Embedded in Lossy Layered Substrates
Shucheng Zheng, University of Manitoba (Canada);
Anton Menshov, Univ. of Texas at Austin (United States);
Vladimir Okhmatovski, Univ. of Manitoba (Canada);
Vladimir Okhmatovski, Univ. of Manitoba, Canada
(16:35 - 16:55)
A novel surface integral equation(IE) formulation for magneto-quasi-static analysis of current flow in two-dimensional conductors situated in lossy layered substrates is proposed. Traditional approach is based on the volume IE formulated with respect to the unknown current distribution in the conductors’ cross-section. In this work, we transform the volume IE to a surface IE via representation of the volumetric current density as a superposition of the waves emanating from the conductors’ boundaries. The resulting surface IE features a single unknown surface current density unlike the traditional surface IEs which require both electric and magnetic surface current densities. Also, the resultant single-source surface IE formulation involves only the electric field Green’s functions instead of both electric and magnetic field Green’s functions as required by the traditional surface IE formulations. The latter property makes the proposed IE formulation particularly suitable for analysis of current flow in conductors embedded in lossy layered substrates.
Modeling of Waveguide Components by the BI-RME Method with the Ewald Green’s Function and the Segmentation Technique
Simone Battistutta, University of Pavia (Italy);
Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia (Italy);
Marco Bressan, University of Pavia (Italy);
Marco Pasian, University of Pavia (Italy);
Luca Perregrini, University of Pavia (Italy);
Luca Perregrini, University of Pavia, Italy
(16:55 - 17:15)
This paper presents a novel technique for the numerical modeling of three-dimensional waveguide components. The component is preliminary segmented into boxed building blocks, and then the generalized admittance matrix of each building block is determined by the Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion (BI-RME) method. The kernel of the integral equation is the Green’s function of the box, which is efficiently calculated by using the Ewald technique. Finally, the admittance matrices of the building blocks are cascaded to retrieve the frequency response of the whole component.
The analysis of a dual-band orthomode transducer is reported as an example, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
New Technologies for Microwave Applications - Sensors, Graphene Models, Tunable Resonators
Ken Mays
Chair organization:
KMays Technical Services
Jiang Zhu
Co-chair organization:
Google, Inc.
This session focuses on the novel microwave applications enabled by emerging technologies. The first paper addresses the challenge of chemical detection with the wide-band metamaterial-inspired microwave sensor. The second paper discusses a novel planar microwave sensor for non-intrusive in-situ water-content (water-cut) in oil. The third paper in this session investigates the use of low temperature plasma jet as a variable resistor to form a wide tunable range resonance-based attenuator. The last paper provides an effective equivalent circuit for modeling the graphene resonant channel transistors.
Presentations in this session
A Metamaterial-inspired Miniaturized Wide-band Microwave Interferometry Sensor for liquid Chemical Detection
Ali Pourghorban Saghati, Texas A&M; Univ. (United States);
Jaskirat Singh Batra, Texas A&M; Univ. (United States);
Jun Kameoka, Texas A&M; Univ. (United States);
Kamran Entesari, Texas A&M; Univ. (United States);
Ali Pourghorban Saghati, Texas A&M; Univ., United States
(15:55 - 16:15)
This paper presents a miniature wide-band interferometry sensor for dielectric spectroscopy and detection of liquid chemicals based on utilizing two composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines (TLs) in a zero-IF mixing configuration. The equivalent series capacitance of the CRLH TLs, constructed by using interdigital capacitors, is loaded with microfluidic channels, and exposed to the material under test to act as the sensing element. Due to the nonlinear dispersion relation of the artificial TLs with respect to the sensing capacitor, higher sensitivity over a wide frequency band of 4-8GHz is achieved, compared to the previously-reported resonator- or capacitor-based sensors. The final fabricated system prototype is 4 cmx8 cm. Moreover, a calibration method is presented based on measurement results, which shows an rms error less than 1.5% for liquid-chemical permittivity detection. To the best of author's knowledge, this is the first disclosure of wide-band and highly-sensitive microwave interferometry sensor suitable for portable applications.
A low cost and pipe conformable microwave-based water-cut sensor
Muhammad Akram Karimi, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia);
Muhammad Arsalan, Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia);
Atif Shamim, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia);
Muhammad Akram Karimi, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
(16:15 - 16:35)
Efficient oil production and refining processes require the precise measurement of water content in oil (i.e., water-cut [WC]). Traditional offline WC measurements are precise but incapable of providing real-time information, while online WC measurements are either incapable of sensing the full WC range (0-100%), restricted to a limited selection of pipe sizes, bulky or extremely expensive. This work presents a novel planar microwave sensor for entirely non-intrusive in situ WC sensing over the full range of operation, i.e., 0-100%. A planar configuration has enabled the direct implementation of WC sensor on the pipe surface using low cost methods such as 3D and screen printing. The innovative use of dual ground planes makes this WC sensor usable for the wide range of pipe sizes present in the oil industry. The viability of this sensor has been confirmed through EM simulations as well as through a prototype characterization.
Low Temperature Plasma for Tunable Resonant Attenuation
Abbas Semnani, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Hee Jun Yang, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Michael Sinanis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Sung-Jin Park, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Sergey Macheret, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Gary Eden, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Abbas Semnani, Purdue Univ., United States
(16:35 - 16:55)
A cold-plasma-based technique for tuning an evanescent-mode cavity resonator is introduced and studied experimentally for the first time in this paper. The technique involves a plasma jet that constitutes a variable resistance integrated in the cavity. The electron density and consequently the electromagnetic properties of plasma, including its resistivity, are controlled by varying the magnitude of the sinusoidal excitation voltage. The transmission coefficient of the two-port fabricated resonator at 2.735 GHz exhibits 11 dB tunability when the magnitude of the 20-kHz plasma-excitation voltage increases from zero to 5.26 kV (peak-to-peak). The resonator’s quality factor varies in the acceptable range of 684-342 for these conditions. The measured and simulated results reveal that this approach may become a promising tuning technology particularly in demanding applications where conventional solid-state techniques are ineffective due to temperature, power, or linearity limitations.
Accurate Multi-bias Equivalent Circuit Model for Graphene Resonant Channel Transistors
Tengda Mei, University of Electronic Science and Technology of (China);
Yuehang Xu, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Oupeng Li, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Yu Lan, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Yunqiu Wu, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Ruimin Xu, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Yuanfu Chen, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Yanrong Li, Univ. of Electronic Science & Technology of China (China);
Tengda Mei, University of Electronic Science and Technology of, China
(16:55 - 17:15)
This paper presents a compact small signal equivalent circuit model of graphene resonant channel transistors (G-RCTs) suitable for different bias conditions. The model combines a bias dependent model for a GFET with a continuum mechanics model for 2-D graphene membrane. The model has been validated by graphene resonators fabricated by mechanical exfoliation techniques and transfer techniques. The characterization of G-RCT at very wide gate bias range with Vgs from -20 to 20V is predicted for the first time by using equivalent circuit model, which proves the validation of the proposed model. With the proposed compact model, the RCTs can be useful for developing high sensitivity sensor, or in the perspective of high quality RF filters by using graphene nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS).
Integrated Phased Arrays and CRLH Beam Formers
Julio Navarro
Chair organization:
James Skala
Co-chair organization:
Georgia Institute of Technology
This session presents integrated phased array circuit solutions including built-in-test capabilities. The session also includes multiple presentations of array beam formers that utilize CRLH metamaterials for beam scanning.
Presentations in this session
An 8-Element 2–16 GHz Phased Array Receiver with Reconfigurable Number of Beams in SiGe BiCMOS
Mustafa SAYGINER, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Mustafa SAYGINER, Univ. of California at San Diego, United States
(15:55 - 16:15)
This paper presents an 8-element 2–16 GHz phased array receiver chip in SiGe BiCMOS with reconfigurable number of beams. An 8-input single-output, or a 4-input dual-output, or a 2-input 4-output beams can be synthesized in this chip. Additionally, two digital beamforming channels can also be used in this chip. The measured 2-input 4-output beam mode results in a gain of 10-11.5 dB at 2-16 GHz with excellent gain flatness. The measured noise figure and input referred P1dB is 11.5-12 dB and ~ -15±1 dBm respectively, at 2-14 GHz. The wideband channel has a 5+3 bit phase shifter control and a 3-bit VGA ensuring a 5-bit phase response with 8 dB gain control over the entire band. The chip consumes 265 mW/channel from a 2.5 V supply.
A 2-15 GHz Built-in-Self-Test System for Wide-band Phased Arrays Using Self-Correcting 8-State I/Q Mixers
Tumay Kanar, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Tumay Kanar, Univ. of California at San Diego, United States
(16:15 - 16:35)
A built-in-self-test (BIST) system for wide-band phase arrays channels is presented. The BIST is implemented using an on-chip I/Q receiver with an integrated ring-oscillator that provides both the channel test signal and the mixer local oscillator (LO). The BIST achieves wide-band accuracy for relative phase and gain measurements at 2-15 GHz with a onetime self-correction algorithm with 8 LO phases. The BIST measurements agree well with the VNA S-parameter data over a wide frequency range. To our knowledge, this is the first implementation of high accuracy wide-band BIST system for phased-array channels.
Two-dimensional Full-hemisphere Frequency Scanning Array based on Metamaterial Leaky Wave Antennas and Feed Networks
Mehdi SalarKaleji, Wayne State University (United States);
Mohammad Ashraf Ali, Wayne State University (United States);
Chung-Tse Michael Wu, Wayne State University (United States);
Mehdi SalarKaleji, Wayne State University, United States
(16:35 - 16:55)
This paper presents a novel two-dimensional (2-D) frequency scanning antenna array that can exhibit a full-hemisphere coverage of radiation beams. The proposed 2-D frequency scanning antenna array utilizes transmission-line based microwave metamaterials (MTMs) to realize both leaky wave antennas and antenna array feed networks. By engineering the dispersion of both metamaterial leaky wave antennas and metamaterial feed networks, the proposed passive 2-D MTM antenna array is able to perform one-to-one frequency-space mapping and beamforming over the entire full-hemisphere without using any phase shifters or mixers.
Bi-Directional Active and Passive Meandered Circularly Polarized CRLH-Inspired Leaky-Wave Antennas Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide
Dongyin Ren, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Hanseung Lee, Skyworks Solutions (United States);
Jun Choi, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Dongyin Ren, Syracuse Univ., United States
(16:55 - 17:05)
Bi-directional active and passive meandered circularly polarized (CP) composite right/left-handed (CRLH) inspired substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based leaky-wave antennas (LWAs) are presented. By meandering the microstrip line, the dimension of the proposed five-cell antenna along the scanning plane is reduced by 33.5% compared to the original CP CRLH LWA based on SIW. Furthermore, incorporating the bi-directional amplifiers, the current distribution of the antenna is manipulated to control the radiation characteristics. The proposed active meandered CP CRLH LWA supports both transmitting and receiving operation while delivering enhanced spatial resolution.
A Series Feed Network Based on a Distributed CRLH Stripline for Frequency Scanning Applications
Michael Enders, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Jun Choi, Syracuse Univ. (United States);
Michael Enders, Syracuse Univ., United States
(17:05 - 17:15)
A series feed network concept based on a distributed CRLH stripline and couplers is proposed for frequency scanning phase array applications. The characteristics of such a network, which includes a smaller footprint, are discussed and compared to the traditional transmission line series feed network. Design details of an implementation centered around 6GHz are provided, along with measurements results of the standalone network and as a feed for a 4 element antenna array, for validation of the core idea.
May 25 - Wednesday
8:00 - 9:40
Microwave Sensors for Practical Applications
Ian Gresham
Chair organization:
Mojgan Daneshmand
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Alberta
In this session new microwave sensors and their practical applications are presented. Microwave devices are used to detect and sense chemical and physical parameter variations. The devices could be used in environmental sensing, health monitoring and space applications.
Presentations in this session
Same Side Dual SIL-Radar System for Real-Time Vital Sign Monitoring with Random Body Movement Cancellation
Mu-Cyun Tang, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan);
Chao-Yun Kuo, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan);
Da-Cian Wun, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan);
Fu-Kang Wang, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan);
Tzyy-Sheng Horng, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan);
Mu-Cyun Tang, National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan
(8:00 - 8:20)
This paper presents a Doppler radar system for real-time vital sign monitoring. To reduce the random body movement effect, this system involves two self-injection-locked (SIL) radars that are mutually injection locked to each other using a branch-line coupler and a circulator array. Moreover, the two SIL radars use different gain antennas. As a result, over 97 percent of the body movement is canceled so as to render the vital sign signals liable to appear in real time.
Enhanced Q Double Resonant Active Sensor for Humidity and Moisture Effect Elimination
Mohammad Abdolrazzaghi, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Mojgan Daneshmand, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Mohammad Abdolrazzaghi, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
(8:20 - 8:40)
In this paper, high-resolution ultra-high Q double resonant sensor is developed to eliminate humidity and moisture effect in microwave chemical sensing in uncontrolled environment. Double uncoupled split-ring resonators with close resonant frequencies are assisted with active circuitry to increase their quality factor from 51 and 54 up to 150k and 210k at 1.365 GHz and 1.6 GHz, respectively. The purpose of the second resonator is set to calibrate the erroneous effect of ambient humidity and sand moisture in measurement. Based on the proposed technique, root of mean-square-error of processed results of measuring water in humid air was significantly reduced from 169k down to 27k. Material detection with wet-sand surrounding was verified successfully and the materials impacts are completely distinguished from that of the wet sand.
High sensitivity, GHz operating SAW pressure sensor structures manufactured by micromachining and nano-processing of GaN/Si
Alexandru Muller, IMT Bucharest (Romania);
Antonis Stavrinidis, FORTH IESL Heraklion (Greece);
Ioana Giangu, IMT Bucharest (Romania);
Alexandra Stefanescu, IMT Bucharest (Romania);
George Stavrinidis, FORTH IESL Heraklion (Greece);
Alexandros Pantazis, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece);
Adrian Dinescu, IMT Bucharest (Romania);
George Boldeiu, IMT Bucharest (Romania);
George Konstantinidis, FORTH IESL Heraklion (Greece);
Alexandru Muller, IMT Bucharest, Romania
(8:40 - 9:00)
Two different novel SAW type pressure sensing structures were manufactured using micromachining and nanolihographic processes: SAW supported on a GaN/Si (1.2µm/10µm) membrane for the first type structure and SAW supported on a 1.2 µm thin GaN membrane for the second type. The two resonance peaks observed for both structures were identified, using wave shape simulations, as Rayleigh mode and, symmetric Lamb mode respectively. The resonance frequency shift vs. pressure (measured in the 1-5 Bar range), as well as the pressure sensitivity and its sign have been analyzed for both structures and both peaks. High absolute values of the sensitivity (in the range 346…2680 KHz/Bar) and of the pressure coefficient of frequency (in the range 66…278 ppm/Bar) have been obtained. It was demonstrated that the second type structures and the Lamb mode are more pressure sensitive.
Low-Power Planar Complex Dielectric Sensor with DC Readout Circuit in a BiCMOS Technology
Mohamed Eissa, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Farabi Jamal, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Subhajit Guha, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Chafik Meliani, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Dietmar Kissinger, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Jan Wessel, IHP Microelectronics (Germany);
Mohamed Eissa, IHP Microelectronics, Germany
(9:00 - 9:20)
Sensing the dielectric constants real part (Ɛ’) and imaginary part (Ɛ’’) of a material under test (MUT) enhances the capability to differentiate between different materials. In this paper a low power dielectric sensor with two DC outputs, based on a K-band sensing structure, is presented. The full solution is implemented in a standard 0.13 μm SiGe:C BiCMOS technology. Different concentrations of ethanol and methanol solutions were used to demonstrate the functionality of the proposed approach. The sensor showed a responsivity of 10 mV/ Ɛ’ and 100 mV/ Ɛ’’. The sensor can detect a variation of 0.15 of Ɛ’ and 0.002 of Ɛ’’ based on phase noise measurements and simulations. With the DC outputs and a total power consumption of 74 mW the proposed sensor architecture is well suited for lab-on-chip systems.
Application of Broadside-Coupled Split Ring Resonator (BC-SRR) Loaded Transmission Lines to the Design of Rotary Encoders for Space Applications
Jordi Naqui, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Ferran Martín, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Jordi Naqui, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
(9:20 - 9:30)
The measurement of angular displacement and velocity is necessary in many space applications. This paper reports a novel microwave rotary sensor that is contactless, low cost, and robust in space environments. The stator part is a coplanar waveguide loaded with a pair of split ring resonators, whereas the rotor is a periodic circular array of split ring resonators. The stator and the rotor are arranged face-to-face, and the splits of the stator and rotor rings are on opposite sides, giving rise to a broadside-coupled split ring resonator (BC-SRR). Its resonance frequency depends on the relative position between the stator and rotor rings, which determines their coupling. The key point is the fact that the period can be made as small as the printing technology allows for, making quasi-instantaneous measurements possible. By feeding with a fixed harmonic signal at the BC-SRR resonance frequency, the angular velocity can be accurately determined.
Wrist Location by Wearable Bracelet Belt Resonators
Chieh-Sen Lee, HTC Corporation (Taiwan);
Chun-Yih Wu, HTC Corporation (Taiwan);
Yen-Kiang Kuo, HTC Corporation (Taiwan);
Chieh-Sen Lee, HTC Corporation, Taiwan
(9:30 - 9:40)
This paper presents the preliminary evaluation of a wearable 1-dimensional frequency multiplexed sensor array using microstrip-line-excited complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs) module for detecting the location of the wrist. The sensor array was fabricated on a cylindrical structure, and a scheme was devised by which to measure relative changes in the location of the wrist within a wearable devise. Unlike previous devices that record changes in the resonant frequency as well as the depth of the transmission notch, the proposed method requires only the magnitude of the transmission coefficient (dB) at a specified frequency, thereby avoiding the need to track shifts in the resonance frequency. Experiment results demonstrate the performance of the sensor in detecting relative changes in distance (1.16 dB/mm) from 0 - 20mm.
Latest advancements in semiconductor technologies and MMICs
George Duh
Chair organization:
BAE Systems, Inc.
Shahed Reza
Co-chair organization:
Sandia National Laboratories
This session highlights latest innovations in Silicon highly integrated circuits, GaN MMIC technologies, and chip scale packaging. The topics include fully-integrated self-interference cancellation, track-and-hold amplifiers, low-loss RF switches, high efficiency power amplifier, cavity oscillator with gain control, and high-frequency packaging.
Presentations in this session
A Single-Chip In-Band Full-Duplex Low-IF Transceiver with Self-Interference Cancellation
Xuebei Yang, Rice Univ. (United States);
Aydin Babakhani, Rice Univ. (United States);
Xuebei Yang, Rice Univ., United States
(8:00 - 8:20)
A 3.8-4.8GHz single-chip in-band full-duplex (FD) transceiver with self-interference cancellation (SIC) is reported. The RX has a noise figure (NF) of 3.1dB/6.3dB at 10MHz/50kHz IF with TX and SIC off. The 1/f noise corner is 60kHz, more than 10× lower compared to prior works. Moreover, for the first time, the operation of RX and SIC is demonstrated when a co-integrated TX is working at the same time and generating >20dBm output power. When TX and SIC is on, at -10dBm SI power, the NF is 7.3dB/10.4dB at 10MHz/50kHz IF. This is lower by 5.5dB/9.6dB at 10MHz/50kHz IF compared to the NF with SIC off.
Advances in the Super-Lattice Castellated Field Effect Transistor (SLCFET) for Wideband Low Loss RF Switching Applications
Robert Howell, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Eric Stewart, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Ron Freitag, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Justin Parke, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Bettina Nechay, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Matthew King, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Shalini Gupta, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Megan Snook, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Ishan Wathuthanthri, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Parrish Ralston, Northrop Grumman (United States);
George Henry, Northrop Grumman (United States);
Robert Howell, Northrop Grumman, United States
(8:20 - 8:40)
The Super-Lattice Castellated Field Effect Transistor (SLCFET) uses a super-lattice in the channel region to form multiple parallel current paths in conjunction with castellations etched into that super-lattice to provide a sidewall gate structure. The sidewall gate permits the gate applied electric field to penetrate between the parallel 2DEG layers, allowing the carriers to be depleted out prior to avalanche breakdown within the material, as would occur with a conventional gate structure. Using an AlGaN/GaN super-lattice, we report on this method as a way to scale RF switch performance, decreasing ON resistance without significantly increasing OFF capacitance, with a median measured ON resistance of 0.38 Ω-mm and a median measured OFF capacitance of 0.21 pF/mm, leading to an RF switch figure of merit, Fco=2.0 THz. Wideband SPDT RF switch performance over a
0.1-20 GHz bandwidth with |-30| dB of isolation has been achieved.
Soldered Hot-via E-band and W-band Power Amplifier MMICs for Millimeter-wave Chip Scale Packaging
Alexandre Bessemoulin, Macom (France);
Melissa Rodriguez, MACOM (Australia);
Simon Mahon, M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (Australia);
Anthony Parker, Macquarie University (Australia);
Michael Heimlich, Macquarie University (Australia);
Alexandre Bessemoulin, Macom, France
(8:40 - 9:00)
Novel and realistic application of hot-via interconnects to millimeter-wave active and power MMICs is demonstrated for the first time. Power amplifier MMICs in the 80- and 100-GHz range were successfully designed, assembled, and characterized for wire-bond free chip interconnect technology. With hot-via RF transitions, compact E-band power amplifier MMICs directly soldered onto evaluation boards demonstrate 22-dB gain and over 28 dBm output power in the ETSI band of 81-86 GHz, with little performance degradation compared to reference circuits probed with traditional front-side RF pads. Similarly, a broadband amplifier, when interconnected to its matching PCB, delivers 13-dB of gain in the W-band, and 21-dBm P1dB. To the author’s knowledge, this work represents the highest frequency demonstration of any soldered millimeter-wave hot-via active circuits onto standard PCBs, with remarkable measured power performance, closely equaling that of ideally front-side RF probed MMICs.
A Fully Integrated High Efficiency Wideband Class EF2 PA for 5GHz WLAN 802.11ac Systems
Mao Mengda, Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore);
Chirn Chye Boon, Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore);
Devrishi Khanna, Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore);
Pilsoon Choi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States);
Li-Shiuan Peh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States);
Mao Mengda, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
(9:00 - 9:20)
Abstract — This paper presents the design of a fully integrated high-efficiency wideband RF power amplifier at 5GHz band for WLAN standard and other wideband applications. Employing a novel on chip wideband matching technique, the PA achieves the maximum drain efficiency better than 60% for more than 1GHz of usable bandwidth from frequency range of 4.8GHz to 5.85GHz at PSAT of 35dBm. For standard modulation, drain efficiency is more than 24% at 23dBm, with 80MHz standard 256QAM WLAN 802.11ac signal, while maintaining the required EVM below -32dB. The proposed fully integrated class E/F PA was fabricated in 0.25um GaN-on-Sic technology and occupies only 2.2mm x 1.1mm.
A GaN HEMT X-band Cavity Oscillator with Electronic Gain Control
Mikael Horberg, Chalmers Univ. of Technology (Sweden);
Dan Kuylenstierna, Chalmers Univ. of Technology (Sweden);
Mikael Horberg, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden
(9:20 - 9:30)
This paper reports on a very low phase-noise GaN HEMT cavity oscillator at 8.5 GHz based on a reflection amplifier with electronic gain control. The gain control functionality is essential in order to control the open loop gain, which is critical for the phase noise performance. A large loop gain forces the oscillator in deep compression, resulting in increased noise conversion and degraded phase noise. On the other hand, a sufficient gain margin is mandatory to ensure satisfaction of the oscillation condition with margin that covers temperature drift and individual spread.
The gain control uses varactors to change the output termination of a reflection amplifier. The loop gain can then be set independently of the bias point of the active device and the position of the metal cavity. Phase noise of -136 dBc/Hz@ 100 kHz off-set is achieved, which is comparable to a mechanically tuned oscillator in the same process.
Single-ended/differential 2.5-GS/s Double Switching Track-and-HoldAmplifier with 26GHz bandwidth in SiGe BiCMOS Technology
Arnaud Meyer, Thales (France);
Patricia Desgreys, Télécom ParisTech (France);
Hervé Petit, Télécom ParisTech (France);
Bruno Louis, Thales (France);
Remi Corbiere, Thales (France);
Arnaud Meyer, Thales, France
(9:30 - 9:40)
Distorsion and attenuation occuring during Track and Hold transition is challenging for Track-and-hold amplifier
(THA) with bandwidth larger than 10GHz . Moreover, singleended to differential conversion is mainly required for radar
applications. A single-ended/differential wideband THA circuit with a specific clock delay line buffer is proposed. The demonstrated technique is robust and results in a low distortion and low attenuation sampling operation for an input power of -5dBm over the entire bandwidth. The validity of the concept has been demonstrated by a circuit realized in 130nm SiGe BiCMOS. Furthermore, the proposed compensated balun allows to achieve a low phase difference and gain variation (0.25dB) in the [1-26]GHz frequency band. An effective bandwidth of 26GHz was measured with a Total-Harmonic-Distorsion (THD) of ?-51dB@10GHz and ?-39dB@20GHz at a sampling rate of 2.5GS/s.
GaN HEMT Modeling and Characterization
Q.J. Zhang
Chair organization:
Carleton Univ.
Peter Aaen
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Surrey
The papers in this session cover transient thermal, iso-thermal, and iso-dynamic large-signal GaN HEMT characterization. Linear and nonlinear models incorporating thermal and trapping effects are also presented.
Presentations in this session
Transient Gate Resistance Thermometry Demonstrated on GaAs and GaN FET
Bryan Schwitter, M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (Australia);
Anthony Parker, Macquarie University (Australia);
Simon Mahon, M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (Australia);
Michael Heimlich, Macquarie University (Australia);
Anthony Parker, Macquarie University, Australia
(8:00 - 8:20)
The development of transient gate resistance thermometry
(T-GRT) is reported. It is a technique used to measure
the transient self-heating of a FET’s gate metal. Demonstrations
of T-GRT are presented at the wafer level on a GaAs pHEMT and
an AlGaN/GaN-on-SiC HEMT. Dynamic self heating is monitored
from hundreds of nanoseconds to hundreds of milliseconds.
Preliminary finite-element simulations across a range of power
dissipation levels agree with T-GRT to within 8% at, and beyond,
1 s after the applied drain pulse. Characterization of dynamic
self heating and its application to pulsed applications such as
radar are discussed.
Iso-thermal and Iso-dynamic Direct Charge Function Characterization of GaN FET with Single Large-Signal Measurement
Daniel Niessen, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Gian Piero Gibiino, University of Bologna DEI "G. Marconi" (Italy);
Rafael Cignani, University of Bologna DEI "G. Marconi" (Italy);
Alberto Santarelli, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Dominique M. M.-P. Schreurs, ESAT-TELEMIC, KU Leuven (Belgium);
Fabio Filicori, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Daniel Niessen, Univ. di Bologna, Italy
(8:20 - 8:40)
A fast and simple method for the direct
characterization of nonlinear charge functions of devices
is presented. The input and output transistor ports are
simultaneously excited through single-tone sources at different
frequencies and calibrated large-signal waveforms are measured
by means of a NVNA-based setup. Proper choice of
the two frequencies guarantees an almost complete coverage of
the voltages domain in a single and very fast measurement
and allows the extraction of the charge functions by direct
integration of currents in the frequency domain, since, contrary
to other methods, the measured waveforms are both iso-thermal
and iso-dynamic (i.e. at fixed charge trapping status). The
method is validated by characterizing the gate charge function of
a 5W 8x125μm GaN FET and implementing a simple table-based
model of the transistor input port. Very good results are achieved
by comparison with large-signal measurements under conditions
different than the ones used for the characterization.
Non-Linear Electro-Thermal AlGaN/GaN Model Including Large-Signal Dynamic Thermal-Trapping Effects
Agostino Benvegnu, XLIM Laboratory (France);
Olivier Jardel, III-V Lab (France);
Sylvain Laurent, Xlim Laboratory (France);
Denis Barataud, University of LIMOGES - XLIM Laboratory (France);
Matteo Meneghini, Univ. of Padova (Italy);
Enrico Zanoni, Univ. of Padova (France);
Raymond Quere, XLIM Laboratory (France);
Agostino Benvegnu, XLIM Laboratory, France
(8:40 - 9:00)
This paper presents a non-linear electro-thermal AlGaN/GaN model for CAD application with a new additive thermal-trap model to take into account the dynamic behavior of trap states and their associated temperature variation. The thermal-trap model is extracted through low-frequency small-signal CW S-parameter measurements and large-signal pulsed-RF measurements at different temperatures. This thermal-trap model allows accurately predicting the physical temperature activation of traps and also the thermal signature of traps. It is also demonstrated that extrapolation of trap model parameters by stretched multi-exponential function of drain current transient measurements during pulsed-RF excitations allows deeply improving the envelope simulations.
Small signal modelling approach for submillimeter wave III-V HEMTs with analysation and optimization possibilities
Matthias Ohlrogge, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Rainer Weber, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Hermann Massler, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Matthias Seelmann-Eggebert, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Axel Tessmann, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Arnulf Leuther, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Michael Schlechtweg, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Oliver Ambacher, Fraunhofer IAF (Germany);
Matthias Ohlrogge, Fraunhofer IAF, Germany
(9:00 - 9:20)
In this paper we present a new small signal multiport modelling approach for III-V High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) that is capable for internal transistor analysation and optimization as well as scaleable in gate width and finger-number. The new model decomposes the planar transistor structure into single multiport elements that are separately described by electrical equivalent circuits and connected to each other over discrete ports. With this new modelling topology we only need to extract a couple of multiport elements to predict the correct behavior for a high amount of different planar transistor structures. This point gives the circuit designer a wide range of possibilities to analyze and optimize a given transistor structure according to special needs, like low-noise, input-output matching or cryogenic behavior on a computer based level.
Small-Signal Model Extraction of mm-wave N-polar GaN MISHEMT Exhibiting Record Performance: Analysis of Gain and Validation by 94 GHz Loadpull
Matthew Guidry, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Steven Wienecke, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Brian Romanczyk, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Haoran Li, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Xun Zheng, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Elaheh Ahmadi, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Karine Hestroffer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Stacia Keller, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Umesh Mishra, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States);
Matthew Guidry, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, United States
(9:20 - 9:40)
In this paper we extract a small-signal model of a mm-wave deep-recess N-polar GaN MISHEMT exhibiting record 94GHz power density. We show that certain existing methods for extrinsic parasitic extraction cannot be easily employed because of the device design but that an existing cold-bias method provides accurate extraction. The small-signal model with pad layout parasitics is then validated with the gain measured at low input powers by a 94 GHz loadpull system. The factors impacting the measured gain are analyzed to show their origins and relative impact, giving guidance and predictions for future improvement.
Non-Planar Microwave Filters and Multiplexers 1
Miguel Laso
Chair organization:
Public Univ. of Navarre (UPNA)
Vicente Boria
Co-chair organization:
Technical Univ of Valencia
The session presents recent advances on non-planar filters and multiplexer, including novel structure and synthesis techniques.
Presentations in this session
A Compact Wideband UHF Helical Resonator Diplexer
Ping Zhao, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong);
Zhiliang Li, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong);
Jianhua Wu, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China);
Ke-Li Wu, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong);
Yanan Cui, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China);
Ping Zhao, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
(8:00 - 8:10)
A compact wideband and high performance
helical resonator diplexer is proposed in this paper. The lower
and upper bands of 690MHz – 803MHz and 824MHz – 960 MHz,
respectively are achieved by two fifth order channel filters in a
volume of 160 × 40 × 30 mm3. The insertion loss is less than 0.4
dB in both frequency bands and is better than 0.6 dB at the band
edges. An isolation level of 30 dB is realized. A novel technique to
effectively increase the I/O coupling by shunt connecting a
capacitor at an I/O structure is proposed for the first time and
applied in the helical diplexer design. The technique can be
applied to other wideband coupled-resonator filters/diplexers.
Ka-band Surface-Mountable Pseudo-elliptic Filter in Multilayer Micromachined Technology for On-board Communication Systems
Paola Farinelli, RF Microtech (Italy);
Luca Pelliccia, RF Microtech (Italy);
Benno Margesin, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy);
Roberto Sorrentino, University of Perugia (Italy);
Roberto Sorrentino, University of Perugia, Italy
(8:10 - 8:20)
This paper presents the design, manufacturing and testing of a new type of compact and low loss Ka-band filter in multilayer micromachined technology. It consists of a 4th order pseudo-elliptic filter realized by stacking six silicon layers for a reduced footprint. The filter is based on λ/2 TEM Si membrane resonators placed inside shielding cavities and short-circuited at both anchored ends. With respect to conventional cavities based on TE101 resonant mode, the footprint of the proposed resonators is reduced by more than 50% at the expenses of a reduced Q factor degradation (
Compact Triple-Band Bandpass Filters Using Rectangular Waveguide Resonators
LI ZHU, Com Dev Intl Ltd (Canada);
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Ming Yu, Com Dev (Canada);
LI ZHU, Com Dev Intl Ltd, Canada
(8:20 - 8:40)
This paper outlines a new class triple-band bandpass filters employing cavities that resonate in three orthogonal modes. The proposed design can achieve equivalent performance with fewer cavities, thus significantly reducing the size and footprint when compared to traditional approaches. The concept is applicable to all triple-band cavities as demonstrated in this paper using rectangular waveguide cavities. The proposed triple-band filter offers increased Q and allows for independent control of each frequency and coupling parameter. A 4th order C-band triple-band filter is designed, manufactured, and tested to validate the proposed concept. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first triple-band filter realized with a cavity structure.
A Canonical Prototype for coupled-resonator filters with Frequency-Dependent Couplings
Stefano Tamiazzo, Commscope Italy (Italy);
Giuseppe Macchiarella, Politecnico di Milano (Italy);
Giuseppe Macchiarella, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
(8:40 - 9:00)
We present in this paper a novel canonical folded prototype circuit with some couplings varying linearly with the normalized frequency. The derivation of this prototype is based on a suitable transformation of an asymmetric lattice network, generated through a sequence of matrix rotations of the coupling matrix of the folded canonical prototype. It is shown that the lattice network is a generalization of the canonical cul-de-sac form, which is obtained when the reflection zeros are all imaginary. We have also verified that the cul-de-sac forms are possible only when the reflection zeros are all imaginary (or in para-conjugate pairs). The lattice network (or the one with frequency-dependent couplings) represents a possible alternative to the cul-de-sac forms in the synthesis of star-junction multiplexers, when the synthesized filters exhibits complex reflection zeros
Mixed-Mode Resonator using TE101 Cavity Mode and TE01d Dielectric Mode
Cristiano Tomassoni, University of Perugia (Italy);
Simone Bastioli, RS Microwave Company (United States);
Richard Snyder, RS Microwave Company, Inc. (United States);
Cristiano Tomassoni, University of Perugia, Italy
(9:00 - 9:20)
In this paper a new class of in-line filters with pseudoelliptic responses based on mixed-mode resonators is presented. The mixed-mode resonator consists of a cavity with a suspended high permittivity dielectric puck at its center. Both cavity TE101mode and dielectric TE01d mode are exploited. This structure realizes the transverse doublet topology and it is capable of a transmission zero that can be easily positioned in both upper and lower stop-band. Coupling are controlled by both irises width and puck rotation.
Mixed-mode resonator can be used as building block to obtain higher order filters by cascading them through non-resonating nodes. Such filters are capable of transmission zeros very close to the pass-band, resulting in a very high selectivity. Furthermore the presence of the dielectric puck leads to a very compact structure with a stable behavior in temperature.
Compact Bandpass Filters Based on a New Substrate Integrated Waveguide Coaxial Cavity
Miguel Sanchez-Soriano, University of Alicante (Spain);
Stefano Sirci, Technical Univ of Valencia (Spain);
Jorge D. Martinez, Technical Univ of Valencia (Spain);
Vicente Boria, Univ. Politècnica de València (Spain);
Miguel Sanchez-Soriano, University of Alicante, Spain
(9:20 - 9:40)
In this paper a new approach for the design of very compact bandpass filters (BPFs) with transmission zero generation is proposed. The proposed filters are based on a dual mode substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) coaxial cavity. This filtering building block provides two coaxial modes performing a doublet filtering configuration. The proposed dual-mode SIW coaxial cavity is studied in detail and guidelines for the filter design are given. As will be shown, the proposed building block presents a high degree of design flexibility, which allows for the design of multiple kind of bandpass filter responses, including both narrow- and wide-band bandpass filters along with TZ generation. Two proof-of-concept filters are implemented and tested: a wide-band BPF with a fractional bandwidth of 20\% centered at 8 GHz, and a quasi-elliptic type narrow-band BPF formed by cascading two dual-mode SIW coaxial cavities.
UHF and HF components for wireless power transfer
Zoya Popovic
Chair organization:
Univ. of Colorado
Paolo Mezzanotte
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Perugia
Wireless near-field power transfer at HF (6.78MHz) and UHF (433MHz and above) are presented, for applications including low-power harvesting and high-power delivery. Challenges such as impedance matching for variable loading, broadband rectification and high-frequency conversion from power-line frequency sources are discussed.
Presentations in this session
Radio Frequency Wireless Power Transfer to Chip-scale Apparatuses
Liuqing Gao, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Yansong Yang, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Brandon Arakawa, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Justin Postma, Micron Technology, Inc. (United States);
Songbin Gong, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States);
Liuqing Gao, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
(8:00 - 8:10)
This paper reports a design methodology for a tri-coil system that can wirelessly transfer power from a macro-scale probe to a chipscale apparatus over a long distance and with a high efficacy. Such systems can be employed for enabling the wireless charging and communication between implanted body sensors and smart phones as well as between hardware roots of trust and their interrogation probes. A design example has been offered and subsequently validated by an experimental testbed consisting of micro-fabricated coils on both sides of a Silicon substrate. As predicted by the analytical models, the measured power transfer efficacy (PTEF) of the designed system is as high as -27 dB at the resonance, confirming an orders-of-magnitude higher PTEF than that of prior WPT systems over a distance greater than 5 times the coil diameter.
Geometry Optimization of Sliding Inductive Links for Position-independent Wireless Power Transfer
Alex Pacini, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy);
Riccardo Trevisan, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Franco Mastri, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Diego Masotti, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Alessandra Costanzo, Univ. di Bologna (Italy);
Alex Pacini, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy
(8:10 - 8:20)
In this paper we propose a geometry design solution to minimize performance variation of a wireless power transfer system “on the move”. A sequence of switchable couples of coils, connected in series or in parallel, is adopted at the fixed transmitting link side; the geometry of the moving receiver is optimized to keep the coupling factor, and thus the power transfer, constant during the movement. Starting from the analytical formulation of the link coupling factor, selected geometry parameters of the receiver are optimized by means of full-wave analysis. In this way a constant power transfer is demonstrated by the optimized
geometry. The design and experimental verification are carried out for a geometry suitable for medium power transfer (tens of Watts) at 6.78 MHz, but the method is formulated in such a way that the system can be scaled up and down to accomplish different application needs.
A hybrid heuristic design technique for real-time matching optimization for wearable near-field ambient RF energy harvesters
Jo Bito, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Apostolos Georgiadis, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Cataluny (Spain);
Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States);
Jo Bito, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
(8:20 - 8:40)
In this paper, a novel real-time active matching circuit design process based on preliminary measurements and a hybridization of a genetic algorithm and a data mining method is discussed. As a result, our proposed matching circuit can potentially have higher dc output power at 92.0 % and 69.6 % of potential load combinations with a maximum matching performance improvement of 21.4 % and 37.6 % compared to conventional matching methods using dc-dc converter and a fixed passive matching circuit, respectively. After the reduction of matching circuit variable choices utilizing the clustering method, it is possible to achieve a satisfactory matching in practically very short times in the order of 1 ms.
Class-E Power Converters for AC (50/60 Hz) Wireless Transmission
Jose-Ramon Perez-Cisneros, University of Zaragoza (Spain);
Maria-Nieves Ruiz Lavin, Univ. of Cantabria (Spain);
Manuel Lobeira, Univ. de Cantabria (Spain);
Christian Brañas, Univ. of Cantabria (Spain);
Jesus de Mingo, Univ. de Zaragoza (Spain);
Jose Garcia, Univ. of Cantabria (Spain);
Jose Garcia, Univ. of Cantabria, Spain
(8:40 - 9:00)
In this paper, class-E power amplifiers (PAs) and rectifiers, operating at UHF band, are properly integrated in efficient AC-to-RF and RF-to-AC converters for their use in 50/60 Hz wireless power transmission (WPT). Slightly modifying a center-tap full-wave rectifier, it is proved that a 915 MHz frequency carrier may be high-level amplitude modulated by each of the semi-cycles of the utility waveform. Assuming those components are transmitted by means of orthogonal antenna polarizations, the high-fidelity recovery of both semi-sinusoids in the remote position is also demonstrated, to be stepped-up and combined at the D port of an additional center-tap transformer. GaN HEMT packaged devices were selected for the designed PAs, while Schottky diodes for the rectifiers, resulting in average efficiency figures of 83.3% and 75.4%, respectively.
High Efficiency GaN HEMT Synchronous Rectifier with an Octave Bandwidth for Wireless Power Applications
Sadegh Abbasian, Univ. of British Columbia (Canada);
Thomas Johnson, Univ. of British Columbia (Canada);
Sadegh Abbasian, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada
(9:00 - 9:20)
This paper presents the design and implementation of a high efficiency and high power wideband GaN RF synchronous rectifier. The rectifier circuit is constructed from a wideband amplifier using the time reversal duality principle. Measurement results are presented for both the amplifier and rectifier. Under identical source power conditions the amplifier has a power efficiency of 79.2% and the rectifier has a power efficiency of 80.1% with a DC power about 8 W. Power efficiency is also measured over a broad bandwidth and remains above 60% over a frequency range from 600 MHz to 1150 MHz.
A UHF Rectifier with One Octave Bandwidth Based On a Non-Uniform Transmission Line
Ferran Bolos, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (Spain);
Daniel Belo, University of Aveiro (Portugal);
Apostolos Georgiadis, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Cataluny (Spain);
Ferran Bolos, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain
(9:20 - 9:40)
Ambient RF energy especially in urban settings is suitable for harvesting scenarios provided one is able to collect signals from a large number of frequency bands and consequently spanning a large aggregate bandwidth. A broadband rectifier is designed capable of harvesting RF energy in the 400 MHz – 1 GHz range, which includes the analog and digital TV bands and the UHF ISM 900 MHz band. In order to obtain a sufficiently large rectifier bandwidth, a matching network based on a non-uniform transmission line is considered. A charge pump rectifier is used and the number of diodes in the circuit is optimized in order to facilitate impedance matching based on the Bode-Fano limit. The rectifier has a measured efficiency above 5% from 470 MHz to 990 MHz at -20 dBm input power, which increases above 60% at 10 dBm input power over a band from 470 MHz to 860 MHz.
8:00 - 9:30
Component Technologies from mm to submm-waves
Joseph Bardin
Chair organization:
Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Theodore Reck
Co-chair organization:
Jet Propulsion Lab
In this session, key developments in active and passive components operating from 90 to 750 GHz will be presented. The first paper describes a 500-750 GHz MEMS switch in a WR-1.5 package. Next, the packaging and testing of a pair of 94 GHz SiGe radiometer ICs will be described. The third paper will describe a compact substrate-integrated waveguide leveraging an artificial dielectric and implemented in SiGe technology. Next, a W-band filter leveraging a piezo-electric tuning mechanism will be presented. The session will conclude with a D-band silicon image guide technology and results obtained for a variety of passive structures implemented in this technology.
Presentations in this session
500-750 GHz Submillimeter-Wave MEMS Waveguide Switch
Umer Shah, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden);
Theodore Reck, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Emmanuel Decrossas, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Cecile Jung-Kubiak, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Henrik Frid, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden);
Goutam Chattopadhyay, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Imran Mehdi, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Joachim Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden);
Umer Shah, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
(8:00 - 8:20)
This paper presents a 500-750 GHz waveguide based single-pole single-throw (SPST) switch achieving a 40%
bandwidth. The switch is based on a MEMS reconfigurable surface which can block the wave propagation in the waveguide by short-circuiting the electrical field lines of the TE10 mode. The switch is designed for optimized isolation in the blocking state and for optimized insertion loss in the non-blocking state. The measurement results of the first prototypes show better than 15 dB isolation in the blocking state and better than 3 dB insertion loss in the non-blocking state for 500-750 GHz. The higher insertion loss is mainly attributed to the insufficient metal thickness and surface roughness on the waveguide sidewalls. Two switch designs with different number of blocking elements are fabricated and compared. The switch bandwidth is limited by the waveguide only and not by the switch technology.
A fully encapsulated waveguide coupled passive imaging W-band radiometer module with RF frontend IC in a SiGe-BiCMOS technology
Andreas Strodl, Ulm University (Germany);
Václav Valenta, Ulm University (Germany);
Alina Bunea, IMT-Bucharest (Romania);
Rolf Jonsson, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) (Sweden);
Shakila Reyaz, Uppsala Univ. (Sweden);
Robert Malmqvist, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) (Sweden);
Hermann Schumacher, Ulm University (Germany);
Andreas Strodl, Ulm University, Germany
(8:20 - 8:40)
Heterodyne and direct detection radiometer receivers at 94 GHz have been realized in a 130 nm Si/SiGe BiCMOS process. They have been assembled into fully selfcontained metal housings with a waveguide flange for the antenna connection. The receivers, which employ a SiGe LNA with below 4 dB noise figure, show overall responsivities of 620 µV/K and 380 µV/K respectively.
BiCMOS Integrated Waveguide with Artificial Dielectric at Submillimeter Wave Frequencies
Maria Alonso-DelPino, Jet Propulsion Lab (United States);
Harshitha Shivamurthy, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Daniele Cavallo, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Luca Galatro, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Marco Spirito, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Maria Alonso-DelPino, Jet Propulsion Lab, United States
(8:40 - 9:00)
In this paper we present a synthetic waveguide integrated in a commercial BiCMOS back-end-of-line, employing artificial dielectrics (ADs) to reduce the component size. The AD is realized by employing floating pillars using the various layers available in the technology, thus fulfilling metal density rule and boosting the effective permittivity of the host medium (i.e., SiO2) to 12.5. The impact of the AD translates in a 56% width reduction of the waveguide, for the same cutoff frequency. The structure provides 1.6dB of losses per guide wavelength (g) at 300GHz and more than 30dB suppression below 180GHz, avoiding the need of filters in multiplication stages.
A High-Q W Band Tunable Bandpass Filter
James Do, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Yusha Bey, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Xiaoguang Liu, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
James Do, Univ. of California, Davis, United States
(9:00 - 9:20)
We present a tunable high-Q two pole waveguide bandpass filter at 110GHz. The demonstrated filter has record performing insertion loss (2dB) and tuning range (11GHz) in the W band (75-110GHz). A sub-micron resolution piezo electric stepper motor is used to actuate a thin film which forms the ceiling of the resonant cavities. This sub-micron actuation effectively tunes the center frequency of the filter. This tunable filter has a variety of uses such as a front-end bandpass filter for multi-band communications, as a filter for rejecting intermodulation products on tunable systems or as a channel select filter.
A Silicon Image Guide (SIG) Technology Platform for High Performance Sub Millimeter-Wave Passive Structures
Aidin Taeb, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Luyao Chen, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Suren Gigoyan, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Mohamed Basha, Zewail City of Science and Technology (Egypt);
Gholamreza Rafi, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Sujeet Chaudhuri, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Safieddin Safavi-Naeini, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Aidin Taeb, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
(9:20 - 9:30)
A low-loss and low-cost Silicon Image Guide (SIG) platform for realization of high performance sub millimeter-wave and THz integrated systems is proposed. The implementation of an extremely low-loss bend and 3-dB power divider, as typical examples of high performance passive components realizable by the proposed technology, are presented. The SIG structures are fabricated using the fast and mask-free laser machining technique.
The measured average insertion loss of the SIG is remarkably 0.035 dB/mm over the frequency range of 110-170 GHz. A very low-loss bend with a bending loss less than 0.25 dB/90degree at 150 GHz for the curvatures with the radius as small as 2 mm is practically demonstrated
9:00 - 11:00
Interactive Forum - Wednesday Morning
301 & 302
Presentations in this session
Novel Remote Controlled Dual Mode Filter Providing Flexible Re-Allocation of Center Frequency and Bandwidth
Uwe Rosenberg, Mician Global Engineering GbR (Germany);
Ralf Beyer, Mician GmbH (Germany);
Peter Krauss, Mician GmbH (Germany);
Thomas Sieverding, Mician GmbH (Germany);
Andreas Papanastasiou, Com Dev International (United Kingdom);
Marcos Pueyo-Tolosa, Com Dev International (United Kingdom);
Petronilo Martin Iglesias, ESA (United Kingdom);
Christoph Ernst, ESA (The Netherlands);
Uwe Rosenberg, Mician Global Engineering GbR, Germany
A novel TE113 dual mode cavity filter design is introduced that provides remote controlled reconfiguration of center frequency and bandwidth. The reconfiguration principle considers both end-walls of the cavities to be independently moveable along the cavity axes. This allows convenient control of cavity resonance frequencies (cavity length) and filter couplings (i.e., field strength in front of the coupling means inside the cavity). Higher order filters are realized by side-wall cavity arrangements using synchronous movement of all cavity end-walls with only two actuation units. EM analyses and measured results of 2nd order filter prove the feasibility of the new solution
Air Cavities Integrated with Surface Mount Tuning Components for Tunable Evanescent-Mode Resonators
Xiaoguang Liu, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Akash Anand, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Akash Anand, Univ. of California, Davis, United States
This paper presents an air-filled coaxial-cavity resonator integrated with lump tuning components for tunable resonator and tunable filter applications. The tuning components are first mounted on a PCB and then inserted inside the cavity. The loss-less air cavity allows for high unloaded quality factor which significantly exceeds the Q of the tuning components and maintains a good tuning range. This paper also discusses techniques to minimize the loss due the dielectric loss tangent of PCB. As an example, we demonstrate a tunable resonator with measured Qu 45-684 at 2.43 GHz to 3.45 GHz. Simulated and measured results show good agreement.
Reconfigurable Bandpass Filter Topology using Cul-de-sac Resonators with Adjustable Notches
Seunggoo Nam, Korea Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Boyoung Lee, Korea Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Juseop Lee, Korea Univ. (Korea, Republic of);
Seunggoo Nam, Korea Univ., Korea, Republic of
In this paper, we present a fully reconfigurable bandpass filter structure capable of controlling the center
frequency, bandwidth, and notches in the stopband. For the design purpose, we also present a filter topology containing frequency-tunable dangling resonators. The filter has a multilayer structure having both microstrip-line resonators and substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) resonators. For achieving
high-rejection notches, the filter has been designed in such a way that the notches and passband are produced by SIW resonators and microstrip-line resonators, respectively. Measurement shows that the center frequency can be tuned from 1 GHz to 1.4 GHz and the bandwidth has the tuning range from 100 MHz to 150 MHz. In addition, two notches can be controlled independently from 1 GHz to 2 GHz with maximum 87 dB attenuation.
Temperature-Compensated Lumped Element Tunable Bandpass Filter
Mohammad Abu Khater, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Kaiyuan Zeng, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Mohammad Abu Khater, Purdue Univ., United States
This paper presents and compares two techniques for compensating temperature effects in varactor diode-based lumped element tunable bandpass filters (BPFs). Temperature compensation relies on first measuring the temperature and subsequently re-biasing the varactors of the filter based on precalculated lookup table. The lookup table is calibrated using two different methods: a) constant varactor capacitance, and b) constant filter response. Both approaches are evaluated when the filter is subjected to temperatures ranging from -40 to 100◦C. The results from both methods are measured and compared for a three-pole BPF tunable from 226 MHz to 333 MHz. Since it disregards some temperature changing elements, the resulting temperature drift of the center frequency with the first method is 4.3% as compared to 3.2% when no compensation is applied. Optimal results are achieved with the second approach where the filter’s center frequency remains constant to within 0.1% over the −40 to 100◦C temperature range.
Development of a Double-Octave (7-34 GHz), Highly Linear Single Balanced Resistive HEMT Mixer Using Device Linearization Techniques
Thuy Nguyen, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Anh-Vu Pham, Univ. of California, Davis (United States);
Kohei Fujii, M/A-COM Technology Solutions (United States);
Alfy Riddle;
Thuy Nguyen, Univ. of California, Davis, United States
We present the design and development of a highly linear, wide bandwidth single balanced resistive mixer (SBRM). We propose a linearization technique that combines the optimum drain bias condition and multiple gated transistors for resistive mixers. The experimental results demonstrate that the prototype mixer has a conversion loss of less than 11 dB, third-order input intercept point (IIP3) range of 27?-33dBm at 15dBm LO drive, and a high port-to-port isolation of over 40 dB from 7 to 34GHz. To the best of our knowledge, this mixer has the highest linearity over a two-octave bandwidth ever reported.
SiGe based Ka-band reflection type phase shifter for integrated phased array transceivers
Nadav Mazor, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Oded Katz, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Roee Ben Yishay, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Duixian Liu, IBM Research (United States);
Alberto Valdes Garcia, IBM Research (United States);
Danny Elad, IBM Research - Haifa (Israel);
Nadav Mazor, IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
Phase shifters are key components in phased array systems. A low loss and low loss variations SiGe differential phase shifter for the Ka-band is described. This bidirectional differential reflection type phase shifter (RTPS) design employs a novel diagonal configuration for the coupler and it is controlled by a single voltage node. The measured results show state of the art insertion loss of 5±1 dB, phase tuning range larger than 180 degrees, for a frequency range of 26.5 GHz to 32.8 GHz (21%). At 30 GHz, the phase shifter exhibits insertion loss of 4.8 dB, loss variation of ±0.4 dB, and more than 206 degrees of phase shift range. The RTPS was fabricated in a standard BiCMOS SiGe process and occupies 0.64 mm2 die area.
An N-Path Bandpass Filter with a Tuning Range of 0.1-12 GHz and Stopband Rejection > 20 dB in 32 nm SOI CMOS
Kerim Kibaroglu, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Gabriel Rebeiz, Univ. of California at San Diego (United States);
Kerim Kibaroglu, Univ. of California at San Diego, United States
This paper presents an N-path bandpass filter with a tuning range of 0.1-12 GHz, a constant 3-dB bandwidth of 150 MHz (1-dB bandwidth of 80 MHz), and a stopband rejection greater than 20 dB. The filter includes two sets of 4-path mixers to remove the dependence of the rejection on the switch resistance, and also a clock (LO) divider which operates at 0.2-24 GHz. The passband insertion loss is 3-7.4 dB from 0.1-12 GHz with a power consumption of 20-130 mW. The measured in-band IIP3 is 21-6 dBm and the measured out-of-band IIP3 is 29-15 dBm at 120 MHz offset for 0.1-12 GHz, respectively. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the widest tuning range demonstrated for an N-path bandpass filter of any kind.
A Hybrid Topology Optimization Method Based on Sensitivity Analysis
Jian Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of (China);
Xue-Song Yang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Jian Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of, China
We propose a hybrid topology optimization method, which combines the material distribution method and the level set method. It can be used for the optimization of microwave circuits and antennas. This method takes advantages of the topology search ability of the material distribution method and the smooth boundary feature of the level set method. We derive the sensitivity analysis formula for the far-field electric field intensity of the antenna and apply it in the radiation pattern optimization. Three directional microstrip antennas are optimized for maximum gain in the elevation angle of 0, 30, 60 degrees respectively. The performance of the optimized antennas is verified by commercial software HFSS. Simulation results show that all antennas have maximum gain beyond 10dBi and S11 below -15dB at prescribed frequency 5GHz.
Parallel EM Optimization Approach to Microwave Filter Design Using Feature Assisted Neuro-Transfer Functions
Feng Feng, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Venu-Madhav-Reddy Gongal-Reddy, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Chao Zhang, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Shunlu Zhang, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Qijun Zhang, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Feng Feng, Carleton Univ., Canada
This paper proposes a new parallel EM optimization approach to microwave filter design using feature assisted neuro-transfer functions. We propose to modify the conventional optimization objective function by adding a new feature-parameter based optimization objective. The purpose is to use feature parameters to assist optimization to overcome the problem of bad starting points. We use feature zeros of the response transfer function as feature parameters, and develop surrogate models of feature zeros as functions of geometrical variables using parallel EM simulations. This approach use surrogate to guide EM optimization to simultaneously identify and adjust feature zeros into suitable frequency bands while forcing the responses to meet specifications. The proposed optimization has a better chance of avoiding local minima and reaches optimal EM solution faster.
Low-Cost Multi-Objective Design of Compact Microwave Structures Using Domain Patching
Adrian Bekasiewicz, Reykjavik University (Iceland);
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University (Iceland);
John Bandler, McMaster Univ. (Canada);
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Finding a reasonable compromise between the device size and its electrical performance is an important design consideration for compact microwave structures. Comprehensive information about the best possible size/performance trade-offs can be obtained through multi-objective optimization. Due to considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings in highly compressed layouts, the design process has to be conducted at the level of high-fidelity EM analysis which is computationally prohibitive when using conventional methods (e.g., population-based metaheuristics). Here, we demonstrate multi-objective design of compact structures using a domain patching algorithm. It is a low-cost and deterministic procedure for constructing the path connecting the extreme Pareto-optimal designs (obtained by means of auxiliary single-objective optimization runs), executed at the level of coarse-discretization EM simulations. The final representation of the Pareto front is subsequently generated using response correction techniques. Our approach is illustrated using a realization of a compact impedance matching transformer.
Fast Yield Estimation and Optimization of Microwave Filters Using a Cognition-Driven Formulation of Space Mapping
Chao Zhang, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
Weicong Na, Carleton Univ. (China);
Qijun Zhang, Carleton Univ. (Canada);
John Bandler, McMaster Univ. (Canada);
Chao Zhang, Carleton Univ., Canada
A cognition-driven formulation of space mapping (SM) is effective for equal-ripple optimization of microwave filter. In this paper, we use cognition-driven SM to estimate yield in the design of microwave filters. With mappings from the statistical variable space to feature parameter spaces, we can find the distribution of these intermediate feature parameters with respect to the statistical variables. A correction method is proposed to improve the accuracy of the mappings. Thus, we can determine the yield by checking whether the ripple height parameters and some specific feature frequency parameters satisfy the specifications or not. The number of EM simulations of the proposed yield estimation method is linear with respect to the number of statistical variables. We further propose a yield optimization method using our yield estimation. Our method is verified using a waveguide filter and Monte Carlo analysis.
Accurate Simulation-Driven Modeling and Design Optimization of Compact Microwave Structures
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University (Iceland);
Adrian Bekasiewicz, Reykjavik University (Iceland);
Slawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Cost efficient design optimization of microwave structures requires availability of fast yet reliable replacement models so that multiple evaluations of the structure at hand can be executed in reasonable timeframe. Direct utilization of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is often prohibitive. On the other hand, accurate data-driven modeling normally requires a very large number of training points and it is virtually infeasible for structures that exhibit highly nonlinear responses. In this paper, we propose a design-oriented modeling technique where good accuracy is achieved by (i) careful non-uniform design space sampling that accounts for nonlinear relationship between the operating frequency of the structure and its geometry parameters, and (ii) carries out the modeling process only for selected characteristic points of the structure responses. Our approach is demonstrated using a compact microstrip rat-race coupler modeled in a wide range of geometry parameters. Comparison with standard data-driven modeling techniques is also provided.
A Single Input Transformer-less Push-Pull Microwave Power Amplifier
Gavin Watkins, Toshiba Research Europe Limited (United Kingdom);
Gavin Watkins, Toshiba Research Europe Limited, United Kingdom
A transformer-less push-pull RF power amplifier (PA) is described based on the totem-pole configuration. This involves stacking two transistors one on top of another and driving them in anti-phase. A variable attenuator and delay line are included so that the gain and phase relationship of the signals driving the two transistors can be accurately manipulated.
It is shown, that as the gain and phase are swept, an optimum exists where efficiency can be maximized and the second harmonic distortion (HD2) suppressed. These are the metrics used to define correct push-pull operation. At the optimum setting, a practical amplifier operating at 680 MHz achieved an efficiency of 52% was achieved at 23.6 dBm output power (POUT), with 48 dB HD2 suppression.
Cheap Method for Accurate Characterization of Orthomode Transducers
Matteo Oldoni, SIAE Microelettronica SpA (Italy);
Dario Tresoldi, SIAE Microelettronica SpA (Italy);
Matteo Oldoni, SIAE Microelettronica SpA, Italy
The paper presents an original method for the precise charaterization of orthomode transducers with special focus to their isolation figures. This technique is based on 6 two-port measurements, 4 of which are already traditionally used to obtain approximate estimates of the scattering parameters. Unlike direct measurements or other techniques, the components required by the proposed procedure are commonly available in a standard RF laboratory thus allowing precise characterization of manufactured prototypes with cheap hardware.
The Influence of Dielectric and Conductor Losses on the Properties of Spherical Resonators
Ingo Wolff, IMST GmbH (Germany);
Ingo Wolff, IMST GmbH, Germany
Spherical resonators have been discussed in literature since 1883, i.e. since more than 130 years. Nevertheless many Problems have not been solved until today. Therefore in this paper a proper and separated description of the field equations in spherical coordinates and for arbitrary material Parameters is presented and susequently the eigenvalues, the field distributions and the Q-factors of spherical cavity resonators in dependence on the material parameters are discussed. Considering the material properties of the walls in the case of cavity resonators, the conversion process from a cavity structure into the case of an open dielectric sphere in vacuum is examined.
Electrostatic Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Using an Eigenmode Projection Technique
Islam Eshrah, Cairo Univ. (Egypt);
Tamer Abuelfadl, Cairo Univ. (Egypt);
Islam Eshrah, Cairo Univ., Egypt
An eigenmode project technique is adopted to analyze multiconductor transmission lines. The electrostatic capacitance
matrix of the tranmission line is directly related to matrix of the quasi-analytical proposed formulation without the need to specify the conductor voltages in a specific sequence to determine the capacitances in a column-wise fashion as in other
fully numerical techniques. The proposed technique consists in expanding the static electric field in terms of a complete set of irrotational eigenmodes of a fictitious canonical conducting cavity. The expansion is then used in Maxwell’s divergence equation to determine the eigenmode coefficients upon enforcing the boundary conditions of the actual problem (the actual cavity and transmission line conductor surfaces). Results are compared with finite-difference based solution and show excellent agreement.
Enhancement of point-source resolution via 2-D and 3-D electromagnetic time-reversal
Huilin TU, University of Electronic Science and Technology of (China);
Shaoqiu XIAO, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Bingzhong WANG, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Huilin TU, University of Electronic Science and Technology of, China
With the aid of time reversal technique, a design method of enhancing the point-source resolution by loading
dielectric scatterers or metal wire scatterers is presented in this paper. The key point of the proposed method is the proper arrangement of scatterers, which allows for the determination of the resolution value. As a verification, two cases are numerically studied. The results of 1/5 and 1/35 wavelength point-source resolution provide a good demonstration of the proposed method.
Noise Measurement of Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers Using a Tunnel-Junction Shot-Noise Source
Su-Wei Chang, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst (United States);
Jose Aumentado, National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States);
Wei-Ting Wong, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst (United States);
Joseph Bardin, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst (United States);
Su-Wei Chang, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States
Cryogenic noise measurements are typically carried out using a variable-temperature load or a commercial noise diode in conjunction with a cryogenically-cooled attenuator. In both of these cases, thermal gradients can present a significant source of uncertainty. In the astronomy community, SIS mixers biased beyond their gap voltage are often used as shot-noise sources and employed to determine the noise of IF amplifiers. In this work, a tunnel junction with metal electrodes is used as noise source for characterization of cryogenic amplifiers. It is shown that this method is easily calibrated and can provide results that agree well with those obtained using the cold-attenuator method.
Characterization of Broadband Low-NEP SiGe Square-Law Detectors for mm-wave Passive Imaging
Eduard Malotaux, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Marco Spirito, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Eduard Malotaux, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
In this paper, we present the characterization and optimization strategy of two mm-wave square-law detectors, fabricated in a 0.25µm SiGe BiCMOS process, namely a common-emitter (CE) and a common-base (CB). The detectors are designed to provide a broadband noise equivalent power (NEP) by optimizing both the bias and the poly-silicon load resistor. Moreover, broadband characterization of un-matched power detectors are performed to present responsivity and NEP data for multi-octave bandwidth from 1-67 GHz.
The NEP of the realized detectors is less than 15 pW/√Hz over the entire characterization band, and given a 1 kHz modulated RF input power, the NEP of the realized detectors at 63 GHz is 2.6 pW/√Hz and 4.4 pW/√Hz for the CB- and CE-detector respectively.
High Sensitivity Tunable Power Detector
Muh-Dey Wei, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Saad Qayyum, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Renato Negra, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany);
Muh-Dey Wei, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
A high sensitivity tunable power detector is proposed in the paper. An input matching network is necessary in a power detector to obtain suitable input reflection coefficient and reasonable sensitivity. A resistive- or reactive-type network is usually employed for wideband or high sensitivity purpose, respectively. However, it implies a trade-off between bandwidth and sensitivity. In order to simultaneously achieve high sensitivity and reflection coefficient, a tunable matching network, composed of a single hyperabrupt junction varactor, is investigated to realize the tunable power detector. The measurements show that the S11 below -10 dB is from 1.36 GHz to 3.36 GHz and the voltage sensitivity at 1.4GHz, 2.4GHz and 3.3GHz is 903mV/mW, 3579mV/mW and 2646mV/mW, respectively, with the corresponding tuning voltage.
Analysis of self-injection locked oscillators for motion sensing applications
Mabel Ponton, Univ. de Cantabria (Spain);
Almudena Suarez, Univ. of Cantabria (Spain);
Mabel Ponton, Univ. de Cantabria, Spain
Self-injection locked oscillators have been recently proposed for motion sensing applications demonstrating a good experimental performance. Here a detailed investigation of the system dynamics is presented using a realistic model of the oscillator circuit under the injection of the reflected signal, which is phase modulated due to the target motion. The instability effects observed for some distance values are studied by means of a perturbation method and the results are validated through comparison with full circuit-level simulations and with measurements. The regular operation ranges are efficiently determined through a bifurcation analysis in terms of the distance to the target and the antenna gain. The modulation effect is analyzed with a reduced-order envelope transient formulation that copes with the accuracy problems associated with the small values of the modulation frequency. Very good agreement has been obtained with the experimental results.
Multi-Frequency Large-Signal Analysis Using Describing Functions
Scott Schafer, Univ. of Colorado (United States);
Zoya Popovic, Univ. of Colorado (United States);
Scott Schafer, Univ. of Colorado, United States
Describing functions are developed as a large-signal analysis tool for multi-frequency and multi-dimensional nonlinearities. The implementation and analysis method is discussed along with limitations. Describing functions are then used to analyze a GaN transistor in large-signal operation at X-band with a low frequency excitation on the drain for supply modulation. Describing functions agree well with harmonic balance over RF input power into saturation of the FET device and are used to characterize the FET baseband impedance with a second RF tone.
AM/PM Distortion Physical Origins in Si LDMOS Doherty Power Amplifiers
Luis Nunes, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal);
Pedro Cabral, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal);
Jose Pedro, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes - Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal);
Pedro Cabral, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
This paper presents a physical explanation of the AM/PM distortion of a Si LDMOS based Doherty PA. Contrary to what is observed in single-ended mode operation, the Doherty AM/PM characteristic does not present the monotonic phase-lagging behavior for all input power levels. Instead, a phase plateau or even a phase-leading behavior is observed when the peaking PA enters into operation. It was found that the nonlinear Cds and the input Cgd,Miller capacitances, along with the Doherty load modulation are the main responsibles for this Si LDMOS Doherty PAs’ behavior. This was validated using a 700W, 1.8 GHz asymmetric Doherty PA using 230W Si LDMOS transistors for the carrier and peaking PAs.
Tunable RF MEMS-based Frequency Dependent Power Limiter
Desireh Shojaei-Asanjan, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Sara Attar, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Raafat Mansour, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Desireh Shojaei-Asanjan, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
A novel approach for Frequency Dependent Power Limiters (FDPL) is proposed. RF MEMS switches are integrated with bandpass filters to form a power limiter where the output RF power is limited to specific levels based on the frequency band. An RF MEMS-based power limiter is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally for one frequency band. The limiter attenuates the high power signal only within the bandwidth of the integrated filter. The design of the proposed power limiter is expanded to achieve power limiting for various frequency bands. The flatness of the threshold level can be set to the desired value by controlling the return loss of the filters used in the FDPL circuit. Measured results for a FDPL circuit are presented demonstrating that the limiting power level can be controlled by adjusting the dc bias of the MEMS switches.
Hybrid Cylindrical Radial Superlattice Conductor-based Air-Lifted RF Inductors with Ultra-High Quality Factor for UWB and K-bands
Arian Rahimi, Univ. of Florida (United States);
Yong-Kyu Yoon, Univ. of Florida (United States);
Arian Rahimi, Univ. of Florida, United States
This paper reports the state-of-the-art air-lifted radio frequency (RF) inductors made of hybrid cylindrical radial superlattice (CRS) conductors with a gold core featuring ultra-high quality factor in UWB and K-bands. A CRS conductor is made of paired Cu/NiFe layers with a thickness of 150 nm/25 nm, respectively, using a DC/RF sputtering thin film deposition process. The negative permeability of NiFe thin films above their ferromagnetic resonance frequency is used to cancel the eddy currents inside conductors and reduce the conductor loss in Ku and K-bands. The directional thin film deposition aspect of the used fabrication method for the CRS conductors results in a hybrid conductor structure comprising both solid and multi-layer superlattice parts leading to dual band high-Q characteristics in UWB and K bands. In result of using the proposed conductor and air-lifted structure, a record-breaking Q-factor of greater than 80 at 20 GHz is achieved for 1.8 nH inductors.
An Electrically Actuated Liquid-Metal Switch With Metastable Switching States
George Zhang, Univ. of Hawaii (United States);
Ryan Gough, Univ. of Hawaii (United States);
Matthew Moorefield, Univ. of Hawaii (United States);
Aaron Ohta, Univ. of Hawaii (United States);
Wayne Shiroma, Univ. of Hawaii (United States);
George Zhang, Univ. of Hawaii, United States
An electrically actuated direct-contact RF shunt switch implemented with the nontoxic liquid metal Galinstan is presented. The Galinstan is actuated with a 5-VDC signal which induces electrocapillary action. Local surface-energy wells facilitate metastable locking of the Galinstan, thus achieving ON/OFF locking without requiring a continuous applied bias voltage. The switch operates from DC to 11.2 GHz with greater than 10 dB isolation and has less than 3 dB insertion loss from DC to 6.7 GHz.
Phase Noise Estimation in FMCW Radar Transceivers Using an Artificial On-Chip Target
Alexander Melzer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz (Austria);
Alexander Onic, DICE GmbH & Co. KG (Austria);
Mario Huemer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz (Austria);
Alexander Melzer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz, Austria
Estimation of phase noise (PN) has become economically feasible for use within integrated circuits. Several concepts have been proposed that obtain an estimate with high accuracy. However, these concepts require a continuous wave input signal during measurement. In this work we aim to estimate the PN power spectrum of a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar transceiver simultaneously with its normal operation. The novel method obtains the PN power spectrum across the whole FMCW chirp bandwidth. It utilizes an artificial on-chip target (OCT), which is to be incorporated into an existing monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC). Two concepts to obtain the PN power spectrum are presented and validated with measurements that deliver accurate estimates within the frequency range of interest.
Ka-Band Metamaterial Möbius Oscillator (MMO) Circuit
Ajay Poddar, Synergy Microwave (United States);
Ulrich Rohde, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany);
Vivek Madhavan, Synergy Microwave;
Anisha Apte, Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany);
Shiban Koul, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (India);
Ajay Poddar, Synergy Microwave, United States
In this paper, a novel metamaterial Möbius Oscillator (MMO) circuit is discussed, and validated with the example of 30.2 GHz frequency source for the application in weather monitoring RADAR and modern communication systems. The measured PN (phase noise) performance for 30. 2 GHz carrier is -149dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset from the carrier, exhibits typically 11.6 dBm output power. The measured FOM (figure of merit) @ 1MHz is -230 dBc/Hz for a given 550mW DC power consumption (7.5V, 73 mA). To author’s best of knowledge, the measured PN and FOM offer best performance at 30.2 GHz for a narrow tuning (< 5%) range in SMD (surface mount device) technology. For a practical application, wide tuning is required for compensating the frequency drift due to temperature and aging, validated with 6 GHz tuning (26GHz-30GHz), the measured PN is -144dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset from the carrier frequency 28.5 GHz.
A 90 nm CMOS Low Phase Noise Sub-harmonically Injection-locked Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with FLL Self-alignment Technique
Yen-Liang Yeh, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Shu-Yan Huang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Yi-En Shen, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Hong-Yeh Chang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan);
Hong-Yeh Chang, National Central Univ., Taiwan
An innovative low phase noise sub-harmonically injection-locked voltage-controlled oscillator (SILVCO) with frequency-locked loop (FLL) self-alignment technique is presented in this paper using 90 nm CMOS process. To overcome the issue of narrow locking range, the control voltage of the SILVCO is adaptively adjusted using the FLL technique to refer to the sub-harmonic input frequency. This work demonstrates excellent robustness over temperature variation from 10˚C to 70˚C. Under the locking condition of the SILVCO with FLL, the minimum measured phase noise is -130.4 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset, the minimum measured jitter integrated from 50 kHz to 80 MHz is lower than 30.5 fs, and the output frequency is from 9.9 to 10.4 GHz. The circuit performance can be compared to the advanced CMOS low phase noise clock generators.
Cascaded Splitter/Combiner Microstrip Sections Loaded with Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRRs): Modeling, Analysis and Applications
Lijuan Su, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Jordi Naqui, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Javier Mata, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Ferran Martin, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain);
Lijuan Su, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
This paper is focused on the study of splitter/ combiner microstrip sections where each branch is loaded with a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR). If the structure is symmetric with regard to the axial plane, only one transmission zero (notch) in the transmission coefficient arises. Conversely, two notches appear if symmetry is disrupted. A model that combines lumped elements and distributed components is proposed and used to obtain the position of the transmission zeros. The model is validated through parameter extraction and comparison to electromagnetic simulations and measurements, where up to three cascaded splitter/combiner sections are considered. Finally, the three-section symmetric structure is asymmetrically loaded to demonstrate the possibility of using the proposed device as a microwave sensor/detector able to identify defects or abnormalities between a sample under test (SUT) and a reference sample. With this technique, as many samples as splitter/combiner sections can be sensed simultaneously.
Scalable Modeling of Resistive Losses in On-Chip Interconnects at mm-Wave Frequencies
Lei Zheng, Oregon State Univ. (United States);
Andrew Ferrara, Oregon State Univ. (United States);
Andreas Weisshaar, Oregon State Univ. (United States);
Lei Zheng, Oregon State Univ., United States
This paper presents a systematic modeling methodology to capture the frequency-dependent resistive losses in on-chip interconnects due to the conductor skin and proximity effects. We have developed scalable closed-form expressions for the frequency-dependent resistance that are accurate over a wide range of dimensions applicable across different integrated circuit process nodes and over the broad frequency range from DC to 110 GHz. We demonstrate the modeling methodology for an example on-chip coplanar waveguide (CPW) interconnect structure and validate the models through measurements of a fabricated chip.
10:10 - 11:40
Doherty amplifiers are alive and well after 80 years
Douglas Teeter
Chair organization:
Wolfgang Heinrich
Co-chair organization:
This session celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Doherty power amplifier. A number of different techniques are discussed to improve performance of the Doherty architecture. Frequencies from 2 to 6 GHz are presented. Output powers ranging from 1 to over 100 W are covered.
Presentations in this session
Linear Doherty Power Amplifier with Adaptive Bias Circuit for Average Power-Tracking
Yunsung Cho, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Kyunghoon Moon, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Jooseung Kim, POSTECH (Korea, Republic of);
Byungjoon Park, POSTECH University (Korea, Republic of);
Bumman Kim, Postech (Korea, Republic of);
Yunsung Cho, POSTECH, Korea, Republic of
(10:10 - 10:30)
This paper presents a linear Doherty power amplifier (PA) with adaptive bias circuit for average power-tracking (APT) operation. The Doherty PA is linked with a multi-level DC-DC converter for APT in all amplifiers including the carrier-, peaking-, and drive-amplifiers. The Doherty PA delivers high efficiencies at all average output power levels. Also, the high linearity is maintained with various collector biases by the adaptive bias circuits. For demonstration purposes, the PA with adaptive bias circuits is implemented using an InGaP/GaAs HBT and Texas Instruments' LM3290 product is used for the multi-level DC-DC converter. The PA is tested at 1.9 GHz using a fully loaded LTE signal with 16-QAM, 7.5-dB PAPR, and 10-MHz bandwidth. The PA delivers a PAE of 45.7\%, an EVM of 2.65\%, and an ACLR of -35.3 dBc at an average output power of 27.5 dBm, and the efficiency of whole back off regions are significantly improved.
A 80W High Gain and Broadband Doherty Power Amplifier for 4/5G Wireless Communication Systems
Chaoyi Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Songbai He, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Zhijiang Dai, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Jingzhou Pang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Zhebin Hu, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Chaoyi Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(10:30 - 10:40)
This paper presents a 80W high gain and broadband Doherty power amplifier (DPA) with symmetrical devices. A novel architecture is used to eliminate the interaction of second harmonic impedances caused by load modulation and provide high efficiency at output back-off (OBO) and saturation. Under a 10% duty cycle pulse excitation from 3.35-3.50 GHz, experimental results show the DPA delivers 49.1-49.5 dBm output power with a drain efficiency (DE) of 50.2%-55.1% at 8 dB OBO and achieves a gain of 14.6-14.9 dB at an output power of 41 dBm. When extend the bandwidth to 3.3-3.6 GHz, the DPA can attain a measured DE higher than 40.9% at an OBO of 8 dB with a saturated power of 48.5-49.5 dBm. For a 2-carrier 40-MHz signal with a peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of 8 dB, the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) is -30 dBc at 41 dBm average output power at 3.45 GHz.
Current Scaled Doherty Amplifier for High Efficiency and High Linearity
William Hallberg, Chalmers Univ. of Technology (Sweden);
Mustafa Ozen, Chalmers Univ. of Technology (Sweden);
Christian Fager, Chalmers Univ. of Technology (Sweden);
William Hallberg, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden
(10:40 - 10:50)
In this paper, a novel Doherty power amplifier (PA) design method that enables high efficiency and high linearity simultaneously is developed. The output combiner network parameters are solved to satisfy boundary conditions required for high efficiency, and linear gain and phase responses. The proposed method is experimentally verified by a 2.14 GHz prototype PA, fabricated using two identical 15 W GaN HEMT devices. For a 8.6 dB peak to average power ratio 10 MHz LTE signal, the PA presents an average power added efficiency of 40%, and an adjacent power leakage ratio of –41 dBc without any linearization.
A Concurrent 2.15/3.4 GHz Dual-Band Doherty Power Amplifier with Extended Fractional Bandwidth
Mingming Liu, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Hamed Golestaneh, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Slim Boumaiza, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada);
Mingming Liu, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
(10:50 - 11:10)
A novel output combining network for concurrent dual-band Doherty power amplifier (DPA) is proposed. The proposed
output combiner employs a modified Π-network, which enables the absorption of main and peaking transistors’ output parasitics over an extended frequency range and eliminates the need for offset lines that compromises the achievable bandwidth. In addition to performing the impedance inversion, the proposed combiner incorporates the biasing feeds and presents small low-frequency impedances to both transistors in order to improve the DPA linearizability when driven with concurrent dual-band modulated signals. A 50-W dual-band DPA demonstrator was successfully designed to operate across two bands, 2.05–2.30GHz and 3.2–3.62GHz. It achieved more than 49% and 47% drain efficiency at 6-dB output back-off over the two bands, and was successfully linearized under single and dual-band modulated signal stimuli.
Novel Design of Highly-efficient Concurrent Dual-band GaN Doherty Power Amplifier Using Direct-Matching Impedance Transformers
Jingzhou Pang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Songbai He, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Zhijiang Dai, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Chaoyi Huang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Jun Peng, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Fei You, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Jingzhou Pang, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(11:10 - 11:20)
A novel methodology for designing concurrent dual-band Doherty power amplifier (DPA) is presented in this paper. The required impedance conditions of the carrier amplifier to achieve high-efficiency performance at back-off region are discussed from a new perspective. A novel combine network with direct-matching impedance transformer is then presented to support the load modulation conditions for concurrent dual-band operations. A 1.8-2.6 GHz dual-band Doherty amplifier employing commercial GaN devices is then designed and implemented to validate the proposed method. The fabricated power amplifier (PA) achieves 72% and 60% efficiency for saturation operation at 1.8 and 2.6 GHz, respectively. For the 6 dB back-off region, the measured efficiencies are 63% and 51% in the two designed bands.
Deign of Broadband Highly Efficienct Doherty Power Amplifiers By Using Series Of Continuous Modes
Weimin Shi, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Songbai He, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Qiang-an Liu, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China);
Weimin Shi, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
(11:20 - 11:30)
In this paper, the series of continuous working modes of power amplifier(PA) are introduced into Doherty PAs. The series of continuous modes contain the continuous working modes between Class-B/J and Class-F continuums. By judiciously optimizing the phase of carrier output matching network, the series of continuous working modes can be got by carrier PA at peaking output. A highly efficient broadband Doherty PA based on series of continuous modes is implemented with operation band over 1.65-2.4GHz. At 6dB power back-off and maximum output power, the drain efficiencies of this Doherty PA are 46%-57% and 60.12%-76.24%, respectively. The gain and output power characteristics of the DPA at saturation are 11.5-12.1dB and 43.55-45.1dBm, respectively.
A 112W GaN Dual Input Doherty-Outphasing Power Amplifier
Abdul Qureshi, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Mustafa Acar, Ampleon (The Netherlands);
Jawad Qureshi, Ampleon (The Netherlands);
Robin Wesson, Ampleon (The Netherlands);
Leo C. N. de Vreede, Delft Univ. of Technology (The Netherlands);
Abdul Qureshi, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
(11:30 - 11:40)
This paper presents a novel dual-input Doherty-Outphasing Power Amplifier (DOPA) architecture that combines the efficiency advantages of Doherty and Outphasing amplifiers in power back-off (PBO). The proposed architecture, utilizes Doherty operation from peak power to -6dB PBO and mixed-mode outphasing from -6 to -14 dB PBO. A 2.14 GHz 112W GaN DOPA has been designed to demonstrate the concept, it provides 66% peak efficiency and more than 50% efficiency over a 12 dB PBO range.
10:10 - 11:50
RF systems and instrumentation for healthcare applications
Dietmar Kissinger
Chair organization:
IHP Microelectronics
Anand Gopinath
Co-chair organization:
Univ. of Minnesota
This session presents novel RF systems and instrumentation solutions for healthcare applications. These include papers presenting microwave radiometric sensors for blood perfusion measurement, smart wireless bandage for chronic wound monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging, and microfluidic heaters.
Presentations in this session
Microwave System and Methods for Combined Heating and Radiometric Sensing for Blood Perfusion Measurement of Tissue
Mohammad-Reza Tofighi, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg (United States);
Jayendrasingh Pardeshi, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg (United States);
Brian Maicke, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg (United States);
Mohammad-Reza Tofighi, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, United States
(10:10 - 10:30)
Combined microwave heating and radiometry provides a promising means of the noninvasive measurement of blood perfusion. In this paper, a microwave system, along with a perfusion mimicking setup, for perfusion/flow measurement is described. This paper also presents for the first time i) considerations for achieving high sensitivity of temperature response versus flow, ii) radiometer measurement of temperature decay at the presence of flow, iii) proper choice of the perfusion phantom to mimic the tissue permittivity, and iv) insights on the proper choice of heating and radiometry frequencies from the near-field antenna beam and bioheat transfer considerations.
Low Cost Inkjet Printed Smart Bandage for Wireless Monitoring of Chronic Wounds
Muhammad Fahad Farooqui, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia);
Atif Shamim, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia);
Muhammad Fahad Farooqui, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
(10:30 - 10:50)
Chronic wounds affect millions of patients around the world and their treatment is challenging as the early signs indicating their development are subtle. In this article, we present an unprecedented low cost continuous wireless monitoring system, realized through inkjet printing on a standard bandage, which can send early warnings for the parameters like irregular bleeding, variations in pH levels and external pressure at wound site. The bandage can detect 10 μl of blood and 20 mmHg of external pressure and can communicate upto a distance of 60 m when worn on the body. In addition, this smart bandage concept can provide long term wound progression data to the health care providers. The smart bandage comprises a disposable part which has the inkjet printed sensors and a reusable part constituting the wireless electronics. This work is an important step towards futuristic wearable sensors for remote health care applications
Full Mutual Coupling Suppression in NMR Transmit Arrays in the Presence of High-permittivity Pads
Atefeh Kordzadeh, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Nicola DeZanche, Univ. of Alberta (Canada);
Atefeh Kordzadeh, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
(10:50 - 11:10)
To utilize the benefits of parallel transmission in MRI using a transmit coil array, mutual coupling between elements should be minimized. In addition to mutual reactance, mutual resistance also contributes to coupling especially at higher frequencies and in presence of high dielectric constant pads. This paper describes a three-channel transmit array where the elements are decoupled using capacitive bridges in presence of dielectric pads. Both mutual resistance and reactance are minimized and their effects on the transmit performance are investigated.
New MRI-safe Implant Electrode Design
Steven McCabe, University of Waikato (New Zealand);
Jonathan Scott, University of Waikato (New Zealand);
Jonathan Scott, University of Waikato, New Zealand
(11:10 - 11:30)
Medical implants often prevent patients having Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans because the leads behave as antennas with respect to the RF excitation and cause hazardous heating in neural tissue. This manuscript describes an approach that virtually eliminates the risk of RF heating by means of easily-incorporated, mutually-coupled filars. The resulting leads need be neither physically larger nor significantly more costly than existing designs. Combined with thin insulation and surface roughening techniques, this manuscript represents the first complete release of recently-patented technologies. Both simulations and measurements at 128MHz are presented to confirm performance in 3-Tesla MRI machines.
Characterization of a Novel Microwave Heater for Continuous Flow Microfluidics Fabricated on High-Resistivity Silicon
Tomislav Markovic, KU Leuven, div. ESAT-TELEMIC (Belgium);
Ilja Ocket, IMEC (Belgium);
Ben Jones, IMEC (Belgium);
Bart Nauwelaers, KU Leuven, div. ESAT-TELEMIC (Belgium);
Tomislav Markovic, KU Leuven, div. ESAT-TELEMIC, Belgium
(11:30 - 11:50)
This paper presents a novel coplanar waveguide transmission line microwave heater, realized on a high-resistivity silicon wafer with etched microfluidic channels that is bonded to a glass wafer. The heater is a 50 Ohm line with variable attenuation constant along the length of the line. This design results in a uniform energy dissipation in water filled channels, and obviates the need for additional matching structures. The heater was measured around the 25.5GHz design frequency and the obtained S21 data agree to within 0.04 dB with COMSOL Multiphysics simulations for liquid temperatures from 20 to 50 ºC.
Acoustic Multiplexers for Carrier Aggregation
Clemens Ruppel
Chair organization:
Chengjie Zuo
Co-chair organization:
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
The increasing demand for more bands in mobile phones has increased the number of microwave acoustic filters in smartphones up to 60 today and will drive it towards over 100 in the near future. Among other measures and techniques, carrier aggregation (CA) has been introduced to optimize the use of the available frequency spectra. The LTE-Advanced CA is being deployed by operators at increasing speed.
So far only acoustic filters exhibit the required Q factor of more than 1000. Therefore, acoustic technology has become a key element to enable carrier aggregation within very small form factors as in smart phones.
Presentations in this session
Carrier Aggregation and its Challenges – or: The Golden Age for Acoustic Filters
Gernot Fattinger, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Alexandre Volatier, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Mudar Al-Joumayly, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Yazid Yusuf, Univ. of Central Florida (United States);
Robert Aigner, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Nadim Khlat, QORVO, Inc. (France);
Marcus Granger-Jones, QORVO, Inc. (United States);
Gernot Fattinger, QORVO, Inc., United States
(10:10 - 10:30)
With the advent of LTE-Carrier Aggregation (CA) as a means of increasing data rates in mobile devices, multiple bands will have to be supported simultaneously over the same antenna. As a consequence, using switched filter banks is not an option anymore, and the only viable solution is to connect multiple Tx, Rx, and/or TDD filters to the same antenna pin. In this multiplexing configuration, several additional challenges need to be addresse